I have shared my love of comics with Stephanie who is cool enough to enjoy them too. But, I also converted someone else. Someone who I had no idea would love them as much as I do.
My 9-year-old niece Zoe, who also might be the coolest 9-year-old kid ever. We get along famously and she is even a fan of watching "Inscaped" on TV. She even wrote us a letter to the editor when we slammed "Twilight," hey we can't please everyone...
One day I came across a kid's comic called "Tiny Titans" which is basically the Teen Titans as little kids.
And it rocks beyond words.
I bought Zoe six issues right off the bat and she devoured them in almost one sitting. The cool thing about the book is that there are an even amount of girl and boy superheroes. And the writing is easy enough for kids to understand.
So I started buying her the new issues as they were released. A couple of months ago I decided to get a subscription (to make it easier) and her first issue arrived in the mail yesterday.
As soon as she got it she was so excited. She blew through the issue (which was co-written by Geoff Johns and featured a kids friendly "Blackest Night" type story).
After a while she started drawing the characters herself. I am a proud, comic-loving uncle right now.
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