Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Candace's best and worst at Comic-Con 2010
Considering what I have already blogged about, I believe it's going to be fairly simple for you guys to guess what were my favorite things about Comic Con this year.
If I had to choose a No. 1, it would definitely be "The Vampire Diaries" panel and signing. Those moments were just absolute perfection. My fan girl as never screamed and flipped so much before! Now I didn't look that insane, but inside, I was going completely bat crazy! Especially after the surprise of footage from the first episode of Season 2. Keep in mind, they had only been filming for a week, and wrapped the first episode the day before the panel. The fact that they could put anything together for us at all is remarkable. And the footage itself...I was gasping for air! And what we saw is just from episode 1! WTF! I thought Ballroom 20 would explode with the screams that went up once the trailer was over. OMG!
After "The Vampire Diaries", the rest of my list is in no particular order. "The Big Bang Theory" panel would have to not only go on my Best of 2010 list, but also the most surprising and most hilarious panel I have ever attended, with a surprise gathering of the Barenaked Ladies, a sing-a-long, and the entire cast in attendance. Today, I in fact bought the entire first season and did my own little marathon, finding myself laughing hysterically on the floor, falling my from chair more than once. In my history of loving television, I have never loved a sitcom before, until now. "The Big Bang Theory" presents our community in the best and most accurate way I have ever seen, and I can't get enough of it!
I have never been so overloaded with Joss Whedon at one Comic Con was fantastic!! An overload of Whedon is never bad, in anyway or form. And I'm not just talking about Joss Whedon himself, which I did see at two of his three panels. But I'm also talking about David Boreanaz, James Marsters, Nathan Fillon, Anthony Head and as always, the traditional screening of "Buffy the Musical". I almost desperately miss "Angel" and "Buffy", getting to witness him on stage more than once, and seeing part of his writing genius laid out on the table before me was a rare and fantastic occasion. Then, to him and J.J. Abrams together, discussing the future of cinema, 3D, serial vs. long arch television and their future projects was a real pleasure to witness. It was as Tim put it earlier today "Geek History". Oh, and Joss made the official announcement during the panel with J.J., that he would be directing "The Avengers". It was awesome! The crowd in Hall H went wild!
The footage for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was just....ah, I'm still speechless about it. Tim and attest to this since he was sitting right next to me. Every new clip they showed us in that extended trailer, had me freaking out even more, with pure and utter happiness! There is no way it doesn't make the Best of Comic Con list! And Tom Felton himself presenting the footage was just icing on the cake!
I'm a huge geek for "Boondock Saints" and when I randomly ran into Sean Patrick Flanery in the Exhibit Hall, it automatically goes on my Best of Comic Con list. Especially because he remembered me from the panel last year! Plus, Sean is such a great guy, and one of the most genuine Hollywood stars you will ever meet!

I also had the opportunity to go the "Fringe" panel. Although we did not make it into the signing like we wanted, we still had the chance to meet Joshua Jackson afterward, and he is a sweetheart. Also, he's a hell of a lot funnier than I ever thought he would be!
And lastly, it's not possible for this to make my list because I was so absolutely ecstatic about it, was the "Merlin" panel. This series is the the pure definition of the little show that could. With executive producers of the series, Colin Morgan and Anthony Head as the guests, a fantastic reel of Bradley James and Warwick Davis from set, a gag reel, then a "geek-tastic" and major freak out trailer for Season 3, this panel also left me speechless.
As for my Worst list. As always, this hotel madness has to be the top of the list. They really need to find a seriously efficient way for booking hotels. I have yet to see a good and effective way yet. This year especially sucked. Since I have already written a blog that covered my problems with the schedule, I won't even bother mentioning it again.
As for something hilarious that is going on the list: can someone tell me way my cars and my phones are cursed at Comic Con every year? Last year, my phone fell in water. Two years ago, my car went dead. This year, someone snatched my phone right from my bag, and once again, my car went dead. Major WTF? Luckily, I was able to get my phone back, but I am seriously considering leaving it at home next year.
I have uploaded so many videos from Comic Con already to my YouTube Channel, and still have many more to go!! I will be posting some of them here on the blog, but to catch them all, check out my Channel for the next week. I will hopefully finish uploading everything this long as YouTube cooperates.
If I had to choose a No. 1, it would definitely be "The Vampire Diaries" panel and signing. Those moments were just absolute perfection. My fan girl as never screamed and flipped so much before! Now I didn't look that insane, but inside, I was going completely bat crazy! Especially after the surprise of footage from the first episode of Season 2. Keep in mind, they had only been filming for a week, and wrapped the first episode the day before the panel. The fact that they could put anything together for us at all is remarkable. And the footage itself...I was gasping for air! And what we saw is just from episode 1! WTF! I thought Ballroom 20 would explode with the screams that went up once the trailer was over. OMG!
After "The Vampire Diaries", the rest of my list is in no particular order. "The Big Bang Theory" panel would have to not only go on my Best of 2010 list, but also the most surprising and most hilarious panel I have ever attended, with a surprise gathering of the Barenaked Ladies, a sing-a-long, and the entire cast in attendance. Today, I in fact bought the entire first season and did my own little marathon, finding myself laughing hysterically on the floor, falling my from chair more than once. In my history of loving television, I have never loved a sitcom before, until now. "The Big Bang Theory" presents our community in the best and most accurate way I have ever seen, and I can't get enough of it!
I have never been so overloaded with Joss Whedon at one Comic Con was fantastic!! An overload of Whedon is never bad, in anyway or form. And I'm not just talking about Joss Whedon himself, which I did see at two of his three panels. But I'm also talking about David Boreanaz, James Marsters, Nathan Fillon, Anthony Head and as always, the traditional screening of "Buffy the Musical". I almost desperately miss "Angel" and "Buffy", getting to witness him on stage more than once, and seeing part of his writing genius laid out on the table before me was a rare and fantastic occasion. Then, to him and J.J. Abrams together, discussing the future of cinema, 3D, serial vs. long arch television and their future projects was a real pleasure to witness. It was as Tim put it earlier today "Geek History". Oh, and Joss made the official announcement during the panel with J.J., that he would be directing "The Avengers". It was awesome! The crowd in Hall H went wild!
