ABC premiered its new show "Castle" after the new season of "Dancing with the - people who you might recognize, but aren't necessarily - Stars" on Monday and I kind of liked it.
It stars Nathan Fillion ("Serenity") as a murder mystery author who gets pulled into a case with a NYPD detective played by Stana Katic ("Heroes") and he finds the experience has cured him of his writer's block and now wants to base his next set of novels on her.
Right off the bat everyone is going to mention "Moonlighting" and how this show is just a ripoff of that. I would rather say that "Moonlighting" started a new genre of television, the man and woman who are opposites who work well together and get things done. We have seen many shows in that genre since, "Bones" is a perfect example of a show that has been on the air for a while that makes it work.
Just by seeing one episode, I kind of think "Castle" makes it work too.
It is funny, most of the humor coming from Fillion, and there is a mystery to solve which will catch the "Law and Order" junkies.
It has a little of everything and everyone should check it out. Your other options are "Medium" or "CSI: Miami."
Yeah, thought so.
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