Friday, August 3, 2007

The Soundtrack With A Little Dead Humor

A great movie soundtrack not only stics with you after you watch the movie, it reinforces how great the movie was. "Shaun of the Dead" has this and more; listening to the soundtrack reminds you of every hillarious scene. The movie itself, being a lampoon of cheesy zombie movies, has the same style when it comes to the soundtrack.
The first two tracks lace together to give you a nice idea of where this movie takes you. After some opening dialouge taken from the movie, "The Blue Wrath" by I Monster kicks in, with synthesizers and trumpets creating a completely, rediculously undramatic zombie atmosphere. Those who have seen the movie will immediately remember the opening scene where zombies do a choreographed dance (or... well, march) to the song.
Cheesy music aside, there's also some great songs by The Smiths and Queen, most notably "Don't Stop Me Now" by the latter band. It's a nice upbeat song that brings back the image of the cast members beating a local bar owner/zombie with pool sticks before Shaun (Simon Pegg) gets a dart in the side of his head.
Another memorable track is "White Lines (Don't Do It)", made famous in the preview for the movie where Shaun and Ed (Pegg, Nick Frost) sing unwittingly with a zombie (thought to be a drunkard by the two men) in the streets.
The "Shaun of the Dead" soundtrack is laced with wildly absurd-yet-catchy songs and hillarious dialouge.

1 comment:

Reel Fanatic said...

This one had completely passed me by, but I love the flick and Hot Fuzz too, so I'll have to check it out .. thanks for the heads up!