Thursday, February 22, 2007

Feeling "Lost" when it comes to answering questions

So after years of waiting “Lost” promised to answer some of the biggest questions on the show...

And, despite ABC’s promises, they failed miserably.

The network ran promos promising to answer one of the biggest questions people have been wondering “What is the story with Jack’s tattoos?”


Forget polar bears in a jungle, a guy who can tell the future and a giant smoke monster, we really want to know about some Jack’s tats?

Oh, it gets better.

So it turns out the true meaning of the tattoos are that Jack is a leader.

Yes, the man who has been leading everyone since day one and been in charge is finally revealed as a leader!

Stop the presses!

That is like me going around telling everyone that I have a secret about cookies for 2 and a half years and then revealing that the secret is “Cookies are delicious!”

It is so anti-climatic that I am left stunned as to why this was considered a big deal. I guess promoting the show takes precedent over making sense.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Heroes (OR Why I Am Amazing)

I’m usually not the kind to gloat, but after the untimely demise of Simone this episode, I must say...

I am the infallible genius of Heroes. I’ve been calling the death of Simone for a few weeks now and, much to the dismay of my girlfriend when the love interest of Peter and Isaac took two to the gut, I declared myself ultimate overlord of the future.

When she started talking to me again, I explained that this is what will make the show one thousand better. We needed a good death to bring the show down to the nitty-gritty of comic book storylines. After last episode (the “Claire’s dad” scandal and the absence of Peter), it was necessary to kill off someone that was lending to love-triangle drama. Therefore, Simone had to leave... in a bad, bloody way.

So, hoorah! She’s dead. At least I hope so. There’s always the possibility that she saves herself at the last minute like Peter and Hiro now have. (Prediction 1) Not only did I win five bucks off of Tim Guy, but I’m still the man at predicting this show. I have several bold predictions, but I’ll leave those for the end...

Peter’s back and he's better than ever. If you missed it, allow me to clue you in on the coolest thing to happen in at least five episodes:

Claude has been training Peter to control his powers, and it’s finally paying off. After throwing him off a roof two episodes ago, Peter is slowly throwing out some new powers that he’s picked up, most unusually Sylar’s ability to break stuff and toss people around.

But the crazy part is that, as Peter’s powers grow, he is becoming more and more dark. This led to a crazy-cool revelation by online bloggers concerning Peter's intense 30-story fall two episodes ago, where he lands on a cab car with a picture of a samurai on the ad display and is impaled on a piece of metal.

It’s pretty clear that images like this on Heroes always allude to some future event. In this case, I’m saying that Hiro will eventually become the “samurai”, and Peter will become a sort super-villain. Here’s why:

1. Future-Hiro said that Peter had a scar on his face in the future, and never said that they were on the same side. It’s possible that Hiro gives Peter this scar in the future.
2. The piece of metal that Peter is impaled on looks a lot like the sword Hiro is searching for. If the first prediction is right, then Peter may eventually be taken out by Hiro. (Much to my dismay; if Peter turns evil, I’m rooting for the destruction of the world.)(Predictions 2 and 3)
And one more: Ando will be saying farewell for good very soon. Some members of the show have alluded to a major character death on March 5. How will Hiro learn to be a part of the future team? Well, Ando will have to die as a result of Hiro’s shot at independence. (Prediction 4)

All in all, this episode not only delivered after the crappy one last week, but it’s set us up for all kinds of cool storylines in future episodes.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


