Yes, I will admit. That I cried this day three years ago, and so far, it is the only time I have done so after hearing the news of a celebrity's death. And there's a reason for that.
Heath is the same age as my brother. So it was very easy to see him as such. He is like my Zac Efron of this generation. An actor close to the same age as me that I admire dearly. I have seen every last one of his films, and projects.And when I was at work that morning, I read the text from a friend while on my break and immediately started crying.
It was such a weird morning, because before the bookstore opened, a group of us were talking about the new issue of EMPIRE magazine, which released the first photo of Heath as the Joker on the cover. All of us were talking about "The Dark Knight" excitedly. And then, we found out he had died during the night.
Still to this day, Heath will always be one of my favorite actors, and artists, because in a way, he was always more than just an actor. It is such a rare occasion to see an actor pull off such perfection with a deep and complex character such as the Joker. And because of him, and the masterpiece that the film has become, it will always be one of the greatest films of my lifetime, and a hard one to beat.
So, in honor of the anniversary of his death, here is a list of my top five all time favorite Heath Ledger films. For once, this list was an easy one to make.
5. 10 Things I Hate About You
Still one of my all time favorite romantic comedies. You just can't get any better than Shakespeare, Joseph Gordon Levitt and Heath Ledger. Oh, and a GREAT little musical number. What else can you possibly say about this movie to make it sound any better? Just those few little simple facts make it memorable.
5. Casanova
It's not a favorite of most, but I loved it. Heath had just the right kind of unbridled elegance to play the infamous Casanova. Not only that, but a perfect chemistry with Sienna Miller, whom I've always had a soft spot for. I have also always thought this script is highly underestimated as a perfect mix of history, drama and comedy. Honestly, it was far more amusing than I ever thought it would be. And although Heath is far more known for his dramatic roles, he does have great comedic timing.
4. Brokeback Mountain
What can I possibly say about this movie that those of you who have seen it don't already know? His performance was perfect. It's as simple as that. And there is no reason he should not have won the oscar that year. No reason. Though this movie was avoided by most, I always knew I would see it. It's Heath Ledger. That is reason enough to see it for me. I don't care what it's about. Drama is so diverse in it's variety today in storytelling, that this story needed to be told. Persecuted even today for his decision to play this role, I admire him for it. Although his career was short, the courage he showed in the roles he accepted is apparent.
3. Candy
The one Heath Ledger film that most people have never heard of, and the one I recommend most to see. A story of two heroine addicts trying to get over their vices while falling dangerously in love with one another. Performing opposite Abbie Cornish and Geoffrey Rush, these three tell an authentic and rustic tale of the struggles of a relationship with something as strong as an addiction is between you. I love this movie because of how real it is. No unrealistic or out there plots to win someone's heart back. This is how so many true stories end. And with these three fabulous performances, you can never go wrong with "Candy".

2. A Knight's Tale
One of Heath's most memorable films because it's the one that took him to the big time. There is just nothing wrong with this movie. It's fun, it's musical. There's great action. A perfect love story. And it's an ultimate underdog story, and everyone loves rooting for the underdog. Oh, and it's based on Chaucer's "A Knight's Tale" from Canterbury Tales. Plus, who can forget Paul Bettany's PERFECT portrayal of the infamous Chaucer himself? The unexpected mix makes it a perfect teenage hit, that I will always love.
1. The Dark Knight
Perfection. In every way possible. What else is there to say? Not only is Heath's performance the stuff of legend, every other aspect of this film creates a masterpiece. I still believe with every fibre of my being that this film should have won more Oscars. It wasn't even nominated for Best Picture, and it should have been. I was so afraid when I was standing in line for the most insane midnight showing I still have yet to attend, that I was going to be so caught up in missing Heath, that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the movie. How wrong I was. Heath's performance was so riveting and consuming from his very first scene, that I didn't have time to mourn him. I have been a fan of the Joker since I was a kid, and he never been portrayed in the way I always imagined him until Heath came along. Scary in appearance, and even more terrifying in his twisted and crazy logic. A man so and utterly psychotic, yet filled with an unbridled genius, its inspiring to behold. What a legacy to leave the world with. One of the best performances and best films ever made.
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