Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall TV: This blog is not 'The Event'

After months of rampant speculation and, seemingly, millions of dollars worth of advertising "The Event" finally aired on NBC Monday.

Was the hype worth it?


If you saw the commericals or the trailers before movies you basically saw the pilot episode.

There are a group of people being held at a facility in Alaska. They are led by Laura Innes from "ER." Some parts of the government want to keep them locked up... for some reason.

But, the President of the United States played by Blair Underwood wants them freed.

All the while there is a conspiracy building that has to do with an airline pilot, his family and his daughter's boyfriend.

Very run-of-the-mill conspiracy stuff.

It's not until the very end where the show takes off in another direction. With a passenger jet headed toward a collision course with the president's compound, suddenly a wormhole (I think) opened up and swallowed the plane.

Innes's character states "They saved us."

Candace and I are both in agreement at this point it's probably aliens.

So, let's break it down:

The Good - The acting is top notch. Innes and Underwood are both excellent along with Zeljko Ivanek, Jason Ritter and Ian Anthony Dale. The directing and visuals are also very well done. It is a pretty show to look at.

The Bad - No answers. I know, a show like this is going to take more than one episode to answer all of our questions. Maybe I have "Lost"-itis and can't stand to devote hundreds of more hours to something like that. Also a bit obvious that the couple that the boyfriend saves and be-friends are bad guys.

The Ugly - Time jumping. Not like "Lost" where it's back and forth. I'm talking all over the freaking place. They go from hours to days to weeks and months, all intermixed throughout the entire episode. Toward the end I had no clue what time it was supposed to be.

If that exact same time jumping is going to happen in each episode; count me out. I also think that audiences won't be able to hang onto something like that.

Overall, better than "Hellcats" at least.

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