Monday, February 23, 2009

Best acceptance speech EVER!

So Sean Penn won the Oscar for Best Actor after all.

But, the real winner of this awards season is Mickey Rourke. And it's not a comeback, "Sin City" was a comeback. "The Wrestler" was/is bringing him back to the A-game.

If you've seen Viewpoints On... you know I am a HUGE fan of "The Wrestler" and Rourke's performance.

This season every time Rourke won an award, he gave a great speech. He's not fake. He is as real as it gets. And he doesn't give a crap.

I wanted to embed the video of his acceptance speech at the Independent Spirit Awards, but the sheer awesomeness of it would break almost every AP Style guideline known to man.

So, if you are not afraid of cussing and someone who is truly happy about winning, then check out the link below (Fair warning):

He doesn't need the Oscar. He's back with a mother-you-know-what vengeance!

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