The footage for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was just....ah, I'm still speechless about it. Tim and attest to this since he was sitting right next to me. Every new clip they showed us in that extended trailer, had me freaking out even more, with pure and utter happiness! There is no way it doesn't make the Best of Comic Con list! And Tom Felton himself presenting the footage was just icing on the cake!
I'm a huge geek for "Boondock Saints" and when I randomly ran into Sean Patrick Flanery in the Exhibit Hall, it automatically goes on my Best of Comic Con list. Especially because he remembered me from the panel last year! Plus, Sean is such a great guy, and one of the most genuine Hollywood stars you will ever meet!
I also had the opportunity to go the "Fringe" panel. Although we did not make it into the signing like we wanted, we still had the chance to meet Joshua Jackson afterward, and he is a sweetheart. Also, he's a hell of a lot funnier than I ever thought he would be!

As for my Worst list. As always, this hotel madness has to be the top of the list. They really need to find a seriously efficient way for booking hotels. I have yet to see a good and effective way yet. This year especially sucked. Since I have already written a blog that covered my problems with the schedule, I won't even bother mentioning it again.
As for something hilarious that is going on the list: can someone tell me way my cars and my phones are cursed at Comic Con every year? Last year, my phone fell in water. Two years ago, my car went dead. This year, someone snatched my phone right from my bag, and once again, my car went dead. Major WTF? Luckily, I was able to get my phone back, but I am seriously considering leaving it at home next year.
I have uploaded so many videos from Comic Con already to my YouTube Channel, and still have many more to go!! I will be posting some of them here on the blog, but to catch them all, check out my Channel for the next week. I will hopefully finish uploading everything this long as YouTube cooperates.
A few more Comic-Con photos
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
"Inception": Best Film of the Decade

I'll say it now, so you will know where I stand on this film right away: "Inception" is one of the best movies of the decade.
I have read a lot of mixed reviews about the film, many people saying that the story was too confusing to keep up with, or overall they just really didn't understand the point. This is how I respond to the people saying this: When have you ever known Christopher Nolan to write and direct a film that you can just sit there and stare at? Come on, people. Films like "The Prestige" and "Memento" that you can watch over and over again and still catch things that you didn't see the last time. When I do this with a film, I know it was written to perfection.
I can see how people can let themselves get confused, because of all the interesting ideas that Nolan proposes with the story. Such as the different levels of dreams states, the dangers of traveling deep into your subconscious and the dangers and advantages of technology. There is so much in this movie to talk about, that people who don't do well with "smart" films like this can get lost.
However, the basic storyline, it very easily to pull out. A team of extractors trained to invade someone's dreams and steal their secrets, is put together to plant an idea in a young businessman's head to break up his father's empire. Only, they are unaware that the dead wife of their leader (DiCaprio) is on the hunt, determined to bring him back down so deep into his subconscious that he will never wake up again. It's really not that hard to follow.
Anyway, onto my own review of the film. I don't think I have ever been dazzled by a film so much that it has left me speechless. Everything about this film is dazzling. With such an ensemble cast, that doesn't seem like so far a stretch. Leonardo DiCaprio is fabulous, of course, but that is no surprise. When you give him a great script and he's under the direction of a man like Christopher Nolan, he will always be Oscar-worthy. Overall, this may be one of the best ensemble casts that I have ever seen in a film with DiCaprio, Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanbe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Berenger, Tom Hardy, Michael Caine and Marion Cotillard.
However, other than Dicaprio, the other performance that really stands out for me is Joseph Gordon-Levitt's. He is just perfect in this film, elegantly presenting a character, Arthur, that you can't help but take a liking to. The relationship between Cobb (DiCaprio) and Ariadne (Page) may be considered the heart of the film, however, the lighthearted side of this story is given completely to Arthur and Eames (Hardy), so much so, that Gordon-Levitt and Hardy steal every scene that they are in. I know that the Best Supporting Actor category is always very competitive every year, but if Joseph Gordon-Levitt does not get a nomination, I will be extremely disappointed with the Academy.
Moving on to then effects, which may be the coolest and most convincing effects I have ever seen. One of the most dazzling parts of this film is the anti-gravity-hallway-fight-scene in which Arthur has to battle Fischer's (Murphy) projections while the others of the team travel into the third layer of the dream. It is extremely easy for me to call this the coolest action sequence I have EVER seen done on film. It surprised me even more to learn that none of that sequence is computer generated. They actually built three different hallway sets for the sequence, and editing everything together. Now that is magic! This film should get an Oscar in Film Editing just for that single sequence. However, in all honesty, I do have to say the overall editing in this film is spectacular. Especially in the last half hour, when you are cutting back and forth between three different layers of the dream and it can easily get jumbled up and sloppy.
There is also something to be said about the score, composed by the always brilliant, Hans Zimmer. The music acts like a catalyst for the pacing of the film, and helps leave you on the edge of your seat.
I can talk about this movie for days, weeks even. It presents and proposes ideas that shoudl excite and frighten us. It tells the stories of this characters in one of the simplest and most genius ways imagined. As a writer, I always rely on my dreams for new ideas, new directions, and simple entertainment. For a writer to make that entire concept the basis of a great film is complete brilliance, and gives them the opportunity to let a film unfold like never before. It allows you to break some rules and create a whole new type of storytelling. Because of this, there is so much more to talk about than just the story. This is going to be the film to beat for many, many years to come. At least for me. In my eyes, it is hard to reach perfection, and "Inception" has succeeded in taking that very last step over 'The Dark Knight", where is left just a hair short of masterpiece!
