Like many people, I was a very big and very loyal fan of the new "Battlestar Galactica" series.
I was also very sad when it ended.
The best friday nights in my life was for that short time when "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate Atlantis" and "Battlestar Galactica" all ran together on Sci-Fi Channel back when sci-fi was spelled correctly.
And one by one, my three favorite shows either ended, or were canceled.
Then "Caprica" began. Now, having went to the "Caprica" panel at Comic Con last year, I was hopeful that this series would live up to the shock and awe that BSG was and created in the science fiction world. BSG blurred the lines between drama and science fiction. It become a scifi show for people that generally didn't watch scifi. I can't remember how many people that I have introduced to science fiction through that show.
I really wanted "Caprica" to be good.
But with the first six or seven episodes, I was left flat and disappointed. I wasn't feeling the love that the critics were, which is a first. When the critics love something, I usually love it even more. Not in this case.
I don't find myself caring about these characters like I did Helo, Starbuck or Athena in BSG. In fact, I found myself disliking most of them. Especially Zoe, who I'm supposed to be rooting for. Surprisingly, in the beginning, the only character that I was interested in was Sam Adama, played by Sasha Roiz, the brother of Joseph Adama and deeply connected in the mafia. The Adama's was also, one of the most interesting parts of the story. Mainly for reasons I still can't get over that I'm watching a young Admiral Adama character. And the fact that the Adama's have a history in the Tauron mafia is fascinating.
It wasn't until Tamara, the virtual avatar of Joseph Adama's dead daughter, got lost in V-World that I was captured by the plot at all. For the first time, I couldn't take my eyes of the screen.
I enjoyed the finale tonight. Finally, the plot has become intense and characters are becoming aware of consequences that they have created. Their humanities are being tested, finally. Something that Ron Moore was so good at doing in "BSG." The characters were put in a position where they had to make a difficult decision, and no matter which way they picked, there would be consequences. That's what I've been looking for in "Caprica." The audience was not given that, until only two episodes ago.
Tonight, I had high expectations for the finale. Some of them were accomplished, and others weren't. There were only two moments of surprise for me, one of them I guessed, and the other I didn't see coming. I was shocked that Tamara would actual kill her father from V-World, so that he may never enter again. It should live up to an interesting future for Joseph Adama. As for what didn't surprise me, I knew his V-World companion, Manuel, would be Teryl Rothery's character in the real world. I just got excited that I was right.
The best thing about tonight's finale is Lacy's story. Now, after joining STO, she is shown the consequences. Set up into putting a bomb in Clarice's possession, she has to detonate or die. I wasn't so excited that Clarice may die because she is played by Polly Walker, one of the only things that kept me watching the show in the beginning. But of course, Clarice's curiosity saves her life from the ever vile Barnabus, played by the ever fabulous James Marsters, a fellow STO member and Clarice's rival. (Barnabus is so hard to hate because of James Marsters).
Overall, it was a fairly entertaining episode, keeping my fancy long enough that I might be able to survive this ridiculous hiatus...which is making nobody happy.
You would think that SyFy Channel learned their lesson after dooming "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate Atlantis" and "BSG" with such long hiatuses. Sometimes as long as six months or more, it was unbearable for a die hard fan to handle. Especially when there were a few times that the new episodes would be airing in other countries three months ahead of the US airing dates. That causes a show to lose fans and viewers. Considering the hype that "Caprica" has received so far, SyFy Channel may have signed it's death warrant by scheduling this long hiatus.
The network executives need to understand that fans of their shows, don't watch all their shows. I loved "Stargate," but I didn't watch "Eureka" or "Warehouse 13." So, when "Stargate" went into a hiatus, and then air an entire season of "Eureka" before "Stargate" returned, I wasn't too happy. I'm not sure how many more upset fans they need to understand that?
Three months we can survive, but six or more...that's unforgivable.
1 comment:
All of this has happened before..
And will happen again..
So true....
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