Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A correction to a previous topic

A few weeks back when "ER" was ending, we talked about other great television series finales.

Well, Stephanie and I screwed up.

Big time.

It came to both of us when we were watching "Star Trek," we forgot a great finale.

The "Alias" finale.

Yes, the JJ Abrams spy show had an excellent finale that wrapped up all the storylines and gave each character a chance to shine (something more shows should do.)

But, what happened to the villain of the show, Arvin Sloane, was the best part of the show. A little background... Sydney had shot him numerous times, but he fell into a pool of strange liquid, which healed him and made him immortal.

But, Sydney's dad knew how to fix that...

What the clip doesn't show is Sloane, alive under tons of rubble. Buried alive so to speak... forever.

A fitting end to a man that caused so much pain during the five years the show was on.

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