Now I'm not saying that this film has to win 10 Oscars, though, it would be nice. As long as it gets recognition in the categories of Best Supporting Actor for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Film Editing, Original Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Picture I will be happy. I would be elated if it won any of them!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Vampires invade Ballroom 20: "The Vampire Diaires" at Comic Con
We all know that "The Vampire Diaries" panel is the one that I have been waiting for all weekend. Obviously. And seeing as I decided to boycott the Marvel panel in Hall H, vampires took over my world on Saturday. But I had to make sure that I would not miss the first and the last panel for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in Hall H in the morning. Starting the morning off at 4am, and finishing the last three episodes of "LOST" while in line was an adventure in itself.
Although I have never been much of a "Green Lantern" fan, the footage that we got to see was exciting. But it was the extended trailer for "Harry Potter" that set off the fangirl inside that morning. And trust me my friends, that was just the beginning. A friend of mine was already in line for 'The Vampire Diaries" signing that would take place later that day. Considering the amount of people that would be camped out in Ballroom 20 all day for the panel, we decided that the signing would be a better experience than the panel. It was definitely the right choice to make.
And before I get hung up in talking about the cast and crew of "The Vampire Diaries" and "Fringe" I have to give a shout out to the security staff at the Warner Bros. booth, because they were amazing!
Anyway, the first person I got to talk to was Michael Trevino, which I have been waiting for months to tell him we have a mutual friend. I'm sure everyone can imagine how much I was freaking out, but Michael is so laid back and easy going, that it was impossible to be nervous anymore. So thanks, Michael for that. You have no idea how much I appreciate it after standing in front of Ian Somerhalder and Julie Plec. I think it really was a bad idea to put Nina Dobrev in between Paul Wesley and Ian, because I think I just skipped right over her. I might have said hello, but I honestly don't remember. So if by chance that Nina ever reads this, sorry darling. It's the boys' fault.
Then, for me, the ultimate moment of the weekend. I got to talk to Ian, even if it was just for a moment. Unlike most, I have been in love with Ian long before "The Vampire Diaries" and "LOST". I loved him ever since his first series on the CW back when it was still called the WB, "Young Americans". But because the series was not picked up by the studio, it was sadly canceled. But that doesn't stop me from telling him I still loved Hamiliton. When I did tell him this, he gave me his infamous crooked smile and we shared a little knuckle bump! (Hehe, I giggled when we did!) Then he did that little 'eye thing' he does so well and said, "That means we are practically dating each other." I think it's easy to say that the fangirl inside me flipped a million times and I had to cover it was another little giggle when he winked at me. And I just couldn't resist to follow his lead and say, "Exactly," with a little 'eye thing' of my own.
Yeah, he's a flirt, but where I'm coming from there is nothing wrong with that. Sitting next to him was Julie Plec, who is completely the man! I was also very excited about meeting her as well, and once again, completely fangirled when she knew who I was after only hearing my first name, having forgotten momentarily that she watched a music video that I had made for Season 1 of "The Vampire Diaries" and completely loved it.
Then came the panel, which was of course, stealing Julie's word, epic! Not only is this cast hilarious together, but we got a first look at the premiere of Season 2, along with clues into what this sophomore season of the series will be focusing on. What will Tyler's wolf form look like? Just a wolf. Will we get plenty more flashbacks to 1864? Yes. Will they include more Katherine backstory and possibly even some Lockwood vs. Salvatore spats? Yes. Will Katherine play with the brothers by posing as Elena? Yes. A love interest for Tyler? Yes. Will Jeremy wake up as a vampire? Unclear, but according to Julie, he will wake up. Some Katherine vs. Bonnie spats? Yes.
And there was also apparently some kind of inside joke or private party going on at the end of the table with Matt Davis and Steven R McQueen. I'm not sure what had them laughing as hard as they were and I'm not at all should I want to know. (Hehehe!) But seeing as Matt is now following me on Twitter, maybe I should ask him? But I have to be honest and say I'm slightly frightened by what he may tell me...
Honestly, there were too many discussions hilarious and interesting discussions to remember them all, which means it's a good thing I filmed almost the entire panel, and have uploaded it all to YouTube.
If you care to watch, click on this link to my YouTube page and enjoy the best panel of the weekend!
LittleRavenHawk's YouTube Channel
New episode up...
Because of covering Comic-Con, we filmed a "Best of the Year... so far" edition. These lists and picks are likely to change by the time we get to January.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Comic-Con photos
Off the clock and having fun... ish.
Not my first choice of celebrity pillows.
Proof I take journalism seriously. I was basically touching Nathan Fillion and was still working hard.
Stephanie and the editor of Entertainment Weekly talking during the big EW/CBS party.
Me and Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello.
Not my first choice of celebrity pillows.
Proof I take journalism seriously. I was basically touching Nathan Fillion and was still working hard.
Me and Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello.
Friday, July 23, 2010
"The Big Bang Theory": the funniest panel ever!
I will be the first one to admit, that now I realize what I have been missing the past few years not watching "The Big Bang Theory". If you don't know about the series, it tells the story of a woman who moves in next door to two geeky physicists who dream about Lord of the Rings and live Star Trek, and she shows them what they are missing about life. But after a long haul in Ballroom 20 today, and required to sit through this panel for "Bones" and "The Joss Whedon Experience" afterwards, I have become the show's new biggest fan. I honestly do not think that I have ever laughed so hard at a single panel in my entire convention history!
Forgive me for the obvious pun, but it started with a bang when Will Wheaton, who was moderating the panel, introduced rock band Bare Naked Ladies who led the whole crowd in the full Big Bang Theory theme song. The entire main cast, Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, along with the two creators Bull Prady and Chuck Lorre.
