After watching the debacle that was "24" this week I came to a sad conclusion.
Something bad has almost always happened to the President of the United States on that show.
Seriously. Like either they are evil or something happens to them personally. I realize that trying to apply real life logic to a show like "24" is crazy, but I like a little bit of realism.
Let's look at the history of presidents on "24:"
David Palmer (still my personal favorite) - A couple of assassination attempts, blackmailed into not running for another term and then killed.
John Keeler - Had a hand in blackmailing Palmer, then was in a plane crash on Air Force One and in a coma. Out of action.
Charles Logan - Wow, where to start... helped come up with the assassination of Palmer and Michelle Dessler. And plenty of other stuff too. Evil to the core.
Hal Gardner - The one clean guy, maybe only because his presidency was never shown on air.
Wayne Palmer - Shown as weak and then brain injury put him in a coma and out of comission.
Noah Daniels - Conspired to authorize detention centers in America was Islamic Americans. Tried to hide a staff member's involvement in an assassination attempt. Almost started World War III. Tried to "steal" the presidency. He was sleeping with a spy. And pardoned President Logan.
Allison Taylor - Got manipulated by Logan in covering up the Russian's involvement in the assassination of Hassan. And ordered the torture of Dana Walsh. And worst of all? Wouldn't listen to Jack Bauer.
Worst job to have in the "24" universe.
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