We all know that "The Vampire Diaries" panel is the one that I have been waiting for all weekend. Obviously. And seeing as I decided to boycott the Marvel panel in Hall H, vampires took over my world on Saturday. But I had to make sure that I would not miss the first and the last panel for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in Hall H in the morning. Starting the morning off at 4am, and finishing the last three episodes of "LOST" while in line was an adventure in itself.
Although I have never been much of a "Green Lantern" fan, the footage that we got to see was exciting. But it was the extended trailer for "Harry Potter" that set off the fangirl inside that morning. And trust me my friends, that was just the beginning. A friend of mine was already in line for 'The Vampire Diaries" signing that would take place later that day. Considering the amount of people that would be camped out in Ballroom 20 all day for the panel, we decided that the signing would be a better experience than the panel. It was definitely the right choice to make.
And before I get hung up in talking about the cast and crew of "The Vampire Diaries" and "Fringe" I have to give a shout out to the security staff at the Warner Bros. booth, because they were amazing!
Anyway, the first person I got to talk to was Michael Trevino, which I have been waiting for months to tell him we have a mutual friend. I'm sure everyone can imagine how much I was freaking out, but Michael is so laid back and easy going, that it was impossible to be nervous anymore. So thanks, Michael for that. You have no idea how much I appreciate it after standing in front of Ian Somerhalder and Julie Plec. I think it really was a bad idea to put Nina Dobrev in between Paul Wesley and Ian, because I think I just skipped right over her. I might have said hello, but I honestly don't remember. So if by chance that Nina ever reads this, sorry darling. It's the boys' fault.
Then, for me, the ultimate moment of the weekend. I got to talk to Ian, even if it was just for a moment. Unlike most, I have been in love with Ian long before "The Vampire Diaries" and "LOST". I loved him ever since his first series on the CW back when it was still called the WB, "Young Americans". But because the series was not picked up by the studio, it was sadly canceled. But that doesn't stop me from telling him I still loved Hamiliton. When I did tell him this, he gave me his infamous crooked smile and we shared a little knuckle bump! (Hehe, I giggled when we did!) Then he did that little 'eye thing' he does so well and said, "That means we are practically dating each other." I think it's easy to say that the fangirl inside me flipped a million times and I had to cover it was another little giggle when he winked at me. And I just couldn't resist to follow his lead and say, "Exactly," with a little 'eye thing' of my own.
Yeah, he's a flirt, but where I'm coming from there is nothing wrong with that. Sitting next to him was Julie Plec, who is completely the man! I was also very excited about meeting her as well, and once again, completely fangirled when she knew who I was after only hearing my first name, having forgotten momentarily that she watched a music video that I had made for Season 1 of "The Vampire Diaries" and completely loved it.
Then came the panel, which was of course, stealing Julie's word, epic! Not only is this cast hilarious together, but we got a first look at the premiere of Season 2, along with clues into what this sophomore season of the series will be focusing on. What will Tyler's wolf form look like? Just a wolf. Will we get plenty more flashbacks to 1864? Yes. Will they include more Katherine backstory and possibly even some Lockwood vs. Salvatore spats? Yes. Will Katherine play with the brothers by posing as Elena? Yes. A love interest for Tyler? Yes. Will Jeremy wake up as a vampire? Unclear, but according to Julie, he will wake up. Some Katherine vs. Bonnie spats? Yes.
And there was also apparently some kind of inside joke or private party going on at the end of the table with Matt Davis and Steven R McQueen. I'm not sure what had them laughing as hard as they were and I'm not at all should I want to know. (Hehehe!) But seeing as Matt is now following me on Twitter, maybe I should ask him? But I have to be honest and say I'm slightly frightened by what he may tell me...
Honestly, there were too many discussions hilarious and interesting discussions to remember them all, which means it's a good thing I filmed almost the entire panel, and have uploaded it all to YouTube.
If you care to watch, click on this link to my YouTube page and enjoy the best panel of the weekend!
LittleRavenHawk's YouTube Channel
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