After a summer full of some spoilers, hints, in depth discussions and interviews, there is plenty to talk about when it comes to predictions for the sophomore season of "The Vampire Diaries".
1. Katherine
Katherine, who was stabbing Uncle John in the kitchen as Elena waltzes into the house at the end of last season cliffhanger, is obviously going to be one of the main focuses of this season, including more of her history in 1864 and prior. However, there are a few questions that I have to ask, which will decide the direction of the season.
The first one, is how are Stefan and Damon going to deal with Katherine's return? It will definitely cause some chaos between them and Elena, that's for sure. I think we can all agree that Stefan will have the most strength to ward her off, and not give into her temptations. But, considering the downfall that Stefan had with human blood at the end of Season 1, can we honestly say that he will remain in control around her? Damon is a completely other issue. It's clear that he hasn't worked out his feelings for Katherine or Elena yet. I think he wants to be angry at Katherine, and does feel the sting of her betrayal. But when he has her back in his arms this season, as we already knows happens in the premiere tomorrow night, will that sting be as prominent? And what will be his reaction when she says she came back for Stefan and not him? He is going to be angry, we know that. However, with some recent information revealed about tomorrow night's cliffhanger, apparently Katherine is going to push him to do some kind of "evil act", that will make the audience revert back to seeing him as a tortured villain and not a struggling hero, as it seemed he was turning into at the end of last season. I don't know if this means he is going to kill someone, or not. If he does, it can't just be anyone. We have also found out that someone we know is going to be turned into a vampire this season, and apparently in episode 1, there is going to be a big game changer. Whatever Damon's anger towards Katherine is going to force him to do, it's going to be big.
Other question revolving around Katherine is why did she come to Mystic Falls to begin with? Whatever that answer is, I know it's going to have to do with why she came back this time. She says in the premiere, that she came back for Stefan, but knowing Katherine, I don't think that's her plan at all. Something else is going on. I have a feeling that it's going to have something to do with the other supernatural beings in the town. Either Bonnie, the werewolfs/Lockwoods, or something else.
I have a sick feeling that it's going to be her that divides the town, as we are told happens in the Season 2 synopsis. She is going to be responsible for revealing the supernatural nature of some of the families in the town, and everyone is going to be at each others throats, and the two characters that are going to be thrown under the bus are Bonnie and Damon.
There was one very long skype chat a couple months ago, where we brainstormed reasons Katherine and Pearl arrived in Mystic Falls to begin with. I believe what we all agreed on was that it is Pearl that turned her, and they have been around since the Colonies, and that Mystic Falls has been a breeding ground for the supernatural since the beginning. This idea really goes all the way back to the books. In the novels, Fell's Church sits on a number of crossing ley lines, and because of that energy, supernatural forces and beings have always been drawn to the area. It would make sense that that is why all the vampires in 1864 seemed to migrate there. The Lockwoods, a family of werewolves settled there. And even the Bennetts, witches that fled the Salem Witch Trials in the 1600's came to Mystic Falls. It would make it less of a coincidence that all these super beings tend to end up in this one little town.
Did Mystic Falls begin as a settlement for vampires? Is that why Pearl and the tomb vampires were so insistent on getting "their town" back?
2. The Lockwoods aka the werewolves
Fans of the books knew that Tyler and the Lockwoods have a history of being werewolves, and considering the hints here and there throughout season 1, we knew it would be revealed eventually, just not in the IN YOUR FACE way it was done it the season 1 finale. In the books, the Lockwoods were not a big part, but it's clear that they will be in the series. With the death of Mayor Lockwood, Mystic Falls welcomes back his brother, Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney). Now, we are all assuming that Mason knows about the history of the Lockwoods and will be there to help Tyler through the transformation process, which we are told, will be very violent.
What kind of relationship will there be between Tyler and Mason? I don't think it's going to be a very good one right from the beginning. Tyler is going to be angry and scared. He is going to lash out at people. And because of everything he will be going through this season, he will need at least one person to confide in. But the question is, will it be Bonnie, Matt or Jeremy? I would really like it to be Matt, seeing as how Matt is one of the only main characters that doesn't know what's really going on in the town. I want to see their friendship again. I would also like to see a friendship between Tyler and Jeremy. But depending on Jeremy's situation, that may or may not happen. Some of my friends would love to see a love story begin between Tyler and Bonnie. I am not so keen on that seeing as I'm a Damon/Bonnie shipper, but, I can see it happening, as much as I don't want to admit it.
Julie Plec, producer and writer, has said that the Lockwoods are dealing with a "multi-layered curse" in one interview this summer. Now, me and my TVD crew all had the same reaction. "WTF does that mean?" And honestly, we have thrown around so many ideas that I think we are still grasping at straws. This is going to be one surprise that I know, none of us are going to see coming.
Now, Damon knows something is wrong with the Lockwoods, considering his run in with the Mayor in the finale last season, but he doesn't know what. However, with his desire to always have control over the situation, we know he is going to be doing some poking around. In the synopsis of episode 2, Damon will provoke Mason and Tyler, and I have a feeling, find out what they are before anyone else. And in episode 3 "Bad Moon Rising", Elena, Damon and Alaric take a road trip to Duke to do some research on the Lockwoods. What exactly are they going to find?
Lastly, Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson also told fans that Katherine has a history with the werewolves. But what kind of history? This is one of the reasons I think she is coming back, to see where she stands with the werewolves. Were they enemies or allies? Has Mason met Katherine before? I'm guessing he has, but whether they are enemies or friends is not something I am willing to grasp at quite yet. But I think it's going to be her moves either with or against the Lockwoods that is going to start this apparent division of the town that will happen this season.
