So, went to preview night, and came back to the hotel with with a "Stargate" F-302 replica, a couple signed "Farscape" comics, and Jayne's wristband from "Firefly" from the Quantum Mechanics booth when I was on my way to the IDW booth to get some "Angel" comics. However, when I saw a Stargate mirror in the corner of my eye, you can say I got a little distracted.
Anyway, I'm honestly still trying to plan out my weekend because I'm still not really sure what I am going to do this weekend. However, I do know that it's going to be full of Joss Whedon ALL WEEKEND. Tomorrow night, I am going to a charity screening of "Serenity" that is showing at the theater in the Gaslamp, and apparently, some stars are going to show up. Well, considering the list of "Firefly" stars that are going to be here this weekend including Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillon, Morenna Baccarin, Adam Baldwin and Summer Glau. So, how knows what is going to show up! I'm really excited for this tomorrow night!! You know, if it's just Nathan Fillon, I would be happy. Or Adam, so he can sign my Jayne wristband!
I'm also excited for the J.J. Abrams and Joss Whedon panel tomorrow in Hall H. I always enjoy and treasure the opportunity to see two legendary filmmakers discuss the present and future of cinema. I will be filming the entire panel, so if you are interested, the entire thing will be on youtube soon.
Well, that's what I am doing tomorrow. Right now we need to sleep, and I'm going to watch #LOST before I go to sleep.
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