Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Movies I can't live without

Today I was watching "The Princess Bride" for the millionth time and thought "this movie never gets old." That got me thinking about other movies that I could watch a million times and love every time. This is my list of the top five films that I just can't live without.

  1. "The Princess Bride"-Cary Elwes will forever be Wesley to me. This is one of those movies that can make me happy no matter how crappy I feel.
  2. "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back"-This is really Han Solo's film. This is where he proves himself to be the hero we all knew he was.
  3. "Hot Fuzz"-I swear it's funny every time. Even though I know all the jokes, it gets me every time and I'm always discovering little moments I previously missed.
  4. "Casablanca"-A classic love story, political intrigue and Humphrey Bogart. What more do you need?
  5. "Titanic"-I know it's really girlie of me but I still hope Leonardo DiCaprio will somehow live every time I watch.

So, those are the films I absolutely can't live without. It may be a little nerdy and crazy but I think it's a really fun list.

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