Even with a three month hiatus, the intensity never faltered. The Season two premiere picked up right where the finale left off, with Elena waltzing into the kitchen to a bloodied John on the floor. And like the finale, the pace quickened with each scene, all the way up to the end and another cliffhanger that leaves us drooling!
Each scene brings a surprise, that never gives us a chance to catch our breath. In true Katherine fashion, she comes in, brings the chaos and steps back into the shadows. After leaving John on the kitchen floor, she flees before Elena can see her. And as it turns out, Jeremy doesn't die. For a ex-druggie, he sure doesn't know how to overdose well enough. It seems Anna's blood instead healed the damage the pills did to his system, and healed him. That however, didn't mean he was fine. Stefan charges in, with passion I have never seen before, and made him see the truth.
At the hospital, Caroline is in real jeopardy. But a surprise decision from Damon and Bonnie, Damon gives Caroline some of his blood to make sure she would survive. I know it's not just me, but I did not expect that from Bonnie of all people, told Damon to do it. Bonnie! Did I miss the part where she tried to have Damon killed the night before? All I know is this girl needs to make up her damn mind, because if she doesn't chose a side soon, she is the one that will be in danger.
When Damon confronts Elena about their kiss last night, we find that he indeed did not realize that he in fact kissed Katherine. Elena of course, waves it off as the typical snarky big brother of her oh so lovely boyfriend. But Damon refuses to let it go.
I have to say, his face when he realizes that it was indeed Katherine, is absolutely priceless! Which leads me to question, why is Stefan able to realize it is Katherine, where Damon had no idea? This leads me to believe that the theory some of us have that Stefan actually in fact did spend time with Katherine after they were turned in 1864. The fact that he can recongize her so quickly gives further proof of that.
Although Damon didn't actually kiss Elena, that not what Stefan is upset about. Damon was still kissing Elena, and that leaves Stefan in a major dilemma. Damon is kissing his girlfriend, but at the same time, Damon is actually CARING about someone other than himself. It leaves Stefan at a stalemate. He was to pummel his brother for going after his girl, but how can he, when after all these years, Damon has finally let in his humanity?
Am I the only one that's happy that Bonnie got owned by Katherine? I have to agree with Damon on this one. She was getting a little cocky. However, the main reason this makes me very, very happy is that finally, Bonnie is forced to realize that she cannot waltz around Mystic Falls and protect it's citizens all by her lonesome. She needs help, and for now, the only ones that are available for her to trust are the Salvatores. Being the very hardcore Damon/Bonnie shipper that I am, this made me squeal very deep inside. There is a promise for much more bad boy vampire and little witch hi-jinx to come. And that is just perfect! Ian Somerhalder and Katerina Graham have such fantastic chemistry on screen that any scene they have together will steal the show.
The next scene between Damon and Elena at the Lockwood Mansion is one of the most important. Stefan is able to pull Katherine out of the party so no one will be suspicious when Elena shows up. When she does, she doesn't take her time searching out Damon to have one of her "talks" that he so despises. Still considering him a friend, Elena still hasn't figured out that Damon doesn't know how to talk about his feelings, because he still doesn't understand them. Elena refuses to give up on having a conversation with Damon about the kiss.
Damon: "Why is it such a surprise that I'd kiss you?"
Elena: "It's not a surprise. I'm surprised that you'd thought I'd kiss you back."
Damon: "Now I'm hurt."
As Damon walks away, its actually surprises me that he truly does mean it. He is hurt. All this time, I was still thinking that Damon's head is screwed up enough that he is mixing up his feelings for Katherine and Elena. After this episode, I'm not so sure. In the last 145 years, Damon has had time to consider who is he going to be. What emotions truly matter to him. Despite what others may believe, Damon does hold love at a very high esteem. He has been holding on to his love for Katherine for a 145 years. But at the same time, Damon is afraid of pain, and it is the emotion that can cause the most pain. In the few occasions that the pain does surface and he can't keep it buried beneath sarcasm, he tends to lash out on the first person he sees. And after all the rejection Damon gets in this episode, it's basically a waiting game to who will be his victim.
Meanwhile, Stefan goes head to head with Katherine and gets a stab in the gut as a consequence. Stefan of course is adamant that he never had any feelings for Katherine, that they were never real because she was compelling. Katherine however, doesn't believe that he doesn't have anymore feelings towards her, and she admits that she has come back to Mystic Falls for him. However, I don't really believe that. Damon is right. Katherine will reveal why she really came back when she wants to. No one will find out before then. But it's clear that she really does have some ulterior motives. Damon of course, is always ready for a fight, picking one with Stefan. And for the first time, Stefan has truly impressed me. As I said before, Stefan is in a stalemate, and all he can do is hope that he and Damon can work together.
Stefan: "We need to stay united against her. So yes, as much as I would like to kill you, I'm not going to fight you."
Damon: "I kissed Elena."
Stefan: "Because you feel something for her. Because you actually care. And I'm not going to let Katherine come in here and destroy that part of you, that is finally, after all this time, willing to feel something. She'll try to break you. She'll try to break us, and how we respond to that will define us."
