Holy freaking crap is how I have to start my recap of this episode, and that I can easily say it is my favorite of the season. There was not much action going on, but I'm sure other than the finale this week, it is the most intense episode of the season. For weeks, it is one of the moments we have been waiting for: the return of Elena's birth mother, Alaric's former wife, and Damon's former fling. Oh yeah, and now she is fairly bad ass vampire, despite being only a few years old.
The episode picks up right where it left off last week, with Isobel arriving in Mystic Falls, demanding Alaric to set up a meeting with Elena. Obviously, when she threatens to go on a killing spree, he has no choice. Perhaps even more shocked by her arrival than Elena herself is Damon, still frustrated that he can't figure out Isobel and John's master plan and why they want Johnathan Gilbert's invention.
They agree to meet at where else but Mystic Grill (Really? By now you would think another restaurant could have been built?) It's not what Isobel wants that is most shocking about her, but her demeanor. We thought Damon was evil in the beginning of the season, that he could not hate anyone more than Uncle John...think again. Isobel is cold, unforgiving and remorseless. She wants the device that Damon has, and will do anything to get it, including hurt Elena, her own daughter, in any way that she can.
Damon on the other hand, will not hear of it. As soon as Elena reports what Isobel wants, he finds his way to her hiding place, along with her two minions, that are so easy for Damon to manipulate on his own. Now, this is the scene that I have both been looking forward to, and dreading all at the same time. I wanted to hate Isobel, and I didn't want Damon to sleep with her just because she happened to be a past fling. This scene really shows how great of an actor Ian Somerhalder truly is. Able to channel pain, snarky, humor and revenge all in the same scene is remarkable.
Damon does what he does best, he fishes. And then he demands. Damon: "This little invention, what do you want with it?" Isobel: "I don't want anything with it, I'm just doing what I'm told. Damon we are on the same side...Katherine's." Damon doesn't take to this news too well. In fact, he think he was hurt yet again when he finds that once again, the woman he has been obsessed with for 150 years, has chosen not to deal with him yet again. And as Damon always does, he hides that hurt with snarky, that is until he finally gets pissed. Isobel tries her best to seduce him, only it doesn't work too well.
Damon: "Now that I have your attention, listen up. You don't come into my town and threaten the people I care about. Going after Elena, bad move! You leave her alone or I will rip you to bits because I do believe in killing the messenger. You know why, because it sends a message. Katherine wants something from me, you tell that little bitch to come get it herself!"
Oh. My. Gosh. How absolutely fabulous.
And without sounding like an obsessed fan girl (which I probably am anyway), I'm going to say this as simply as possible. I have never loved Damon's character so much in my life. I was literally ready to kiss the TV screen after his reunion with Isobel. I was so beyond happy, that I had to watch the scene many times in a row, and I'm still not off the ridiculous high it gave me. And I have a favorite new Damon line: "Katherine wants something from me, you tell that little bitch to come get it herself!" I'm pretty sure that line is never getting old.
Ever since all this tomb madness after the events of "Fool Me Once" and the revelation that Katherine has been free this whole time and couldn't care less about where Damon was, he has been in magnificent pain. He may not show it very well, but Damon is infamous for using his snarky little self to hide his true emotions. It serves as his pain meds. So the more snarky Damon, the more pain he is in. At least, that's my theory. In this scene, when he finally shows some anger towards Katherine, a woman he has been obsessed with for close to 150 years, is a big step for him. He may still be obsessed with finding her, but I don't think it is just to be with her anymore. He may want to take a little bit of vengeance first. And I hope he does. There would be no justice in the world if he didn't.
Perhaps the most surprising of all the story lines in this episode, is that of Bonnie coming to Elena and offering her help against Isobel and John, and now that we know who the mastermind behind all of this is, Katherine. And, with the help of Emily's Grimoire, we finally figure out what Johnathan Gilbert's invention is: a weapon against vampires. But why would two vampires want a weapon that destroys vampires? Bonnie may not have the answer to that, but she does know a way to help. Emily enchanted all of Johnathan's inventions to work without him knowing. All this time, it was Emily that was the great inventor, and Bonnie knows how to reverse those spells. Considering her recent Jedi mind trick on Stefan, I am in no way going to doubt her. But they still have to get the device from Damon, which won't be easy.
