Monday, February 9, 2009

Two year anniversary and 100th post!

So today, Feb. 9, marks the two-year anniversary of this blog Inscape'd. It has been a wild and interesting adventure. I wanted to use this special 100th post to take a look back at our blog and some of the more interesting posts.

Two years ago we wanted to stand out and try something new. We created two blogs; one entertainment and one general interest.

No one really knew where to start. At the time we were working on the first issue of the semester and the big entertainment story was the upcoming Academy Awards. We had written reviews of the Best Pictures nominees and put them together in a nice package. The review I did was for the film "The Queen." I had actually written a lot more for the article, but had to cut some down due to space issues.

Thus, our first blog post was born and I did a review of my review:

Interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit - Dan and then editor Josh didn't think I should post that blog, they both said it was a little personal.

Another blog that was fun was going to see Tyler wrestling:

Not only was it a great time, but also a great group event for the staff. And some great pictures too.

It was in the summer of '07 that Tyler, Dan and I tried something with the blog. We would take one topic a week (or so) and each of us would come up with a blog about that topic. One in particular, "Worst movie going experience," actually provided, in my eyes, one of the best blogs we ever posted:

Stephanie Holland and I recently started what I hope is to be how the blog will work from now on, a post a day. It is a big commitment, but something that shows this is a serious blog. Well, you know what I mean.

I wanted to drop a quick thanks to Daniel Segraves, Tyler Davidson, Sandra Diaz and Stephanie Holland for keeping Inscape'd going.

Here's to another 100 posts and many more years!

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