Best line of the episode, and so completely true. Katherine is going to try to divide and conquer. Stefan realizes that, and knows that will need to stay united to beat her. Stefan understanding his brother is a real victory for their relationship. He spent most of the first season trying to get rid of Damon instead of stepping back and realizing why he is truly in Mystic Falls. It's for this reason, that they will be able to eventually overcome Katherine.
Before Katherine leaves Mystic Falls, she finally decides to face Damon back at the boardinghouse, which turns into much more than just a pleasant goodbye. Damon tries to resist her, but after 145 yeas waiting for her, he just can't help himself. Thank goodness Damon decided to stop before they got to the real business and that I was actually sitting on the floor watching this episode, because I just might have fainted. And finally, Damon gets the truth:
Damon: "I have a questions. Answer it, and it's back to fireworks and rockets red glare. Answer it right, and I will forget the last 145 years I've spent missing you. I'll forget how much I loved you. I'll forget everything and we can just start over. This can be our defining moment, so we have the time. That's the beauty of eternity. I just need the truth just once."
Katherine: "Stop. I already know your questions and it's answer. The truth is, I've never loved you. It was always Stefan."
All I could think at that moment was "My poor Damon." His face is completely and utterly destroyed. After all the years he has spent obsessed and in love with her, thinking she wanted him, he just broke apart. Damon shaped himself around his love and obsession over Katherine, only to learn he never had to. In short, let's just say that he is going to be pissed.
On the other hand, Katherine is underestimating the strength of the brothers, especially Damon. All she remembers is a innocent young boy that was still human. But Damon has been a bad boy vampire for 145 years, and he has been who knows where since then. He's not innocent anymore. I think she is going to be pleasantly surprised at how strong Stefan and Damon can be together, and even more with the allies they have made in Bonnie, Alaric and I'm sure eventually, the Lockwoods.
Speaking of the Lockwoods, let's say hello to the fabulous Mason Lockwood, Tyler's uncle and the Mayor's brother, who came back in time for the funeral. Played by Taylor Kinney, Mason is certainly not what I expected. I honestly thought he was going to be some up tight jerk, much like his brother. But what we got instead is perhaps an uncle that everyone would love to have. a laid back, world touring surfer, who has clearly learned how to control his anger, and the Lockwood curse. Personally, I'm not sure there is anyone better that I would rather see take Tyler under their wing. After falling into a rage that could have ended in attacking his mother, Mason is able to calm him down.
Tyler: "I don't know why I get like this?"
Mason: "It's the curse of being a Lockwood."
Tyler: "So how'd you get the chill gene?"
Mason: "I didn't. I've just learned how to manage it."
Tyler: "I don't want to be like this anymore."
Mason: "None of us do. That's why it's a curse, Tyler."
I believe that we are well on our way to finding out about the multi-layered curse of the Lockwoods.
After Katherine left, Damon went to the only place he could think of. To the house of the only other person in the world he cared about. Drunk and hurt, Damon confronts Elena. And knowing Damon's history, drunk and hurt is not a great combination.
Damon: "You're the liar, Elena. There is something going on between the two of us and you know it. And you're lying to me, and you're lying to Stefan, and most of all you're lying to yourself. And I can prove it." (he kisses her)
Elena: "Damon, don't. What's wrong with you?"
Damon: "Lie about this."
Elena: "Stop it. You're better than this, come on."
Damon: "That's where you're wrong."
Elena: "No, Damon, I care about you. I do, but I love Stefan, it's always going to be Stefan."
If only she could have known that those were the exact wrong words to tell her. Only a while ago, a woman that looked just like her told him the same exact words. "It's always been Stefan." To now be rejected by the only two women that he has ever had feelings for made him just take a million steps back to how far he had come in getting back his humanity. Because if Katherine, all of it has been erased, and Damon will bury himself once again in anger and sarcasm, lashing out at others as need be to protect himself from his pain. Just as he did to Jeremy when he interrupted them.
Damon: "No it's not okay Elena. He wants to be a vampire. You wanna shut out the pain? It's the easiest thing in the world. The part of you that cares just goes away. All you have to do is just flip the switch and SNAP!" (he breaks Jeremy's neck)
This of course, made me have a heart attack, knowing that Jeremy along with two other people have vampire blood in their system at this moment. Jeremy, John, and Caroline. Knowing that someone was going to be turned into a vampire, I really didn't think that they would turn Jeremy. But then again, I was right. They didn't. Before Uncle John left town, he gave Jeremy his father's ring. The ring that protects you from all supernatural danger. So Jeremy is okay, but Caroline most definitely is not.
Katherine visited her in the hospital and told her to give Salvatore brothers a message. "Game on," before she smothered her to death. HOLY CRAP!
So Caroline is the vampire. And here I was just hoping that she would be let in on the secret of the town. Now she is one of the secrets.
Next week, welcome to the Mystic Falls Carnivale, where I'm sure plenty of hi-jinx are going to ensue. At this point, all I'm hoping for is that Caroline isn't a "Vicki 2.0" as my twitter pal @IHeartTVD called her after our chat last Thursday night. And I know Damon is going to do something stupid, so I'm just waiting to see what that is.
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