With Jeremy's life in the balance, Damon on one side, and Elena, Stefan and Bonnie on the other, they use every angle to convince him. There is only one problem: Damon doesn't trust Bonnie. And why should he? He is after all mostly responsible for Grams' death, and why would she want to help him now? Damon: "I don't trust you. I tried to kill you." Bonnie: "You're right, you shouldn't trust me." Elena: "But you can trust me." And of course, with their new bond of friendship, when does Damon ever not trust Elena? So, he hands over the device (did you guys see that Damon squeezes her hand and Stefan sees it!), and Bonnie does her voodoo on it, taking away the spell that is dangerous to vampires.
Then comes the fateful meeting between Isobel and Elena, and through this scene, so many things will change. Isobel with her minions, and Elena with her Salvatore bodyguards, Elena gives her mother the device and Jeremy is safe. But that is not all the business Isobel has with her daughter. Isobel: "Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any." I have never believed anyone so much before. Isobel truly doesn't care about anything. And how exactly did Isobel know Damon would give the device to Elena, well, she has an answer to that too. Isobel: "Because he's in love with you." Although we all want to deny that it is happening, it is. I would not go as far as calling it love, not yet. But it's clear that Damon does have something for Elena. And the look on his face when Isobel said this was priceless. It was somewhere between a "Oh crap! They found out!" and a "Really?" With Stefan standing right beside during this revelation put automatic tension between all three of them.
And still Isobel isn't done. She gives her daughter her final thoughts of advise. Isobel: "As long as you have a Salvatore on each arm, you're doomed. Katherine was smart. She got out. But we all know you're not Katherine." What exactly is Elena going to do with this information? Being the sometimes dim witted girl she is, she may just make things worse, pulling Damon closer in until she really does have to make a choice. The same thing that Katherine did.
Stefan doesn't approve at all about Isobel's revelation, and oh so subtly, tells Damon to back off. His big brother agrees, swearing that him and Elena are only friends in his oh so Damon way. And Damon being Damon, always has to have the last word. When it comes to Elena, Stefan has always been the one that kept the secrets, and Damon the one to tell the dirty truth. Ironic as it sounds, it's something you can always count on Damon for. Loyalty and the truth. And he reveals a startling truth, that I honestly saw coming. Who is Elena's baby daddy? No other than John Gilbert, the man that is supposed to be her uncle. Weird? A little. But sympathy points for Elena go way up. Something about Damon that I have always loved is he knows when to cut the snarky and get serious. Damon: "Oh, and when you do tell Elena, and she needs a friend to talk to about anything...I'm here for her."
But that's not the big bombshell of the episode. It sits in the most unlikely hands: Bonnie's. Why did she want to help Elena? She had a reason, but not the one we think. The truth is Bonnie didn't take the spell from the device. She left it intact, which means it is still a weapon, and she knows it. She did it for revenge, against the Salvatores. And Bonnie is right, when Elena finds out, she is never going to forgive her.
Oh gosh, I have no idea what's going to happen in the finale this week. My predictions from the last few weeks have not changed. Although I didn't expect this choice from Bonnie, I am very excited about where it could go. It will open up so much story between her and Elena, and her and Damon is Season 2, including the Damon/Bonnie relationship I am praying will happen.
But apparently, according to Kevin Williamson, there will be eight different cliffhangers in the finale. Seriously Kevin?! Eight?! Do you want to kills us? And three of those cliffhangers will be a murder, a car crash and a hot kiss. And of course, of those three, the one that we are all talking about on twitter....this apparent hot kiss. Me, I think it might be Damon/Elena, but I'm hoping for it to be Damon/Bonnie. I really am nothing more than a sick fan girl. But seriously, it's what vampires do to you.
