While the show always caused a certain level of hysteria among die hard fans, no one expected the prices to be as high as they ultimately were.

Second on the list was the dial mechanism and mirror array from the lighthouse which went for $27,500, while third place was the frozen donkey wheel at $22,500.
Really, the frozen donkey wheel, where in the world are they going to put the frozen donkey wheel? It's not like you can just sit on a shelf someplace?
Below is a list of highlights from the sell.
- DHARMA Van: $47,500
- Dial mechanism & mirror array from the Lighthouse: $27,500
- Island time-shifting frozen wheel: $22,500·
- DHARMA Jeep: $20,000
- Hurley's Camaro: $20,000
- Daniel Faraday's journal w/extensive handwritten notes: $20,000
- Swan Station Computer: $16,000
- "Pilot" script signed by J.J. Abrams & Damon Lindelof $15,000
- Season Six production artwork: $15,000
- Season One production artwork: $14,000
- Desmond's fail-safe key with "Joe Inman" dog tag; $11,000
- Jack's death costume from the series finale, "The End": $9,000
- Large section of Oceanic Flight 815 wreckage: $9,000
- Charlie's "DS" ring: $9,000
- Locke's Compass: $8,000
- Baby Aaron's crib: $8,000
- Fragment of Jacob's tapestry: $6,500
- Hurley's winning Mega Lotto Jackpot ticket: $5,500
- Jack's Pilot episode costume" $3,000
- Sawyer's paperback copy of "Watership Down": $2,750
- Sawyer's improvised reading glasses from Season Three: $2,250
- Set chair for Matthew Fox "Jack": $1,200

Since my all time favorite "Lost" episode is "Greatest Hits" I have a special affinity for Charlie's Drive Shaft ring, but seriously $9,000. I'm sure not even Dominic Monaghan would spend $9,000 for what's probably a very inexpensive ring.
I get it, I'm a fan, but some of these items went for crazy amounts of money, so I have to wonder if this is just the last gasp of a television classic or the start of a pop culture legend?
Of course I'm writing this while sitting in a row of Oceanic 815 seats so it's not like I can judge what makes people happy.
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