I will be the first one to admit, that now I realize what I have been missing the past few years not watching "The Big Bang Theory". If you don't know about the series, it tells the story of a woman who moves in next door to two geeky physicists who dream about Lord of the Rings and live Star Trek, and she shows them what they are missing about life. But after a long haul in Ballroom 20 today, and required to sit through this panel for "Bones" and "The Joss Whedon Experience" afterwards, I have become the show's new biggest fan. I honestly do not think that I have ever laughed so hard at a single panel in my entire convention history!
Forgive me for the obvious pun, but it started with a bang when Will Wheaton, who was moderating the panel, introduced rock band Bare Naked Ladies who led the whole crowd in the full Big Bang Theory theme song. The entire main cast, Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, along with the two creators Bull Prady and Chuck Lorre.
It really wouldn't have mattered if the questions that Will Wheaton or the crowd asked, because these actors may be the funniest people ever assembled in one single cast that I have ever seen. I was laughing so hard at times that I couldn't keep the camera straight and kept gasping for air. In fact, I even squeaked a few times. One of the questions that Wheaton asked was what the cast themselves really geeks out for, where Kaley shared several hilarious stories about her new love affair with "Harry Potter" and how she got sorted into Slytherin, of which Wheaton will never let her live down.
However, I do believe some of the funniest moments happened when a little girl came up to the microphone and asked the actors who their favorite other cast member was, and hilarity ensued. The girl was named "Will's evil daughter" by Kaley and Jim followed that up by saying "You're a horrible little girl!" All in good fun of course.
I did video a good portion of the panel and will be uploading this, and all my other videos of panels in the next few days. For some reason, I am having plenty of technical difficulties at this hotel, and I'm not the only one. Actually, I think we are lucky that we can blog at all!
Season Four of "The Big Bang Theory" begins this September, and has moved to Thursday nights at 8pm. Which is bad for me because now it will be competing with "The Vampire Diaries". Yet, after such a great impression that the cast and creators made at this panel, I truly am their new biggest fan.
And anyone else that is as geeky as me, you should start watching it too!
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