Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jack Black's five good movies

In the 100th episode I discussed how Jack Black has only made one good movie, "School of Rock."

After a little research and a few hours watching one of my favorite movies, I must say that I was wrong and Black actually has five good movies.
  • "School of Rock" where he combines his musical abilities with his comedic timing in perfect fashion.
  • "The Holiday" where he is uncharacteristically charming. I credit Kate Winslet with making Black good in this underappreciated romantic comedy.
  • "Tropic Thunder" where Black gets to be as over the top as he wants.
  • "High Fidelity" which I did say was a John Cusack film, but without Black's ridiculousness Cusack wouldn't get to be his usual charming self.
  • "Saving Silverman" is an utterly stupid comedy that is somehow funny and features a tons of great Neil Diamond music.
So those are Jack Black's only good movies. So that's five out of like 80. That's a seriously awful average.


Timothy Guy said...

Well, he was killed in "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer." That has to count for something.

Candace Wilson said...

LOL, Kung Fu Panda is still my favorite Jack Black movie hahahhahhaha.