It really wouldn't have mattered if the questions that Will Wheaton or the crowd asked, because these actors may be the funniest people ever assembled in one single cast that I have ever seen. I was laughing so hard at times that I couldn't keep the camera straight and kept gasping for air. In fact, I even squeaked a few times. One of the questions that Wheaton asked was what the cast themselves really geeks out for, where Kaley shared several hilarious stories about her new love affair with "Harry Potter" and how she got sorted into Slytherin, of which Wheaton will never let her live down.
However, I do believe some of the funniest moments happened when a little girl came up to the microphone and asked the actors who their favorite other cast member was, and hilarity ensued. The girl was named "Will's evil daughter" by Kaley and Jim followed that up by saying "You're a horrible little girl!" All in good fun of course.
I did video a good portion of the panel and will be uploading this, and all my other videos of panels in the next few days. For some reason, I am having plenty of technical difficulties at this hotel, and I'm not the only one. Actually, I think we are lucky that we can blog at all!
Season Four of "The Big Bang Theory" begins this September, and has moved to Thursday nights at 8pm. Which is bad for me because now it will be competing with "The Vampire Diaries". Yet, after such a great impression that the cast and creators made at this panel, I truly am their new biggest fan.
And anyone else that is as geeky as me, you should start watching it too!
Comic-Con 2010 Day 1 recap
After some technical difficulties, I'm finally able to give a Comic-Con update. It seems like every year the convention gets more crowded. I know we've talked a lot about the show's possible move, but at this point it's just crazy how packed everything is.
The first part of Day one was spent waiting in line for the USA Network panels to start. Tim and I spent about two and a half hours just waiting. However, once we were inside it was worth wait, as Bruce Campbell was his usual show-stealing self.
It was announced during the panel that Campbell would be starring in a "Burn Notice" prequel movie about Sam's last military mission.
Following "Burn Notice" was "White Collar" making its Comic-Con debut. The panel began with a funny video spoofing the convention and the show's stars' past sci-fi roles.
Then it was time for the funniest hour ever, when the "Psych" panel started with Curt Smith from Tears For Fears singing "Shout" with James Roday and Dule Hill. What followed that was a hilarious hour of behind the scenes stories and a preview of upcoming guest stars.
The panel then ended with tap dancer Jason Samuels Smith and Hill conducting a tap battle that was spectacular.
USA Network's slogan is "Characters Welcome," and Thursday they didn't disappoint as they kicked off Ballroom 20 in spectacular fashion.
The first part of Day one was spent waiting in line for the USA Network panels to start. Tim and I spent about two and a half hours just waiting. However, once we were inside it was worth wait, as Bruce Campbell was his usual show-stealing self.
It was announced during the panel that Campbell would be starring in a "Burn Notice" prequel movie about Sam's last military mission.
Following "Burn Notice" was "White Collar" making its Comic-Con debut. The panel began with a funny video spoofing the convention and the show's stars' past sci-fi roles.
Then it was time for the funniest hour ever, when the "Psych" panel started with Curt Smith from Tears For Fears singing "Shout" with James Roday and Dule Hill. What followed that was a hilarious hour of behind the scenes stories and a preview of upcoming guest stars.
The panel then ended with tap dancer Jason Samuels Smith and Hill conducting a tap battle that was spectacular.
USA Network's slogan is "Characters Welcome," and Thursday they didn't disappoint as they kicked off Ballroom 20 in spectacular fashion.
The Epicness that is Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams
Entertainment Weekly always puts on spectacular panels every year. However, I think with these two legendary storytellers sitting side by side in a room full of Whedonists, Losties, and Trekkies, I think they have finally out did themselves.
EW's Visionaries panel with Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams was extraordinary, and I'm sure, it will be my favorite panel of the weekend, leaps and bounds over the others. There is nothing better in the world than to hear the stories of successes and failures of two amazing filmmakers for a young and future filmmaker like myself. This panel truly was epic, beginning the moment that Joss Whedon officially announced that he will be directing "The Avengers".
Following that epic announcement, the two chatted about Abrams next project "Super 8" and the finale of "LOST". Whedon shared his thoughts on the beginning of internet television and hoping to continue the success of "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog" with a sequel as soon as he is free.
Also, a discussion that I knew would come up, was their thoughts on this "3D fad". Where, from the answers they gave, Joss is totally into it and JJ hasn't been bought into it quite yet. It did surprise me that Joss had plenty of good things to say about 3D, however, he did add a very vital few words to his statement: "...when it's done right..." Which are exactly my thoughts. 3D can be good, when it's done right. I am also happy, and maybe slightly giddy to find that JJ and I also share the same complaint about it as well. When you put on the glasses, it dims the light of the movie and gives it an overall dull tone. I know that it may be a very small complaint and not mean much to most moviegoers, but I like seeing movies as they are meant to be seen. And when 3D glasses ruin that experience, I am disappointed, and apparently, JJ Abrams is as well.
A conversation that I did not expect however was an in-depth discussion of the difference between serial TV series and long arch series, along with the pros and cons of both. In the long run, they did have extremely positive things to say about long arch shows like "LOST", in which, studios are now very reluctant to sign because they tend to believe the audience is not smart enough. However, if an audience can keep up with a series like "LOST", I'm pretty sure they can keep up with anything. Audiences today want to be impressed, not turned into zombies.
Then of course, the whole day was capped off by meeting JJ Abrams at a signing and getting to chat about "LOST" for a few minutes. I'm still giddy about that! If fact, I believe its the only time I ever remember meeting a idol of mine in the film industry and actually hop away because I was so happy! Ha!
I took plenty of video at the panel, so watch for it on the blog soon!!
EW's Visionaries panel with Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams was extraordinary, and I'm sure, it will be my favorite panel of the weekend, leaps and bounds over the others. There is nothing better in the world than to hear the stories of successes and failures of two amazing filmmakers for a young and future filmmaker like myself. This panel truly was epic, beginning the moment that Joss Whedon officially announced that he will be directing "The Avengers".
