Not like that.
The headline refers to the film striking a cord with me and actually made me feel something. And just ask Stephanie, I am a combination of a Terminator and Grinch. A small, robot heart.
But, this weekend I kept thinking about "Hot Tub Time Machine." Stephanie and I saw it again opening night (we had to see the first 30 minutes!) so I had a complete view of the movie.
Oh, and thar be spoilers in these waters from here on in.
OK, we've talked enough about the plot and no one is/was expecting "Gone with the Wind" type excellence.
But, the non-nudity, gross out parts of the film are just as good.
The film is really about three longtime friends who have just kind of drifted apart. For anyone older than 25 this might be something to relate to. Do you still talk to and/or hang out with friends from high school?
Back then friends like that were the most important parts of your life. You're indestructible with your friends. I always thought we would hang out, go to movies etc. But, through many things life has a way of pushing people apart.
It never falls solely on one person. One friend might be really busy, one might move away, one might be a jerk (like Lou in the movie). What the heck happened?
I haven't seen my school friends Andrew Newberg or Jared Faria in more than a decade. I did get to spend a few days with John and Ben in Japan two years ago, but there was no time machine involved.
Another part of the movie is once the friends get back together and go to 1986, they figure out that the past that they all loved so much and can't stop talking about is the main cause of their present day issues.
John Cusack's character dumps a girl by mistake and spends the rest of his life regretting it, Craig Robinson fails on stage in front of hundreds of people and loses who he really is and Rob Corddry gets beat up and decades later never recovers from the trauma.
It's funny that in the movies no one ever goes back in time just to have some fun. Time travel is all about changing horrible events to make your present time better.
I thought about it and there were so many things I would change in the past. Like the girl who got away, or how I should have stood up for myself and even not letting that one English professor make me almost give up my journalism dream.
That then brings up thoughts on how much better life would be if you could just change all of that.
Sure, "Hot Tub Time Machine" is silly. It's gross and some parts don't make any logical sense at all, but the point is still the point.
And people can relate to that.
I know I can.
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