I believe it's safe to say that all American Merlin fans are very excited for tomorrow night. One of the best, and most popular British series is returning to the United States with it's anticipated 2nd season that aired in the United Kingdom months ago. After the first season aired on NBC in the US in 2008, because of the low numbers and poor airing partners, NBC decided not to sign a new contract for the second season the 2009. However, SyFy Channel has graciously stepped up to the plate, planning to air the entire season with Stargate Universe starting Friday night at 10pm.
I was one of the few lucky and outraged Merlin fans that caused an uproar on the internet after the premature decisions of NBC. And if it wasn't for one fantastic friend that I made over the internet that actually lives in London, I would have been waiting in vien for an American studio to pick up one of my favorite shows. This friend, that I will keep secret for her sake, was kind enough to download the episodes of the second season as they aired in England beginning last summer.
So today, I feel like a real and professional critic, having previewed the season before everyone else. So let me warn every fan of this show right now: if you liked the first season, then Season 2 will pleasantly blow your minds!
Season 1 of Merlin did an excellent job of setting up a new mythology for characters that we have known for centuries. Having been a King Arthur fanatic foor most of my life, this show still remains one of my current favorites, along side Bones and now, The Vampire Diaries.
So let me begin: Season 2 begins much the same as Season 1 left off. One of the greatest things about this show is the relationship between Arthur and Merlin, and the chemistry between Bradley James, Prince Arthur, and Colin Morgan, Merlin. I would even go as far to say that their chemistry competes with that of David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel on Bones. Merlin not only once again saves Camelot, but saves Arthur more than once. And finally, throughout this season, Merlin begins to get frustrated with all the secrets he is required to keep. This storyline gives us some great new insight to all the duties that Merlin holds and how he is effected by those secrets.
Another relationship that was touched on briefly at the end of Season 1 and picks up speed throughout Season 2 is between Arthur and Guinevere. Now, I won't spoil anything until after the episodes air, because I want people to be giddy and surprised just like me...but, I will say, it couldn't have been done better. Bradley and Angel (Gwen) play so well opposite each other. Their tragic romance that begins early in the season is, I think, the most believeable Arthur and Guinevere romance I have yet to see in film or TV. And considering she is a servant, gives an entirely new emotional level to this story arch that begins with the season, and will surely move into season 3.
The drama in this series increases in it's sophomore season, but not without a great deal of humor. The greatest acculumation of that humor is with the two episode arch in the middle of the season "The Beauty and the Beast", when Uther is stuck under a love spell with an orge. Just the sheer thought of where this could lead to is hilarious.
However, the greatest drama and one of the best storylines we will see in these next 13 episodes, is the growing tension between Prince Arthur and King Uther, that peaks in episode 8 "Sins of the Father". Arthur is determined to find the truth about what happened to his mother. What he finds could lead to end of this father.
There are so many great stories and progressions of characters that happen in Merlin's 2nd season, that they are too many to discuss in one post. Stay tuned for my reviews every week, as more and more layers are added to one of the most legendary and beloved story's of all time.
Episodes to look out for:
Episode 2: "The Once and Future Queen"
Episode 4: "Lancelot and Guinevere" <----one of the best scenes of the season between Arthur and Merlin is in this episode. Remember the River Scene, and you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Really shows how close of a friendship these two have.
Episode 4: "Lancelot and Guinevere" <----one of the best scenes of the season between Arthur and Merlin is in this episode. Remember the River Scene, and you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Really shows how close of a friendship these two have.
Episode 8: "Sins of the Father"
Episode 13: "The Last Dragonlord" <----Merlin has an unexpected guest after making a terrible mistake that could destroy Camelot and Arthur forever. GREAT finale episode.
1 comment:
I must have been living under a rock or something because I just recently discovered Merlin and I’m glad SyFy decided to keep Merlin an ongoing series. After seeing the series so far, I have decided that the actors chosen to play the characters have been truly amazing. Now that I have Sling technology with DISH Network, I never miss any of the shows. I live a very busy life and I use my iPhone to watch shows while on my lunch break at work. Being that I am a customer and employee of DISH, I can’t recommend the TV Everywhere feature enough to anyone with a busy lifestyle. You can’t do this with Comcast or Xfinity.
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