Monday, June 1, 2009

The 2009 MTV Movie Awards Recap

Last night the 2009 MTV Movie Awards aired and in what has to be the biggest non-surprise in the show's short history, "Twilight" won everything.

I get that the MTV audience is the perfect age for the movie, but seriously, everything.

First of all, we all know that "The Dark Knight" and "Iron Man" were the two best films of the year. "Twilight" can't even begin to touch them. However, because the show is really a glorified popularity contest, it was able to win.

Also Kristen Stewart won best female performance over Oscar winners Kate Winslet and Angelina Jolie.

My real problem with all these wins is that most of the cast seemed like they had better things to do. Stewart and co-star Robert Pattinson won best kiss and were completely underwhelmed by the honor.

Also the non-stop screaming every time someone mentioned "Twilight" or "New Moon" got old very quick.

The show was hosted by Andy Samberg of "Saturday Night Live" and The Lonely Island. While he was funny and did a few of his signature digital shorts, he started out nervous and seemed to warmup as the show went along.

The big story is the stunt featuring Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno and Eminem. Cohen, in character, was flying in from the ceiling with angel wings and his butt hanging out when he suddenly dropped and landed in Eminem's lap.

Eminem's entourage forced Cohen off of him and batted him around as Eminem angrily stormed off.

There are questions this morning of whether or not Eminem was in on the stunt. Because he has a new CD out and the way the stunt happened, it seems to point to him being in on it. However, MTV did have Eminem perform very early in the show, which makes me think that they knew what his reaction would be.

All in all it was an underwhelming, lackluster show, unless you love "Twilight" then it was the greatest night ever.

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