Monday, January 5, 2009

Worst movie of the year explanation

In our most recent episode of "Viewpoints On..." (coughlookbelowcoughcough) we ran down our best and worst things of 2008.

To refresh some memories, or for you lazy folk, Stephanie and I stated that "Indiana Jones" and "The X-Files 2" were the worst movies of the year. We both had many, many reasons for those claims and I am sure many moviegoers would agree with us.

But, what about "The Hottie and the Nottie?" Or "Disaster Film?" Those movies HAD to have been worse than both of those picks. I will give you that. And I am sure there were dozens more that stunk up the box office in 2008. There is only one problem... we didn't see those movies.

I can't speak for Stephanie, but I can most times see a bad movie coming from a mile away. Did anyone really think that "Over Her Dead Body" was going to be an instant classic? Or that "The Love Guru" was going to make $400 million dollars?

I know I didn't.

So when I say this is the worst movie of whatever year, what I am really saying is "This is the worst movie I SAW this year."

And no I didn't see "Saw" this year...

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