As a fan of George R.R. Martin's series for a while now, I'm sure I wasn't the only one excited to finally see the very first teaser trailer for the series that will premiere on HBO next spring. Unveiled moments before the season premiere of "True Blood", being someone who is not lucky enough to have HBO at the moment, I was waiting very impatiently until the video was loaded unto the internet.
As seen above, the second promotional picture was also released. It is our first taste of Winterfell, with the Lord of Winterfell Ned Stark, played by Sean Bean, holding his sword, Ice.
The trailer is honestly not much, just a bunch of flashes, one line of dialogue and a logo. I have been waiting so long for something, that I would have been happy with just a logo. However with this little taste, I am convinced that HBO is definitely the right studio to bring this story to life. The only shot I can really make out is Ned mounted on his horse, unsheathing Ice beside what looks to be either Bran, Theon or John. He looks older, so I would guess probably John. Then Sean Bean's line of dialogue as Ned, "Winter is coming..." and a laugh. Then a girl's scream, a quick shot of a girl, then the "A Game of Thrones" logo.
I don't know about any other fans of this series, but just that one line of dialogue gave me chills of excitement. For those that don't know, "Winter is coming..." is the Stark family motto, and pretty much the tagline for the series.
If the trailer speaks for anything it's showing the mood for this story, which is dark, dreary, pessimistic at best. I'm not sure about anyone else, but this trailer makes me ecstatic.
There is other news however that is not so exciting. There is chance that HBO in fact will not have a panel for "A Game of Thrones" at Comic Con as originally planned. It has not been confirmed quite yet, but the closer we get to the end of the July, the sooner it will be officially announced. However, HBO did say whether or not there is a panel, there will be merchandise to sell.
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