3. Bonnie and Emily
Bonnie has accepted her destiny as a Bennett witch, and is clearly powerful. But is she as powerful as she thinks? She seems to think that she can easily take down a vampire anytime anywhere. Is that going to be true with Katherine? They have a confrontation in the premiere and that quick, we will know how well Bonnie will be able to deal with her. From Grams, we know that witches can use their emotions to fuel their magic, but can it also make their magic fall out of their control when they don't keep the reigns on their emotions? I have a feeling we are going to see Bonnie struggle with her gift, and lose control of it, possibly, even hurt someone. Katherine has a history with the Bennett witches. Emily was her handmaiden for many years, making all kinds of gadgets for her. Is there something that Katherine wants from Bonnie? Will she try to manipulate Bonnie into becoming her side kick like she did Emily?
Since "History Repeating", episode 9 of Season 1, there has been debate about Emily. Whether she is really dead and whose side she is on. I don't think she is dead. After all, how can you really corner and kill a witch as powerful as we know Emily was? Is she trapped somewhere, like the tomb vampires? Or is she simply manipulating Bonnie from a distance? Some things we do know is that Emily became Katherine's handmaiden after Katherine saved her life. Considering how powerful Emily is, what danger could she have possibly been under? Was it before her powers developed, and Katherine has known about her family for much longer that we think? It's definitely a possibility since we do not know how old Katherine really is.
Something else we know is that for whatever reason, Emily wanted Damon to protect her descendants. It's the deal they made in 1864 to supposedly save Katherine by trapping her in the tomb. So since that time, Damon has protected the Bennett witches. Julie Plec told us we would see in flashbacks, Emily make the deal with Damon, and I have a feeling there are going to be more agreements than just those we know about.
4. a bigger evil
Over the summer, it was revealed that a worse evil will waltz into Mystic Falls. There has been speculation ever since then, on what that could possibly be. Will they take characters from the books and introduce Klaus or Shinichi? Will it be a new character entirely? Perhaps Emily has turned evil and returns for revenge. These are only a few of the ideas we have come up with. However, I do think, that this season we will be introduced to something else other than a witch, a vampire or a werewolf. If it's going to be something worse, I only thing I can think of is a some type of demon. It's speculated from the parts of Johnathan Gilbert's journals, that demons are a big possibility. At this point, I am not able to say for sure which idea I think is more likely.
5. The new characters
Other than Mason, there are two more new recurring characters. Carter and Amy. We have been told that Carter is connected with the carnival that rolls into town and gets into trouble with Bonnie, so I have a feeling that he is not going to be around for long. However, during a fan interview, Julie Plec did say that Bonnie is not going to be the only witch in town. Now, that doesn't mean that it has to be a girl, I think. Is Carter going to be a warlock? Or is the witch going to be Amy, who we know somehow, winds up wrapped up in all the supernatural events taking place in Mystic Falls, or are they both just going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? If there is one thing that fans should have learned during season 1, it's that nothing is what it seems. Anyone in the town can turn out to be anything. I know Julie and Kevin are going to have surprises in store for us when it comes to Carter and Amy.
6. Introduction of a gay character
Kevin Williamson revealed in an interview over the summer that they were going to introduce a gay character in to the show this season. We have been wondering all summer, who it might be. My money is on, Mason. To me, it would make sense. Mason returns after his brother is killed to support is transforming nephew Tyler. I'm thinking that Mason didn't get along with his brother, and that's the reason he has been gone until now. Now why exactly did he leave? Consider this: The Lockwoods are one of the founding families. From what we saw from the Mayor and Tyler in season 1, a very proud family at that. How exactly would the family react to a son that reveals he is gay, in a small town where everyone knows everything, and the Lockwoods are one of the most respected families. I think it's a very good possibility.
As of this moment, those are all the predictions I have for you. But I would like to give you one more quick list of a few things I would like to see happen in this season:
1. Dalaric - more bonding between Damon and Alaric
2. Damon/Matt/Stefan triangle - in the books, there is a fabulous friendship between Matt and Stefan, and a loathing between Matt and Damon that just worked so well and brought a lot of humor. I would love to see that worked into this season.
3. For the love of God, please let Caroline and Matt find out what's happening.
4. The return of Matt's mom - after learning that she is a succubus in one of the deleted scenes, she needs to return. And is Matt an incubus?
5. Damon/Bonnie - I'm a D/B shipper, so I always love to see Damon and Bonnie scenes. And if one of my predictions are right, they are going to have to find a way to work together this season.
6. Flashbacks - I'm always keen to seeing more flashbacks to 1864, but I would like to see scenes of Damon and Stefan perhaps in the 20's, or 60's.
That's it for now folks, but this is only the beginning of the insanity. Season 2 begins tomorrow night with "The Return". Don't miss it!
I would like to thank the following skype and twitter pals, who all of us together have discussed these theories over and over again all summer long: @IHeartTVD, @TheRealTeal, @itss_simmy @Snowballx @OhMySalvatore @Angelized_1st @entertainocd @keishasays_so @darling_nikki_2 @PaulWesleyFanz @LadyMinaWayland
1 comment:
woah! complete love for this!!! i cant wait for tomorrow night when a few of our questions will be answered. my first instinct about katherine coming back was something to do with bonnie but the chokeout scene doesnt look too friendly to me lol.
i however dont think that emily is still alive. idk i think if they did that it would just be TOO much supernatural happenings.
i'm a D/B shipper too. glad to meet another one. i'm looking forward to their scenes together. i REALLY hope they dont turn bonnie into the bitch of the show though. it wont suit her.
i am really dying to know what is this bad thing that damon does. it's killing meeee!!!
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