Thursday, June 11, 2009

'Land of the Lost' a mis-marketed mess

We have our first big "bomb" of the summer movie season and the numbers tell us that the honor goes to the Will Ferrell children's television show remake of "Land of the Lost."

How bad did it bomb?

Well, the reported budget on Box Office Mojo was $100 million.

Its first weekend, its gross was around $18 million. Yes, in Hollywood a movie grossing that much is considered a "bomb." Especially considering the budget.

That begs the question, why did it bomb so badly?

The original show, from the '70s, was very popular and has a cult-like following. You would think that would be a built in audience right there.

No, this movie has identity issues. Is it a sci-fi movie? Is it a children's movie? Is it a gross out comedy?

No one could tell. The trailers showed off the great visual effects with some comedy thrown in. I had heard of some inappropriate jokes (sex, drugs) in the film and was going to tell my sister not to take my niece to see it. She had wanted to.

It was too late, they had already seen it.

Here is my niece's response to my question of "How was the movie?"

"I could tell why it was a PG-13 movie, it had a lot of bad things in there like the hairy boy touching the girl's booby the entire movie and other stuff."

Yes, it's my sister's fault for not recognizing the PG-13 rating. But, the movie should have made the inappropriate humor more clear.

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