If I had to choose a No. 1, it would definitely be "The Vampire Diaries" panel and signing. Those moments were just absolute perfection. My fan girl as never screamed and flipped so much before! Now I didn't look that insane, but inside, I was going completely bat crazy! Especially after the surprise of footage from the first episode of Season 2. Keep in mind, they had only been filming for a week, and wrapped the first episode the day before the panel. The fact that they could put anything together for us at all is remarkable. And the footage itself...I was gasping for air! And what we saw is just from episode 1! WTF! I thought Ballroom 20 would explode with the screams that went up once the trailer was over. OMG!
After "The Vampire Diaries", the rest of my list is in no particular order. "The Big Bang Theory" panel would have to not only go on my Best of 2010 list, but also the most surprising and most hilarious panel I have ever attended, with a surprise gathering of the Barenaked Ladies, a sing-a-long, and the entire cast in attendance. Today, I in fact bought the entire first season and did my own little marathon, finding myself laughing hysterically on the floor, falling my from chair more than once. In my history of loving television, I have never loved a sitcom before, until now. "The Big Bang Theory" presents our community in the best and most accurate way I have ever seen, and I can't get enough of it!
I have never been so overloaded with Joss Whedon at one Comic Con before...it was fantastic!! An overload of Whedon is never bad, in anyway or form. And I'm not just talking about Joss Whedon himself, which I did see at two of his three panels. But I'm also talking about David Boreanaz, James Marsters, Nathan Fillon, Anthony Head and as always, the traditional screening of "Buffy the Musical". I almost desperately miss "Angel" and "Buffy", getting to witness him on stage more than once, and seeing part of his writing genius laid out on the table before me was a rare and fantastic occasion. Then, to him and J.J. Abrams together, discussing the future of cinema, 3D, serial vs. long arch television and their future projects was a real pleasure to witness. It was as Tim put it earlier today "Geek History". Oh, and Joss made the official announcement during the panel with J.J., that he would be directing "The Avengers". It was awesome! The crowd in Hall H went wild!
The footage for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was just....ah, I'm still speechless about it. Tim and attest to this since he was sitting right next to me. Every new clip they showed us in that extended trailer, had me freaking out even more, with pure and utter happiness! There is no way it doesn't make the Best of Comic Con list! And Tom Felton himself presenting the footage was just icing on the cake!
I'm a huge geek for "Boondock Saints" and when I randomly ran into Sean Patrick Flanery in the Exhibit Hall, it automatically goes on my Best of Comic Con list. Especially because he remembered me from the panel last year! Plus, Sean is such a great guy, and one of the most genuine Hollywood stars you will ever meet!
I also had the opportunity to go the "Fringe" panel. Although we did not make it into the signing like we wanted, we still had the chance to meet Joshua Jackson afterward, and he is a sweetheart. Also, he's a hell of a lot funnier than I ever thought he would be!

As for my Worst list. As always, this hotel madness has to be the top of the list. They really need to find a seriously efficient way for booking hotels. I have yet to see a good and effective way yet. This year especially sucked. Since I have already written a blog that covered my problems with the schedule, I won't even bother mentioning it again.
As for something hilarious that is going on the list: can someone tell me way my cars and my phones are cursed at Comic Con every year? Last year, my phone fell in water. Two years ago, my car went dead. This year, someone snatched my phone right from my bag, and once again, my car went dead. Major WTF? Luckily, I was able to get my phone back, but I am seriously considering leaving it at home next year.
I have uploaded so many videos from Comic Con already to my YouTube Channel, and still have many more to go!! I will be posting some of them here on the blog, but to catch them all, check out my Channel for the next week. I will hopefully finish uploading everything this weekend....as long as YouTube cooperates.
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