Since we didn't do a show last week, Tim and I didn't have a chance to do our box office predictions. Had we done a show I would have predicted "Valentine's Day" to be No. 1. However, I would have never thought it would have made $66.8 million.
I know the film was tailor made for the holiday, but no one could have seen that coming. I guess all that star power paid off. It's no surprise that the studio already has a sequel in the works.
"Percy Jackson" was a surprising second place with $38.7 million. I suppose the counter programming to all the hearts and flowers is a family movie.
Right behind it in third was "The Wolfman" with $36.4 million. While that is a respectable opening, I think the studio was hoping for better. The reviews and word of mouth haven't been that strong so I don't know if this is going to be the blockbuster they were hoping for.
"Avatar" and "Dear John" rounded out the top five.
The success of "Valentine's Day" can obviously be attributed to the holiday falling during a four day weekend. It will be interesting to see if the movie can sustain its audience without any holidays helping it.
This week's big opening is "Shutter Island" so "Valentine's Day"could continue making money as an alternative to the Martin Scorsese/Leonardo DiCaprio thriller.
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