It's no secret that Nicolas Cage is one of those actors who always seems a little cooler than everyone else. However, at WonderCon he entered a new level of cool with two highly anticipated movies coming out.
First up is "Kick Ass" which is based on the comic book of the same name and also stars Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Clark Duke.
Cage plays Big Daddy, a real crime-fighter who works with his butt kicking daughter Hit Girl. The buzz on this film started at last year's Comic-Con, but really ramped up during WonderCon where all the stars appeared.
The movie's panel was standing room only and its booth on the exhibit hall floor had a constant stream of visitors.
Cage, a self professed nerd seemed to love the spirited response he got from the fans. He was also promoting the upcoming Jerry Bruckheimer produced, Disney film "The Sorcerer's Apprentice."
The movie is based on the sequence from "Fantasia" and stars Cage as Balthazar, a wizard with a rock star personality. Jay Baruchel co-stars as his apprentice Dave who must help him fight an evil wizard and save the world.
Balthazar is in the same vein as Jack Sparrow and has a certain level of madness that is tailor made for Cage. He freely admitted that all his characters are tinged with madness.
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is directed by Jon Turteltaub who has previously worked with Bruckheimer and Cage on the "National Treasure" films. By the way they're working on a script for part three, which makes me very happy since I love those movies.
I wasn't overly excited about either of these movies but after being struck by the overwhelming power of Nicolas Cage's coolness, I can honestly say I'm a lot more interested than I was before.
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