With apologies to "White Collar" the crew from "Leverage" are the best con artists on TV. In "The Experimental Job" the team took on a college's secret society to help homeless veterans who were being tortured and exploited.
Hardison infiltrated the fraternity while Eliot went in as a vet and as usual Christian Kane stole the episode.
His face off with an interrogator provided more insight into Eliot's shady past and gave him a chance to showcase his badassness. When the interrogator questioned him about the people he's killed, Eliot replied "Names? Dates? Locations? What food was on their breath? What color their eyes were? Want to know the last words they spoke? Want to know which ones deserved it? Or better yet, the ones that didn’t? Want to know which ones begged? Want to know why I know these things…Because I can’t forget. So there’s nothing you can do, no punishment you can hand out that I live with every day. So to answer your question, no, I don’t have a count. I don’t need to.”
Wow Christian Kane. Just wow.
It's no secret that Eliot Spencer is a dangerous man, but his good looks, charm and heroic nature make it easy to forget that he has this mysterious past. Not since season three's "The Big Bang Job" have we gotten such an inside view of who Eliot really is.
Of course Eliot was never broken, however when Hardison was kidnapped it only took him four minutes to break the interrogator. Proving torture does work if Eliot Spencer is the one dispensing it.

It also doesn't hurt that the show is genuinely fun to watch. A quality that's in rare supply these days.
Next week's take down at a big corporation is also an "Office" homage. Let's hope they do "The Office" when it was funny.
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