Sitting in line for Hall H on Saturday morning, I finally finished watching "LOST", after just shy of two months after I started my marathon of the entire series. And my final thought is this: There is no better written show in the history of television than "LOST". Honestly, there are endless things that I could write and talk about with this series. I will only say one thing, and save you readers the trouble of reading another review of "LOST": There are two series that I believe are not only the two best series of all time, but also the best written series of all time. "LOST" and "Battlestar Galactica" (the new one).
Instead of giving you a long review, I decided to just give you guys a list of my favorite episodes and moments over the entire series.
Favorite Episodes:
1. Ab Aeterno
2. Do No Harm
3. The Constant
4. Through the Looking Glass
5. Greatest Hits
6. Exodus
7. Stranger in a Strange Land
8. Tricia Tanaka is Dead
9. The End
10. Some Like it Hoth
11. I Do
Favorite Moments:
Hurley helps Richard talk to this wife
Sawyer and Jack in "Exodus"
Sawyer and Juliet remember the Island in the finale
Jack to Desmond in the finale: "See you in another life, Brother."
Jin and Sun's death
Hurley and Ben become partners
Desmond and Penny phone call
Desmond and Penny reunited
Miles and Hurley discuss time travel
Charlie and Claire remember the Island in the finale
Boone's death
Mr. Eko: "Do not mistake coincidence for fate."
Jack: "Live together, Die Alone"
Jack trying to save Boone.
Jack reunited with his father in the finale.
Best WTF Moments:
Season 3 finale, Jack and Kate got off the island.
Locke hears Jacob say "Help Me"
Richard hasn't aged in a long time
Flash sideways Sawyer and Miles are detectives
there were survivors in the tail section of the plane
Artz blows up
Locke and Jack looking down the Hatch.
Michael kills Ana Lucia and Libby
Revealing of The Others
How Locke ended up in a wheelchair
the passengers of flight 815 were put together by Jacob
Honestly, there are so many big WTF moments in this series, there is no way I can remember them all. This is a very small list of ones that got an INSANE reaction from me!
All in all, this series is nothing short of extraordinary, and part of me wishes I had been part of it since the beginning. Yet, another part is glad that I didn't watch it until now because I'm sure the anxiety would have killed me at some point during that last six years. Now I, like many others, am excited to watch it all over again when the series collection is released on DVD. I'm sure I will be one of the first people in line.
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