Perhaps the most surprising of all the story lines in this episode, is that of Bonnie coming to Elena and offering her help against Isobel and John, and now that we know who the mastermind behind all of this is, Katherine. And, with the help of Emily's Grimoire, we finally figure out what Johnathan Gilbert's invention is: a weapon against vampires. But why would two vampires want a weapon that destroys vampires? Bonnie may not have the answer to that, but she does know a way to help. Emily enchanted all of Johnathan's inventions to work without him knowing. All this time, it was Emily that was the great inventor, and Bonnie knows how to reverse those spells. Considering her recent Jedi mind trick on Stefan, I am in no way going to doubt her. But they still have to get the device from Damon, which won't be easy.
With Jeremy's life in the balance, Damon on one side, and Elena, Stefan and Bonnie on the other, they use every angle to convince him. There is only one problem: Damon doesn't trust Bonnie. And why should he? He is after all mostly responsible for Grams' death, and why would she want to help him now? Damon: "I don't trust you. I tried to kill you." Bonnie: "You're right, you shouldn't trust me." Elena: "But you can trust me." And of course, with their new bond of friendship, when does Damon ever not trust Elena? So, he hands over the device (did you guys see that Damon squeezes her hand and Stefan sees it!), and Bonnie does her voodoo on it, taking away the spell that is dangerous to vampires.
Then comes the fateful meeting between Isobel and Elena, and through this scene, so many things will change. Isobel with her minions, and Elena with her Salvatore bodyguards, Elena gives her mother the device and Jeremy is safe. But that is not all the business Isobel has with her daughter. Isobel: "Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any." I have never believed anyone so much before. Isobel truly doesn't care about anything. And how exactly did Isobel know Damon would give the device to Elena, well, she has an answer to that too. Isobel: "Because he's in love with you." Although we all want to deny that it is happening, it is. I would not go as far as calling it love, not yet. But it's clear that Damon does have something for Elena. And the look on his face when Isobel said this was priceless. It was somewhere between a "Oh crap! They found out!" and a "Really?" With Stefan standing right beside during this revelation put automatic tension between all three of them.
And still Isobel isn't done. She gives her daughter her final thoughts of advise. Isobel: "As long as you have a Salvatore on each arm, you're doomed. Katherine was smart. She got out. But we all know you're not Katherine." What exactly is Elena going to do with this information? Being the sometimes dim witted girl she is, she may just make things worse, pulling Damon closer in until she really does have to make a choice. The same thing that Katherine did.
Stefan doesn't approve at all about Isobel's revelation, and oh so subtly, tells Damon to back off. His big brother agrees, swearing that him and Elena are only friends in his oh so Damon way. And Damon being Damon, always has to have the last word. When it comes to Elena, Stefan has always been the one that kept the secrets, and Damon the one to tell the dirty truth. Ironic as it sounds, it's something you can always count on Damon for. Loyalty and the truth. And he reveals a startling truth, that I honestly saw coming. Who is Elena's baby daddy? No other than John Gilbert, the man that is supposed to be her uncle. Weird? A little. But sympathy points for Elena go way up. Something about Damon that I have always loved is he knows when to cut the snarky and get serious. Damon: "Oh, and when you do tell Elena, and she needs a friend to talk to about anything...I'm here for her."
But that's not the big bombshell of the episode. It sits in the most unlikely hands: Bonnie's. Why did she want to help Elena? She had a reason, but not the one we think. The truth is Bonnie didn't take the spell from the device. She left it intact, which means it is still a weapon, and she knows it. She did it for revenge, against the Salvatores. And Bonnie is right, when Elena finds out, she is never going to forgive her.
Oh gosh, I have no idea what's going to happen in the finale this week. My predictions from the last few weeks have not changed. Although I didn't expect this choice from Bonnie, I am very excited about where it could go. It will open up so much story between her and Elena, and her and Damon is Season 2, including the Damon/Bonnie relationship I am praying will happen.
But apparently, according to Kevin Williamson, there will be eight different cliffhangers in the finale. Seriously Kevin?! Eight?! Do you want to kills us? And three of those cliffhangers will be a murder, a car crash and a hot kiss. And of course, of those three, the one that we are all talking about on twitter....this apparent hot kiss. Me, I think it might be Damon/Elena, but I'm hoping for it to be Damon/Bonnie. I really am nothing more than a sick fan girl. But seriously, it's what vampires do to you.
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