Following that epic announcement, the two chatted about Abrams next project "Super 8" and the finale of "LOST". Whedon shared his thoughts on the beginning of internet television and hoping to continue the success of "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog" with a sequel as soon as he is free.
Also, a discussion that I knew would come up, was their thoughts on this "3D fad". Where, from the answers they gave, Joss is totally into it and JJ hasn't been bought into it quite yet. It did surprise me that Joss had plenty of good things to say about 3D, however, he did add a very vital few words to his statement: "...when it's done right..." Which are exactly my thoughts. 3D can be good, when it's done right. I am also happy, and maybe slightly giddy to find that JJ and I also share the same complaint about it as well. When you put on the glasses, it dims the light of the movie and gives it an overall dull tone. I know that it may be a very small complaint and not mean much to most moviegoers, but I like seeing movies as they are meant to be seen. And when 3D glasses ruin that experience, I am disappointed, and apparently, JJ Abrams is as well.
A conversation that I did not expect however was an in-depth discussion of the difference between serial TV series and long arch series, along with the pros and cons of both. In the long run, they did have extremely positive things to say about long arch shows like "LOST", in which, studios are now very reluctant to sign because they tend to believe the audience is not smart enough. However, if an audience can keep up with a series like "LOST", I'm pretty sure they can keep up with anything. Audiences today want to be impressed, not turned into zombies.
Then of course, the whole day was capped off by meeting JJ Abrams at a signing and getting to chat about "LOST" for a few minutes. I'm still giddy about that! If fact, I believe its the only time I ever remember meeting a idol of mine in the film industry and actually hop away because I was so happy! Ha!
I took plenty of video at the panel, so watch for it on the blog soon!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Disney 3D Panels, "Tron: Legacy", "Pirates 4" and "Haunted Mansion"

Let me just say, that this is the third time that I have been to a "Tron: Legacy" panel in Hall H at San Diego Comic Con, and they seem to find a way to top themselves every year to get me even more excited about the film.
Not only were we the first to see the premiere of the new trailer, which shows the first footage of a 35 year old Kevin Flynn, but we also had the opportunity to see eight minutes of the film, in 3D. And I once again have to say, that this movie truly will kick ass in IMAX 3D. Unlike many other films, this one was filmed specifically for IMAX 3D, and to be seen in that medium. And it is going to be awesome!
Guests on the panel were stars of the film Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, Michael Sheen and Bruce Boxleitner along with director Joseph Kosinski, producer and original "TRON" creator, Steve Lisberger. Along with additional footage from the film, the crowd was treated to a nice surprise of having a part in the actual film. Well, our voices anyway. During the panel, they recorded us screaming in unison things like "De-rez!" and stomping our feet and the like. It may not be much to every other person in the world, but the inner geek in me was screaming the whole time: "I'm in Tron! I'm in Tron!" .....just like Michael Sheen. (who was fabulously funny for his first experience at Comic Con.)
I'm sure I wasn't the only one surprised that "Tron" didn't end up being the only panel Disney was presenting. We were also treated to a surprise teaser trailer for "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", which is due out next summer. However, the one I am truly excited about is the announcement of Disney revamping "Haunted Mansion" directed by Guillermo Del Toro, who walked out on stage to a standing ovation.
Overall, the Disney 3D panels were once again epic and highly out did themselves compared to last year, except with the disappointment of no Brad Pitt appearance at the "Mega Mind" panel.
Candace's Thursday Comic Con schedule
So, went to preview night, and came back to the hotel with with a "Stargate" F-302 replica, a couple signed "Farscape" comics, and Jayne's wristband from "Firefly" from the Quantum Mechanics booth when I was on my way to the IDW booth to get some "Angel" comics. However, when I saw a Stargate mirror in the corner of my eye, you can say I got a little distracted.
Anyway, I'm honestly still trying to plan out my weekend because I'm still not really sure what I am going to do this weekend. However, I do know that it's going to be full of Joss Whedon ALL WEEKEND. Tomorrow night, I am going to a charity screening of "Serenity" that is showing at the theater in the Gaslamp, and apparently, some stars are going to show up. Well, considering the list of "Firefly" stars that are going to be here this weekend including Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillon, Morenna Baccarin, Adam Baldwin and Summer Glau. So, how knows what is going to show up! I'm really excited for this tomorrow night!! You know, if it's just Nathan Fillon, I would be happy. Or Adam, so he can sign my Jayne wristband!
I'm also excited for the J.J. Abrams and Joss Whedon panel tomorrow in Hall H. I always enjoy and treasure the opportunity to see two legendary filmmakers discuss the present and future of cinema. I will be filming the entire panel, so if you are interested, the entire thing will be on youtube soon.
Well, that's what I am doing tomorrow. Right now we need to sleep, and I'm going to watch #LOST before I go to sleep.
Anyway, I'm honestly still trying to plan out my weekend because I'm still not really sure what I am going to do this weekend. However, I do know that it's going to be full of Joss Whedon ALL WEEKEND. Tomorrow night, I am going to a charity screening of "Serenity" that is showing at the theater in the Gaslamp, and apparently, some stars are going to show up. Well, considering the list of "Firefly" stars that are going to be here this weekend including Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillon, Morenna Baccarin, Adam Baldwin and Summer Glau. So, how knows what is going to show up! I'm really excited for this tomorrow night!! You know, if it's just Nathan Fillon, I would be happy. Or Adam, so he can sign my Jayne wristband!
I'm also excited for the J.J. Abrams and Joss Whedon panel tomorrow in Hall H. I always enjoy and treasure the opportunity to see two legendary filmmakers discuss the present and future of cinema. I will be filming the entire panel, so if you are interested, the entire thing will be on youtube soon.
