There have been many intense episodes in this series before...but nothing like this. I literally couldn't sit still. I was close to pacing during the commercials. While Stefan was losing it, I was losing it!
I guess there is no better place to start than at the beginning. Let's get this straight. Damon is no idiot, and Stefan is a bad liar. When Stefan drove he lovely classic car to school (a car that I want!), we knew something was up. It's not like Stefan to show off. That's Damon's job. So when he opened the truck, revealing bags of human blood...that should have been no surprise either. But the fact that he tries to play it off that he's fine when he's clearly not...well, like I said, Damon is not an idiot.
Damon follows Stefan to his secret blood stash, that is in a fridge in the basement, and catches him in the act. "Well, well. He's a liar and a thief." Damon has a right to be pissed. Stefan can lie, that's fine, even if he is bad at it...but stealing blood from a hospital and making it obvious to Uncle John who already knows the Salvatores are vampires...yeah, not cool! It's clear that Stefan is not in his right mind. That instead of getting control of his blood lust, it is controlling him. It's important to understand that Stefan is sick. It's an addiction that is controlling all his decisions and responses. Stefan has spent almost his entire existence as a vampire not consuming human blood. Yes, Damon drinks human blood, but he has also had PLENTY of time to train himself and control his urges. "...he's spent all this time fighting it, when he should have been learning how to control it. Now it's controlling him." Damon doesn't let human blood change who he is. At this point, Stefan can't help it.
Because of the Sheriff's suggestion, Damon has been stuck with Uncle John to deal with this new blood stealer. However, that is not Uncle John's plan at all, since he already knows who is doing it. Inviting himself into the boardinghouse, it seems this is all part of Uncle John's plan of trying to intimidate Damon and find an invention of John Gilbert, that was stolen by Pearl before she was trapped in the tomb. Damon of course, is not buying into it. "I'll severe your hand, pull your ring off and I'll kill you too. Do you understand that?" Damon isn't scared of Uncle John one bit, and he makes sure John knows it. Me vampire, you human. Get it? I don't know about you, but John looked a little scared to me. Current score: Uncle John 1, Damon 1.
Amidst all the drama-rama with Stefan, Mystic Falls is about to host their Miss Mystic Falls pageant, of which Elena, Caroline and other girls from the high school are contestants. Also, Bonnie returns after grieving over the death of Grams, and she's not happy at all. Obviously, she blames Stefan and Damon for the death of Grams, and is not afraid to let them know it. Many fans were angry that Grams died, but I think it was necessary. Bonnie has returned a more mature teenager, and witch. She has taken the legacy of the Bennett witches in her hands and accepted the calling. And considering what happens at the end of this episode, she has learned to control her powers. GO BONNIE!
Let me just say, that in the last few episodes, Damon has surprised the hell out of me. He has gone through so much transformation over the season, and his choices continue to shock me. If anyone ever doubted that Damon has redeeming qualities, you can't doubt it now. Especially through the last few episodes, it's clear that Damon is not evil, or even the bad brother. He has saved Elena, Stefan and many others many times through the season. Yes, he has killed as well, and done many things just to further his plan of helping Katherine escape the tomb, which she didn't end up being in. He is not evil, but a victim of Katherine's obsessions. The more decisions that he makes that protect Stefan and Elena, that becomes clearer. Everything that he did in this episode, he did to protect Stefan. To a certain extent, Damon and Stefan still hate each other. But they are also brothers. They are all they have, and they know it. That is why they have done all they have done for each other.
Before the Miss Mystic Falls Ball begins, Damon makes sure that Elena knows Stefan is still drinking blood. This is where, I believe, we get the first hints that Damon somewhat blames himself for Stefan's addiction. He's been taunting Stefan all season that he is not a real vampire. And now that he finally partaken in that vampire craving, he can't let it go, and can't control it like Damon. Stefan walks in, interrupting their conversation and Damon leaves them to fight it out, which they do. Stefan continues to insist that it is no big deal, but Elena isn't buying it.
Stefan storms out, furious, dragging one of the other contestants with him while Damon is left to escort Elena in the traditional dance (of which I let myself squee a few times!) This is where all hell breaks loose!
Stefan drags the now compulsed-girl out to the parking lot and continues to stage a HUGE insanity break, full of pacing, babbling, growling and screaming. I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched it. Honestly, I have been wanting Stefan to lose it, and deep down, I knew that something like this was going to happen...but this is so far beyond what I expected.
Through rantings of "I didn't want her to find out", "I'm the good brother" and "I'm not sad. I'm freaking hungry" to "I want to rip into your skin", "If I do this there is no going back" and "I need you to be afraid of me. I need you to run like hell", I was going crazy in my seat. What else could be more shocking or heartbreaking than watching Stefan, the brother that has always made the right choice and has always been in control, convince himself to attack this girl. But even after a taste, his craving wasn't satisfied. He wanted her to run and be terrified. So she did, and he finally let the monster out, and chased her.
This is how Damon, Elena and Bonnie found them. Damon, pushing Elena behind him, tries to calm Stefan down. However, Stefan throws him across the clearing and continues to step after him to finish the job. If it wasn't for Bonnie's Jedi mind trick (which I was STOKED about), Stefan would have killed him. There was no doubt. There was murder on his face. Whatever Bonnie did, it set Stefan straight and he woke from his "blood lust". That's when I started crying. The shock and grief on Stefan's face when he realized what he had done, and as he looks back and forth between Damon and Elena, and as Damon tells him, "It's okay...Stefan..." It was something about the way Damon said his name why I started crying.
It truly was heartbreaking. But even more so, the conversation between Stefan and Elena afterward, made that grief even worse. Elena was insistent that everything was okay, but it's clear, that it's not. Stefan goes off on her, telling her that this is who he is. "The blood brings out what's inside of me. And if you don't think that, you're an idiot." But the guilt that Elena feels for making him taste human blood for the first time in over a century, she knows that all of this is her fault. And when Stefan hugs her, beginning to sob, Elena pulls out a vervain dart, and stabs him.
Damon and Elena put him the a cell in the dungeon, the very same one that Stefan trapped Damon in at the beginning of the season, and they begin their intervention. Cold turkey is the only way Stefan is going to get away from this addiction.
How exactly is Stefan going to react to this...I guess we will find out next week.
PREDICTIONS: Honestly, there are way too many right now, I'll have to write them in a whole other blog...expect it this weekend.
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