For the first time ever, American "Doctor Who" fans got to experience the traditional "Doctor Who Christmas Special" on Christmas Day instead of two weeks later.
Anyone who's watched the 100th episode of "Inscaped" knows that "Doctor Who" was my No. 1 show of 2010, and the Christmas special had all the elements that makes the show great.
It was showrunner and lead writer Steven Moffat's take on the classic story "A Christmas Carol," except this time the Doctor was the ghost of Christmas past and future, with his companion Amy as the ghost of Christmas present.
The story revolved around Karzan Sardick (Michael Gambon), an angry old man who controlled the skies of a distant planet. Unfortunately, newlyweds Amy and Rory were honeymooning on a crashing ship that Sardick refused to help. So, it was up to the Doctor to change his mind by changing his history.
While it was no secret that the Doctor would save the day, what made this episode so great was the heart and spirit that it displayed. Fans got to literally see the Doctor at work as we watched Sardick watching an old home movie that featured the Doctor changing history.
"A Christmas Carol" showed how Matt Smith is really coming into his own as the eleventh Doctor. He showcased all the Doctor's wit, controlled anger and comedic timing to perfection in the special. Smith especially shined in a funny scene involving Marilyn Monroe and a party at Frank Sinatra's house.
There were also plenty of fun Easter eggs for longtime fans, such as Rory and Amy's honeymoon costumes and the Doctor's choice of Christmas scarves. When you have the longest running sci-fi show in history, you have a constant wealth of inside jokes to draw on and "Doctor Who" does that brilliantly.
The "Doctor Who Christmas Special" is one of the best Christmas traditions to look forward to and this year's version didn't disappoint.
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