Well, that's what I am doing tomorrow. Right now we need to sleep, and I'm going to watch #LOST before I go to sleep.
Friday, July 16, 2010
New episode up... and an editor's note
It has been a hell week of sorts for Inscaped.
And no, not just because the weather out here is crazy hot.
We are in the midst of Comic-Con preparation, which is very time consuming, and getting ready to head out to San Diego.
That also means we've filmed two shows (one while we are away) in two days.
And "Inception" is out this week!
And no, not just because the weather out here is crazy hot.
We are in the midst of Comic-Con preparation, which is very time consuming, and getting ready to head out to San Diego.
That also means we've filmed two shows (one while we are away) in two days.
And "Inception" is out this week!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Marvel's big mistake
So, Marvel has decided not to have Edward Norton play Bruce Banner/the Hulk in "The Avengers."
After working so hard to establish a link and a timeline between its "Avengers" films, Marvel has decided to undermine those efforts by recasting a pivotal role.
Both Marvel and Norton's agent have released statements blaming the other side, so we'll probably never know the truth.
What's really upsetting is that fans will now miss out on the chance of seeing Norton, Robert Downey Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson on screen together.
The question now is who will be the new Hulk and will the announcement be made at Marvel's big Comic-con panel.
After working so hard to establish a link and a timeline between its "Avengers" films, Marvel has decided to undermine those efforts by recasting a pivotal role.
Both Marvel and Norton's agent have released statements blaming the other side, so we'll probably never know the truth.
What's really upsetting is that fans will now miss out on the chance of seeing Norton, Robert Downey Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson on screen together.
The question now is who will be the new Hulk and will the announcement be made at Marvel's big Comic-con panel.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Full Schedule for Comic Con 2010
So the schedule has been released...but why is no one seeing stars or planning a weekend that shall most definitely be a fairy tale??
How about because the schedule is a complete and utter EPIC FAILURE! This is the first year I am seriously questioning the sanity of whoever schedules this madness. And this is the first year that the entire schedule FAILS completely.
First of all, being Comic Con veterans, all three of us can tell you that the schedules for Thursday and Friday are amazingly light, when it comes to big panels for the big films and television shows. So what do they do?? Pack everything between Hall H and Ballroom 20 on Saturday. And I'm not talking movies and series that have a small exclusive fandom. I'm talking some of the most anticipated panels of the whole weekend.
Oh, and don't even get me started on sticking hugely popular shows like "Warehouse 13" and "Eureka" not only on the same panel in one hour, but in a extremely small room, where these panels usually fill Ballroom to the brim.
Now, I know how Comic Con works. There is always going to be something you miss. For example, I accepted the fact that I may never get to see the Kevin Smith panel, because I miss it every year for one reason or another. No, this isn't one of those times. This year, it's unforgivable.
It has now been left to people like me, that love the television panels and the big movie panels to pick between Hall H or Ballroom 2o all day Saturday. I have to decide between "Captain America" and "Thor," or "The Vampire Diaries," "Bones" and "Fringe." What kind of choice is that?
An impossible one. In fact, I'm not sure I will make up my mind until after the WB panels in Hall H are over. That will be the moment I decide what I am going to see. And I can tell you, I am not looking forward to it. Okay, I have said my piece.
If you want to find out how this year's Comic Con is going to break your heart, check out the full schedule on their website:
How about because the schedule is a complete and utter EPIC FAILURE! This is the first year I am seriously questioning the sanity of whoever schedules this madness. And this is the first year that the entire schedule FAILS completely.
First of all, being Comic Con veterans, all three of us can tell you that the schedules for Thursday and Friday are amazingly light, when it comes to big panels for the big films and television shows. So what do they do?? Pack everything between Hall H and Ballroom 20 on Saturday. And I'm not talking movies and series that have a small exclusive fandom. I'm talking some of the most anticipated panels of the whole weekend.
Oh, and don't even get me started on sticking hugely popular shows like "Warehouse 13" and "Eureka" not only on the same panel in one hour, but in a extremely small room, where these panels usually fill Ballroom to the brim.
Now, I know how Comic Con works. There is always going to be something you miss. For example, I accepted the fact that I may never get to see the Kevin Smith panel, because I miss it every year for one reason or another. No, this isn't one of those times. This year, it's unforgivable.
It has now been left to people like me, that love the television panels and the big movie panels to pick between Hall H or Ballroom 2o all day Saturday. I have to decide between "Captain America" and "Thor," or "The Vampire Diaries," "Bones" and "Fringe." What kind of choice is that?
An impossible one. In fact, I'm not sure I will make up my mind until after the WB panels in Hall H are over. That will be the moment I decide what I am going to see. And I can tell you, I am not looking forward to it. Okay, I have said my piece.
If you want to find out how this year's Comic Con is going to break your heart, check out the full schedule on their website:
Friday, July 9, 2010
New episode up (plus... COMIC-CON!)
Our Comic-Con Senior Correspondant Candace joins us after the Emmy segment to talk about the upcoming convention.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Introducing the Classics Project
For my 200th post I wanted to do something special.
I had almost finished writing a rebuttal to Armond White's "Toy Story 3" review, but Slant beat me to it.
So instead I am pushing up plans for a new project for Inscaped called The Classics Project.
A little background first.
Apparently I went to middle and high schools that either didn't have a lot of money or didn't like books because over the years I realized that there are many books I've never read.
I'm talking like "everyone else in high school" read these books.
In light of that sad, sad realization I am going to right that wrong.
Starting this week I am going to read one classic book at a time and keep going (maybe forever).
To help, Stephanie put together a list of books that she considers "classics."