For those of you who don’t know the wonderful world of Heroes, here’s a quick idea: First, imagine The X-Files meets X-Men. Then, throw in a slew of twists and amazing production and you’ve got one of the biggest hit shows on television.
The overall plot is quite simple. People all over the world are starting to realize they have superhuman abilities. One of which is Peter Petrelli, a professional nurse and New York native who feels a like a bit of an outcast as his brother, Nathan, is weeks away from possibly becoming a U.S. Senator.
Episode 15, “Run!”, was kind of a let-down. Don’t get me wrong; there was an awesome shoot-out between two superheroes: Matt Parker, an L.A.-cop-turned-bodyguard who can read minds and Jessica Sanders, the super-strong split personality of Nikki Sanders, an ex-stripper trying to raise her son.
This whole ordeal was the main focus of the episode. Matt tried to save a crooked lawyer from Jessica, who was hired by the mysterious Mr. Linderman to off the same guy. While the plot sounds very strained, this hit me like a great action movie.
Some other sub-plots were equally exciting: the murderous lunatic Sylar accidentally found Mohinder Suresh, the man who has devoted himself to discovering the source of the alleged “evolutionary” anomaly that created the heroes. It was two ends of the hero/villain spectrum meeting up for the first time, and Suresh had no clue who he was speaking too!
But, as I said, there were some big disappointments.
First of all, I’m really worried about the soap opera-like story developing for Claire (the indestructible cheerleader... it’s really fun to describe it that way). So... her mom is some random woman who starts fires... but her dad... is Nathan?! As in, Peter’s brother? Do we have to have a political scandal involved in this? This is not Days of Our Lives! It’s really hard to try to get my friends to watch if I have to say the following:
“Dude, it’s awesome... so Peter is this loner who is learning to use his really powerful gifts from a bitter asshole that’s invisible... and his brother just found out that he had a daughter out of wedlock fourteen years ago, and it could really hurt his chances come Election Day.”
Yeah, doesn’t really come off as exciting, does it?
Speaking of Peter... where the hell was he?! I realize that he’s disappeared, literally, thanks to Claude the invisible man, played by Christopher Eccleston, but we need Peter’s story... I need Peter’s story.
Peter is definitely my favorite character simply because, in a bit of witty irony, Peter discovers that he can mimic other super powers, such as his brother’s ability to fly, and bohemian painter (and heroin addict) Isaac Mendez’s (played surprisingly well by Santiago Cabrera) ability to paint the future. It’s probably the most powerful ability anyone could ever want, and also extremely volatile.
And that’s where Claude comes in to teach Peter to control his power to the point where he can use ANY power just by remembering the people he meets. Oh, and by the way, if Peter doesn’t learn, he goes nuclear and destroys New York... which would suck.
But Peter wasn’t even in this episode! Last we saw, in Episode 14, he fell thirty stories and was impaled on a piece of metal. Then he got up, ripped himself free, and healed himself, renewing my love for the show.
And now he’s gone, and I’m sad.
Episode 16, “Unexpected” is expected to give us the long-awaited death of one of the main heroes. I’m calling it right now... it’s Simone. So let’s all hope that next time, they remember that Hiro may be powerful, but Peter has the best story. And if I don’t see Peter and Claude next episode, I will officially challenge Tim Kring to a cage match.

Friday, February 9, 2007

A review of 'The Queen' review

I have a confession to make.

I really didn’t want to see “The Queen” and write a review of it for our Oscar special. I did everything I could to try to avoid doing it. I even tried to subtly manipulate others into doing it.
It’s not that I have anything against the movie or the people involved, the movie was great and I did enjoy it. It’s just that I equate the death of Princess Diana with something horrible that happened in my life and reminders of that subject bring up bad memories.

Crazy, eh?

In the days leading up to Diana’s car accident my mother was in the hospital after having a heart attack. The doctors told us that she had congestive heart failure. At the time it didn’t look good and I was very depressed. The day of Diana’s accident, my friends decided to take me out for the night as a well needed distraction. I felt horrible and a little guilty for having fun while my mother was in a hospital bed, but I was going stir crazy sitting at home.
I remember it was late when I got home. My sister’s room was right next to the front door and as I walked in I heard the scariest words I have ever heard to this day.

“She died,” my sister said.

I had completely forgotten about Diana that night and thought she was talking about my mother. I really can’t explain with the proper words how I felt that exact second those words were uttered. When I used to hear people talking about having a broken heart I would roll my eyes, but that is the best way to explain how I felt that moment. It really felt like my heart broke and I couldn’t move at all. I wouldn’t say I was stunned, but I just didn’t know what to do.
I don’t remember how I figured out it was Diana and not my mother. I do remember not watching any news coverage about the death, funeral etc. So seeing “The Queen” was like seeing the news coverage for the first time.

I did enjoy the film, but I am also reminded how I felt for those few seconds almost 10 years ago.