Around awards time I made an effort to jam my Netflix queue with all sorts of nominated films. I really wanted to be informed and have a good sense of what was nominated.
The first movie to be sent from Netflix? "Happy-Go-Lucky," which was nominated for "Best Screenplay" at the Academy Awards and which had won a bunch of Best Actress awards leading up to the Oscars (but, was not nominated for that award.)
Sally Hawkins stars as Poppy, a school teacher, who seems to always be in a good mood and her adventures dealing with friends, family, an issue at school and a surly driving instructor.
And it's true. She is always happy and joking around. At some points you kind of think "Wow, she is kind of annoying..." but then you just figure she is happy with her life and doesn't let things bother her.
Hawkins is great and was robbed in not getting a "Best Actress" nomination. She shows great range from being happy all the time, to being concerned and then being terrified. Eddie Marsan also shines as Scott, the scary driving instructor (his last scene with Hawkins is hard to watch.)
The film will cheer you up and make you look at your life and wonder if you could try and be a little happier.
Great film.
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