Me and Jared Padalecki
So, this being my very first 'Supernatural' convention, I was a little fan girl all weekend. However, considering all the mental preparation I did, I was able to get through it. Minus the fact that Jared tried to make me trip on the stairs, and ALMOST succeeded, and I am positive that he did it completely on purpose...
Anyway, a few spoilers that were given here and there throughout the weekend.
1. We will apparently be seeing young Mary Winchester again. Does Castiel transport Dean and Sam back to the 70's again??
2. YES, Misha Collins will be in the fourth wall episode, scheduled to air last next month. Jensen confirmed this by his little comment of "filming a scene a few days ago of Misha playing Misha." What else could that POSSIBLY mean?
(For those of you that do not know about the fourth wall episode: Dean and Sam get transported into an alternate reality where they are actors Jared and Jensen, stars of the hit tv series 'Supernatural')
In one of the pictures that I posted above, you can see Jared holding two props from that set. They are the alternate universe's actors J. Ackles and J. Padalecki trailer signs, which the real Jared and Jensen auctioned off to the crowd for charity.
3. A pleasant surprise for all of us, Jensen spoiled that there will be a WESTERN episode this season. Dean and Sam are getting transported back into the 1860's. I think we are all assuming that it will definitely have something to do with the Colt, which we haven't seen since it failed to kill Lucifer in Season 5 episode "Abandon All Hope".
Now that picture of Jensen in a cowboy hat looking like he was on the back of a horse makes much for sense.
4. Cliff all but said, YES, there are plans and a continuing storyline for a Season 7. They are just waiting for the official word from the CW.
5. And although Samantha Ferris (Ellen) was not at the convention, she did however post a picture of her and Misha Collins on her Twitter account. Does this mean another possible Heaven episode in the future? And maybe also a return of Alona Tal (Jo) as well?
6. Also, Jensen also hinted that Dean will be hunting the hunters that killed him and Sam at the beginning of the Season 5 episode "Dark Side of the Moon". This could be an interesting story.
...Jensen sure loves spilling doesn't he?
A few funny stories for you:
1. Apparently thanks to their wives, Jensen is now addicted to 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' and Jared to 'Jersey Shore'. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has lost just a tad bit of respect for them. Also, neither of them can make it through 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' without crying.
CLICK HERE for a video of that story.
2. There seems to be a fair amount of dancing going on around set.
CLICK HERE for that video.
3. The term "PUDDING!" is now the general term used by cast and crew when something unexplainable happens around shooting.
4. The boys LOVE stealing stuff from the set, especially borrowing clothes from Dean and Sam Winchester.
CLICK HERE for the video.
Since they wouldn't let me video all the panels, that is all I remember. I do however, have tons of pictures from the panel other than the few that I posted above. You can see those on my Flickr HERE.
I also have a number of HILARIOUS stories behind the pictures that I took with Jensen and Jared, especially the Jared photo. I did do a long post of Tumblr of the interaction between him me and my stool, along with the bag of candy that he snatched from my hand.
I have also posted, and am continuing to post a number of my own videos, most of them from the concert on saturday night that Jared Padalecki and Genevieve hosted and attended. You can find those on my YouTube Channel HERE.
Alright, that's about it.
Stay tuned for plenty more from me and my further adventures at the 'Supernatural' Convention when I attend the LA Con next month!
The photo of you and Jared Padalecki is great. It should be your Christmas card.
LOLOLOL well, this pic of him and the one im getting next month may be the only pics I ever get taken of me this year anyway LOL
I HATE getting my picture taken.... hahahahah
"Now that picture of Jensen in a cowboy hat looking like he was on the back of a horse makes much for sense."
Wait wait what? How did I miss THIS?!
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