Wow. Whoa. Damn. And um...Holy Crap.
That basically wraps up everything I have to say about tonight's episode! Oh, and...welcome to the fandom David Anders!!
David Anders is certainly no stranger to fandom, most recently being part of the "Heroes" phenomenon. However, he has now officially entered the world of vampires, and nothing else can quite compare. Anders is an amazingly talented actor, and when he walked into the story as John Gilbert, Elena and Jeremy's Uncle, it created a mind blowing turning point in the story.
But...let's begin where "Let the Right One In" left us off with it's OMG moment: Stefan drinking from a human blood bag like it was a Capri-Sun. The episode starts off in the same place, Stefan is struggling against a dangerous addiction, and hasn't been to school in a few days, trying to work the human blood out of his system. But there is rehab, and then there is living with Damon, who is clearly enjoying Stefan's struggle and basically wears an "I told you so" face the whole episode. Although we know from last episode that Damon cares what happens to Stefan, it's clear he doesn't care that Stefan is getting hooked to human blood. Obviously, why would he? Damon has been on human blood for 150 years and sees no qualms in it. But he has always had better control over his powers and temptations as a vampire than Stefan. I believe his nonchalant care of this matter may bite him where it hurts in the next episode.
Then there is Matt and Jeremy, and how they are dealing with the discovery of Vicki's body and her death. Both have found a deeper bond and common ground with Tyler, at least for a while. As the town gets ready for the Founder's Day Gala, is seems that the only way the town can cope, whether from a blood addiction, isolation, death daughter, dead girlfriend, dead sister, or girl issues...is with the comfort of alcohol. Is it just me, or was the whole town getting drunk? It made me want to pour myself a few.
When the town's favorite son returns, Uncle John, it's like he never left, and immediately takes control of the Town Council...a small circle of the town's most powerful people that know about the vampires and Damon has had wrapped around his little finger for most of the season. He has done all he can to make sure the Council does not find out about him or his brother. Has even gone as far as not killing any longer to make that happen...but now, the Salvatores are in danger.
Uncle John arrives, and we are thrown for a loop about how much he truly does know about the vampires and the history of the town. In this episode, the audience finds a companionship with Damon that we have never had before. Together, we are clueless. And that makes us both angry.
When Uncle John confronts Damon at the Gala, what we were given, was unexpected. Straight off, Uncle John is down to business, not willing to play games. I know you're a vampire, and I know you're controlling the Council. That ends now. Now you have to worry about whether I'm going to tell them about you or not?....So what is Damon's reaction to this...what we always expect from him. "Yeah well, you know I could rip your throat out before anyone could notice." "Yeah." "Right, okay." Although he tries to walk away, he just can't resist. So he breaks Uncle John's neck and throws him off the second story. Hmm.
But is that the end of Uncle John...now that would be so unlike the writers. Oh no, he re-enters the Gala, much to Damon's shock and dismay. As a very drunk Stefan continues to struggle with his blood temptations by constantly consuming alcohol, dancing (YES, dancing) and almost attacking Matt's mother, Damon takes sides with his new ally, Alaric. As Uncle John leaves the Gala, Alaric and Damon follow, intent on some answers, and Uncle John as all to eager to answer them.
Not only does he know Isobel, but he got his precious ring from her, just like Alaric did that protects them from dying. How, we still don't know, but at this point, who really cares? And who was it that sent Isobel to Damon to be turned into a vampire? "Guilty." Uncle John. Who knows about the tomb and all the vampires? Uncle John. Who knows more about the town than Damon and Stefan? Uncle John. Who knows about Katherine Pierce? Uncle John. And who plans on destroying the Salvatores? Oh yeah, Uncle John....hmm....did I miss anything?
Oh....yeah, Jeremy is insistent that Vicki didn't die of a drug overdose, even though Elena is doing everything she can to convince him otherwise. And he knows it. So what does he do, goes to the only place he thinks he can find the truth. He reads Elena's diary. (Yes! Bad little brother!) For him, the pieces begin coming together...maybe a little too soon for him to truly understand it all. The more he finds, the more danger he is in.
And as Damon drinks his worries away at how they are going to stop Uncle John from revealing their secrets, Stefan trudges in after he wanted to attack a jerk in the parking lot of the Gala. Yeah, he's not doing so good, and Damon is beginning to see that. But being Damon, he leaves a glass of blood out for his dear little brother....who drinks it willingly. No, Stefan doesn't have this under control.
PREDICTIONS: ...honestly....who the hell knows??? The writers have done such a great job of turning this story upside down and inside out that anything could happen.
But I do know this. Uncle John makes Damon look like a little fairy. And there's nobody that can do that better than David Anders. Damon is pissed that he's playing catch up and someone just may be a better mastermind than him...and he has no idea what to do about it. He already tried killing the man, what else can he do? That's Stefan's job. Buy hey, Stefan has better things to do...like struggle through this new addiction of his.
So what is going to happen next week in Mystic Falls....hell, it's a crap shoot.
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