The bold items are ones I actually did read in school:
"The Outsiders"
"Little Women"
"Romeo and Juliet"
"Julius Caeser"
"Fahrenheit 451"
"Catcher in the Rye"
"Pride and Prejudice"
"The Scarlet Letter"
"Animal Farm"
"The Three Musketeers"
"The Count of Monte Cristo"
"Wuthering Heights"
"Gulliver's Travels"
"A Tale of Two Cities"
"The Great Gatsby"
"Lord of the Flies"
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
"The Grapes of Wrath"
"Brave New World"
Yes, I realize how pathetic that is.
I went to Borders Books this week and purchased "A Tale of Two Cities" and "Treasure Island," even though it's not on the list I think it's considered a classic and falls into the category.
My tale of reading begins now and I will blog along with my reading adventure... like "Julie and Julia" but without Amy Adams and food.
I had almost finished writing a rebuttal to Armond White's "Toy Story 3" review, but Slant beat me to it.
So instead I am pushing up plans for a new project for Inscaped called The Classics Project.
A little background first.
Apparently I went to middle and high schools that either didn't have a lot of money or didn't like books because over the years I realized that there are many books I've never read.
I'm talking like "everyone else in high school" read these books.
In light of that sad, sad realization I am going to right that wrong.
Starting this week I am going to read one classic book at a time and keep going (maybe forever).
To help, Stephanie put together a list of books that she considers "classics."
The bold items are ones I actually did read in school:
"The Outsiders"
"Little Women"
"Romeo and Juliet"
"Julius Caeser"
"Fahrenheit 451"
"Catcher in the Rye"
"Pride and Prejudice"
"The Scarlet Letter"
"Animal Farm"
"The Three Musketeers"
"The Count of Monte Cristo"
"Wuthering Heights"
"Gulliver's Travels"
"A Tale of Two Cities"
"The Great Gatsby"
"Lord of the Flies"
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
"The Grapes of Wrath"
"Brave New World"
Yes, I realize how pathetic that is.
I went to Borders Books this week and purchased "A Tale of Two Cities" and "Treasure Island," even though it's not on the list I think it's considered a classic and falls into the category.
My tale of reading begins now and I will blog along with my reading adventure... like "Julie and Julia" but without Amy Adams and food.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Emmy predictions: Drama
Best Supporting Actress:
I'm also rooting for "Friday Night Lights" to finally get some recognition for its consistently high quality, but the Emmys don't seem in a rush to offer that acknowledgment. I would also love to see Timothy Olyphant and "Justified" nominated, but it can be hard for new shows to break the Emmy barrier.
- Cherry Jones-"24"
- Chandra Wilson-"Grey's Anatomy"
- S. Epatha Merkerson-"Law & Order"
- Christine Baranski-"The Good Wife"
- Elisabeth Moss-"Mad Men"
- Rose Byrne-"Damages"
- Michael Emerson-"Lost"
- Terry O'Quinn-"Lost"
- Aaron Paul-"Breaking Bad"
- John Slattery-"Mad Men"
- Sam Waterston-"Law & Order"
- John Lithgow-"Dexter"
- Julianna Margulies-"The Good Wife"
- Kyra Sedgwick-"The Closer"
- Glenn Close-"Damages"
- Calista Flockhart-"Brothers and Sisters"
- Sally Field-"Brothers and Sisters"
- January Jones-"Mad Men"
- Jon Hamm-"Mad Men"
- Bryan Cranston-"Breaking Bad"
- Michael C. Hall-"Dexter"
- Hugh Laurie-"House"
- Kiefer Sutherland-"24"
- "Lost"
- "Mad Men"
- "Breaking Bad"
- "Law & Order"
- "Dexter"
- "The Good Wife"
I'm also rooting for "Friday Night Lights" to finally get some recognition for its consistently high quality, but the Emmys don't seem in a rush to offer that acknowledgment. I would also love to see Timothy Olyphant and "Justified" nominated, but it can be hard for new shows to break the Emmy barrier.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Emmy predictions: Comedy
Later this week the Emmy nominations will be announced by Joel McHale and Sofia Vergara. In anticipation of the big event, I've decided to post my Emmy predictions. Keep in mind that these choices reflect who I think will be nominated, not who I want to be nominated.
Best Supporting Actress:
Best Supporting Actress:
- Jane Lynch-"Glee"
- Jane Krakowski-"30 Rock"
- Julie Bowen-"Modern Family"
- Sofia Vergara-"Modern Family"
- Vanessa L. Williams-"Ugly Betty"
- Neil Patrick Harris-"How I Met Your Mother"
- Jon Cryer-"Two and a Half Men"
- Jeremy Piven-"Entourage"
- Ty Burrell-"Modern Family"
- Tracy Morgan-"30 Rock"
- Jack McBrayer-"30 Rock"
- Tina Fey-"30 Rock"
- Amy Poehler-"Parks and Recreation"
- Lea Michele-"Glee"
- Mary Louise Parker-"Weeds"
- Toni Collette-"United States of Tara"
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus-"The New Adventures of Old Christine"
- Alec Baldwin-"30 Rock"
- Jim Parsons-"The Big Bang Theory
- Steve Carell-"The Office"
- David Duchovny-"Californication"
- Matthew Morrison-"Glee"
- "30 Rock"
- "Weeds"
- "Glee"
- "Modern Family"
- "The Office"
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" aka the Taylor and Jackson Show

I must say, I was a lot more impressed with "Eclipse" than I ever thought I would be. I knew I would come out of this film knowing it would probably be the best of the series simply because this book was structured to be a good film. However, I did not expect to come out singing Taylor Lautner's praises, but I have to. He truly did shine in this movie. But lemme start at the beginning...
I could spend a moment going over the basic plot of "Eclipse", but I'm sure anyone who will care enough about what I think of it, will not already be a fan, but will have read the books. So I will round it all up in one sentence for you: The Cullens and the Wolf Pack must band together to protect Bella from an army of newborn vampires heading to Forks, while battling with a choice: Edward or Jacob? That's the long and the short of it.
