Tuesday, August 30, 2011

DC new 52: On the bubble

Now that Tim and I have discussed our must haves from the DC relaunch, it's time to talk about the comics that are on the bubble. These are the titles that we're interested in but not sure that we just have to have them.


  1. "Nightwing"-This was on Tim's must have list and it's on my maybe list for the same reasons. I'm really interested to see how they transition Dick Grayson back to Nightwing after being Batman. For me this one is very close to being a must have.
  2. "Static Shock"-I've always enjoyed the world that Static Shock lives in. Superhero universes aren't usually that diverse so seeing a story full of minorities was cool. In the relaunch, Static is moving to New York to make him more integrated with the rest of the DC universe.
  3. "Justice League International"-Booster Gold and Batman working together, leading a team of superheroes. It sounds like an awesome '80s sitcom, and a book that could be highly entertaining.
  4. "Fury of Firestorm"-Though Firestorm isn't a story I've had any previous interest in, I'll read almost anything Gail Simone writes. I'd like to see where she takes these characters.
  5. "Batman & Robin"-This choice will probably surprise Tim because my dislike of Damian Wayne is well documented, but I'm really interested to see how Peter J. Tomasi writes the father/son relationship between Bruce and Damian. The clashes should offer a new take on an old character.

The reasons these are on my maybe list is because I basically can't buy every 52 issues. These are the top of the list for digital ones that drop in price later on and if I have a few extra dollars laying around.
  1. "Batgirl" - Much like with "Nightwing," I am curious how we are going to see Barbara Gordon get from crippled back to Batgirl. Plus, I agree with Stephanie, anything Gail Simone writes turns to gold. Can we get a new 52 "Secret Six" next?
  2. "Aquaman" - The character has been kicking butt since coming back in "Blackest Night," plus Geoff Johns is writing and Ivan Reis is illustrating? Score.
  3. "Grifter" - An odd duck choice for sure. I have fond memories of reading "WildC.A.T.S." years ago and always thought Grifter was a cool character. Introducing him to the DC Universe is going to be cool, especially with any Batman interactions.
  4. "Justice League Dark" - Great cast of characters including Deadman, John Constantine and Zatanna. Plus, having Peter Milligan writing isn't shabby either.

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