Season two of the hit series from the United Kingdom may have only just aired on SyFy Channel this summer, but season three began to air on BBC this past Saturday.
As one of the lucky few that got a sneak peek at season three this summer at Comic Con, I'm sure I am one of the many Americans that is wondering when we are going to have the opportunity to watch it. As of this moment, I haven't heard a peep about whether SyFy Channel is going to air the new season. And if they do, it may not happen until next summer. Those of us that do not have the BBC channel have to find other "secret" ways to watch it. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Fortunately, I have knowledge of one of those secret ways and did watch the premiere of season three this morning thanks to a fabulous internet friend that lives in the UK. If you are not interested in spoilers, I would skip the next few paragraphs.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one astonished to find that almost a year has passed since the end of season two. A year spent searching for Morgana. After miraculously finding her, Merlin has right to be worried. He poisoned her. There is no knowing what Morgana will do. Fortunately, she assures him he has little to fear. She understands the wrongs that she has done and will make up for them.
Or will she? It seems, that the Morgana that was taken by Morgause is not the same that has returned. She has become instead, the evil sorceress that legend will remember her as. Though, it is still unclear whether she has taken control of her magic, however she is taking the orders of Morgause, who she believes to be her elder sister.
Assisting the spell that makes Uther begin losing his mind, Morgana remains undiscovered, until Merlin follows her into the woods and she meets with Morgause. But of course, he gets caught and trapped by the seasoned sorceress. Luckily, they are still unaware that Merlin himself has magic. They only believe him to be foolhardy and a loyal servant. Morgause leaves him bound and in the woods to die. As Merlin is being surrounded by giant spiders and scorpions, Camelot is being surrounded by it's enemies, thirsting for a kingdom that has been weakened by a king gone mad. In a desperate attempt, Merlin calls the Dragon to him, and is rescued.
I believe this is a fabulous start to what is the most underestimated fantasy series on television. Arthur and Merlin are going to be forced to take the places they were born for. Camelot is in need of a leader, a King. And with Uther under Morgause's spell, Arthur must take his father's place, no matter how reluctantly. Camelot is surrounded, and Arthur's strength is their only hope.
However, there is one thing that remains a big question. Merlin is definitely going to have to use powerful magic to defeat Morgause and her allies. I have a feeling that he is not going to be able to keep his magic secret from Arthur much longer. What will Arthur do when he finds out that his servant, and perhaps his closest and most trusted friend and ally, is a wizard?
We will find out soon enough.
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