Being only a few minutes over 2 hours long, they couldn't take their time getting into the action. They jumped right into the intruder putting Bella in danger, Victoria still hanging around, that the army of newborn vampires threatening to bring the Volturi to Seattle. And of course, the looming love triangle.
Now, just to make myself clear, I couldn't stand Jacob in the books. I hated him in fact, until I read the section of "Breaking Dawn" that is in his point of view. Only then, did I start to feel sympathy towards him. However, there is something about Taylor Lautner as Jacob, that I can't help but love his character...and it's more than just his rock solid abs. Although, those are fantastic too!
Every time there was a scene with Jake, Edward and Bella, I gotta say, there was sparks flying on screen. It really is the first chance we get to see all three of them together, and the chemistry between the three of them was amazing. Especially between Rob and Taylor. Edward and Jacob had so many great lines between each other, that I have to give a huge nod to Melissa Rosenberg and Rob and Taylor for the perfect delivery of so many witty lines that this series really had been lacking in until now.
Other than the outstanding performance of Taylor, who truly does have a big career ahead of him, even after "Twilight" is all over, the performance of Jackson Rathbone as Jasper was the other thing really stuck out for me. First of all, the background story of Jasper is my favorite part in the book, and I was sincerely hoping that they did it correctly in the movie, and honestly, I couldn't be happier with it. Overall, Jasper had a much bigger part in this movie than in the last two, and he had so much more to work with than just a handful of lines. We finally got to see the character of Jasper, instead of just seeing him standing in the background. One of the main things I was really happy about, was the fact they let Jackson keep his real accent for the character. Jackson was raised in Texas, so obviously has a bit of a washed out cowboy accent. Jasper is also from Texas. That is one little thing that irked me about the last two films was Jasper had no accent. As a writer, giving a character an accent gives him more layers. That is what we got from Jackson in this film. Having seen Jackson in many other things, I know he is a great actor, and have been supremely excited to see what he would come up with for this one.
Overall, the acting was better all across the board. I am a firm believer that all it takes to get a great performance out of an actor is the right director. Having seen the results of that for "Eclipse" I have to take my hat off to David Slade.
I was also supremely proud of Kristen Stewart in this film because of only one single scene that she just totally nailed! After Jacob overhears Bella and Edward are engaged, Jacob begins to run off. Bella of course, runs after him, desperate. Now, if there has been one thing I have not liked about Kristen in these films, was that sometimes, she doesn't show enough emotion. But in this scene, she really did shine and showed her magical abilities as an actress.
There are endless things to talk about in this film, so I will stick what I liked the most, and what I hated the most. Let's start with the things that I liked, other than the acting performances I already talked about.
As always, Billy Burke always steals every scene he is in, but I do have to say, the funniest scenes in the series belong to Billy in "Eclipse". A scene I dearly hoped would make it into the film is one of my favorite moments: when Charlie tries to have "the talk" with Bella.
Finally, we get the Jacob and Bella kiss. We all know that Bella is destined to be with Edward, but this scene was done beautifully, and Kristen and Taylor were at their best. This scene almost had me in tears, and that is truly saying something.
The proposal scene. It is one of the highest points of the entire series. Both the actors and the crew had a lot to live up with this scene, and in my opinion, it is one of my favorite scenes of the entire series so far. Rob and Kristen nailed it. Some of the most memorable visuals that I loved in the book, are in this scene, including the infamous leg hitch!! When I saw that, I about jumped from my chair in pure excitement. A twitter friend of my said it best. "That is the hottest and sexiest non-sex scene I have ever seen." And I have to agree with her. It is all topped off by the absolutely gorgeous song that is being played during this scene, "My Love" by Sia.
My absolute favorite scene in the entire series so far, the even more infamous Tent Scene!! First of all, two of the best lines of the movies are given to Jacob in this scene. To Edward: "You know I'm hotter than you." Then after Jacob slips into the sleeping bag with a freezing Bella: "You know it would be better if you took your clothes off. Survival 101." I have to say, I was rolling in laughter at these two lines of dialogue in perfect succession. Fabulous witty humor. But beyond the humor, is why this scene is my favorite. Edward and Jacob have their first real conversation, and it is magic, thanks to the chemistry, the writing and the acting. Extra kudos to David Slade, Melissa Rosenberg, Rob Pattinson and Taylor Launter for this scene.
The last thing that truly captured my attention, but is no real surprise, is the soundtrack and the score. I have said this since "Twilight" was released: these films have some of the best soundtracks and scores that I have ever listened to. The score "Eclipse" in particular is composed by Howard Shore, the Academy Award winner for his work in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The music in this series truly is flawless.
Now onto the things that I didn't like, which is really only one thing that actually surprised me. I didn't like Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria. I know there was a change in actress from the previous two films, but I honestly thought that I would like Bryce better, being a more talented actress. However, I was extremely disappointed. The character of Victoria is supposed to be sassy and antagonizing, and Bryce missed all the marks. I felt as if she tried to make people feel sympathize towards her, and that is not the purpose of Victoria.
Overall, the movie was fabulous, and I'm sure I'm going to see it at least as many times as I saw "New Moon", which I really do not want to admit how many times I saw it. I also don't want to admit that I have fallen to pure TwiHard crazy in the last few days. After getting into a car accident on Sunset Blvd on my way to Century City AMC to see Rob and Kristen after a showing of "Eclipse", I was only extremely angry because I missed them, and not because of my car. As a friend of my put it: an ultimate TwiHard reaction. I have also finally dropped to a whole new low of purchasing "Twilight" bedding. I will now be going to be with Jacob Black every night.
What can I say? I'm crazy, I know. Deal with it.
E3 leftovers
As promised, here is Stephanie trying out the new Kinect game "Dance Central."
And so she's not along in embarrassment, here is me with the Nintendorks singing "The Power of Love."
And so she's not along in embarrassment, here is me with the Nintendorks singing "The Power of Love."
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