This is an episode I have been waiting for all season. As a fan of the books, I was always interested when Stefan went into the story of his and Damon's past, and the story between them and Katherine and how exactly they turned into vampires. This being the third episode that will involve flashbacks, I think we will hopefully and finally see exactly how they died. To become a vampire you must exchange blood, die, drink human blood, and then that's it. You're officially a member of the Undead Club. Now seeing as Damon and Stefan are vampires, we know that they had Katherine's blood in their system when they died. But how exactly did they die? I'm hoping the show stays true to the books in that respect. I want to see Damon and Stefan kill each other. I want to see an epic sword fight between two brothers. Demented as that may seem, that is the scene I am expecting in this episode. What else can we expect from "Blood Brothers"?
We know that Damon is telling Elena the rest of the story about Stefan, and how he changed the first time he tasted human blood. But I am also wondering if we will see any of this invention of Johnathan Gilbert's that Pearl gave Damon last week in these flashbacks....Oh, and it just happens to be something Uncle John is looking for. Why? Honestly, I have no idea.
Moving on to "Isobel"...

The synopsis reveals that Isobel, Elena's birth mother, Alaric's dead wife, now vampire thanks to Damon, returns to Mystic Falls to find Johnathan Gilbert's invention, that Damon now has possession of. She demands a meeting with Elena and makes it clear that she will stop at nothing to get that invention. I really want to know what that damn thing is, and I can't even begin to guess! But whatever she wants it for, Isobel goes to Damon to get it, and obviously, as seen in the picture above, he doesn't like her fishing for information. And why exactly does Isobel want to see Elena?

She probably just wants information that Elena has on this invention. And when Elena obviously has questions, Isobel leaves more of them unanswered than not. And why do Damon, Stefan and Bonnie have to team up to help Elena with this problem?? Maybe because Isobel is bringing a whole new gang of vampires to town? Some of us were informed from a member of the TVD Twitter Family who was there during the filming of "Isobel", that at the moment of the picture above, there are more vampires behind Elena that we can't see, that came with Isobel.
I once again, can't even imagine what the hell this damn invention is. But the fact that it is dire enough of a situation for Bonnie to team up with Damon and Stefan, the two vampires that she blames for Gram's death, is extreme. Bonnie said to Elena in last week's episode, that she would not make Elena choose between their friendship and her love for Stefan. But that doesn't mean that Bonnie will ever forgive the Salvatore brothers. Now, two episodes later, she is teamed up with them to work her magic? It can only mean things are getting serious...
Now...on to the big show...the season finale "Founder's Day".

Mystic Falls celebrates the 150th anniversary of the founding of the town with a parade in authentic Civil War dress. The CW only just released the stills for "Founder's Day" two days ago, and we spent hours and hours talking about the clues. The first thing I got excited about was the picture above. Already surprised that Bonnie would team up with Damon and Stefan so quickly after returning to Mystic Falls, now it seems at the parade, she has some type of confrontation with Damon.

What would Jeremy's turn mean for the Gilberts? Elena would be devastated for sure, and that would definitely only create a higher and thicker wall between her and Stefan. And what about Jenna? If indeed this does happen, there is no way they can keep the truth from Jenna any longer. Not with Uncle John back in town and her growing relationship with Alaric. It's like the whole town knows but her. That would be a little unrealistic.
Now for one of the ultimate question on all our minds? Will there be a love triangle?

But can that really be a basis for a love triangle? I don't think so. Honestly, I don't think Elena could ever keep up with Damon. He needs someone with a little more spunk. Elena does not have spunk.
And finally, the BIGBIGBIG question...what is going to be the cliffhanger?
I have been calling it since we found out that Katherine wasn't in the tomb. And I am as sure as I was then that the very last scene of the finale will be Katherine strolling into Mystic Falls. I am not sure anything else can shock us enough to make us all go crazy this summer.
Who wants to bet me that I'm right??
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