Friday, December 31, 2010
Inscaped best television of 2010
Candace, Stephanie and I countdown our favorite TV shows of the year.
Some of the choices may surprise you, well, maybe not the No. 1 shows.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Merry Christmas Larfleeze!
Behold, the greatest thing to happen in the past two weeks.
Long promised by "Green Lantern" writer Geoff Johns, the "Larfleeze Christmas Special" was finally released and rocked many socks off.
Mine included. And I was wearing two sets of pairs.
The book follows the Orange Lantern of greed Larfleeze awaking on Christmas looking for his presents. You see he heard about the legend of Santa and being the most greedy person in the universe, made a giant list for Santa.
The plot has him finding no presents and trying to hunt down Santa. He goes into the city and finds many dressed up as Santa and terrorizes a lot of people. A little girl tells him that Santa lives in the North Pole so he heads there and causes havoc as well.
Without spoiling it, Hal Jordan shows up and has to explain to Larfleeze what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.
What makes this book extra special is the addition of several fun extras. There is a recipe page to make Orange Lantern Christmas cookies, a tear out page to make a Larfleeze ornament, a special maze puzzle and a two page story done by the "Tiny Titans" guy about Larfleeze construct sidekick Glomulus going to each of the different Lantern planets looking for presents.
It's beyond cute.
The amazing thing about the Larfleeze character is that when he first appeared he was an evil, scary villain. Now he is more of a lovable, comedic foil. The end of this issue really makes you feel for the character too.
If we had any sort of rating system here, it would get the max score.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Supernatural vs. Castle
For the last few weeks, E!Online has been having a Best TV Show of 2010 tournament on their website that fans get to vote as many times as they want.
After a heavy contest in the semi-finals between Supernatural vs. Community, and The Vampire Diaries vs. Castle, it has all come down to the final two series.
Actually, I find it kind of poetic that it has come down to one of my favorite series of the year, and one of Tim and Stephanie's favorite series, that I have honestly say, I have never watched. (I know, I'm bad for being a Nathan Fillion fan)
So it has all come down to Team J2 and Team Nathan.
This should be a very interesting showdown.
Click here, if you want to vote!
Monday, December 27, 2010
A Fangirl's Top 10 Men of 2010
Let me start by saying that this was a REALLY tough list to make. I almost decided to split it up into two different lists with men from TV and men from movies, but I decided to bit the bullet make just one list. Instead, I found a way to cheat.
So here they are, my favorite men of 2010.
10. Alex O'Loughlin, Scott Caan & Daniel Dae Kim
The men of the new series, "Hawaii Five-0". I was looking forward to watching this show, but almost too worried that it would be a little corny. The only thing that did give me hope was the nerdy cast. But after O'Loughlin and Caan's first scene together in the pilot, all of my worry washed away. The three of these men have some of the best chemistry on television right now. If you haven't watched it yet, make sure you do after it gets back from hiatus.

9. My Chemical Romance
I am not the only ultra fan that has been waiting for their new album for over a year, but it definitely well worth the wait. After all, MCR has never been just another rock band. They don't just write music that sounds good on the radio. It's personal, and intimate. The new album "Danger Days" is not only their best, but brightest. They are well known for the darker side of the human condition. But the stories of the Killjoys is bright, hopeful, and all about fighting conformity, which is very appropriate for them.
8. Joshua Jackson
Yeah, that's me in the picture with him, just in case you were wondering. I had the luck and opportunity to meet Josh Jackson at Comic Con last summer, right after the "Fringe" signing at the WB booth. Now, I was never a crazed fan of "Dawson's Creek", but I watched it. However, I can't even tell you how happy I was when Josh was cast as Peter Bishop in "Fringe". I always knew he was a good actor, and this series has allowed him to truly prove that. Also, he is an absolutely wonderful man to meet in person.
7. A-Team
One of the most stand out films of the year, and maybe the best remake I have ever seen. I don't think they could have cast this film more perfectly with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley and Quinton Jackson. I hope there is a whole trilogy of these films. Can they please be the next James Bond franchise?
6. Ian Somerhalder
One of the shining beacons of the CW Network. But not just that, he is probably the one person in the world that has impressed me beyond recognition during this last year. Not because of his always fantastic performance of Damon Salvatore in "The Vampire Diaries", but because of what he does with his time off camera. He is Mother Earth's next champion. In fact, he should team up with Leonardo DiCaprio. He has endlessly campaigned for countless foundations striving to save the wildlife in the Gulf, participated in multiple fundraisers and a major environmental conference in Washington D.C., and officially began the IS Foundation. Not only is he a great human being, a fantastic actor, he is a extremely fun person to meet and chat with. Adores his fans, which makes me adore him even more.
5. Charlie Hunnam
I had never watched the FX series "Sons of Anarchy" until this year. It is definitely the most I have ever underestimated a show in my life and highly regret doing so. One of the main reasons for that is because of the supreme and fantastic dramatic abilities of Charlie Hunnam and his portrayal of Jax Teller. Just like the series itself, his performance is gritty, dark, and real. And anyone how doubts his abilities, should watch the scene where he is following the couple who has his son, and lets them go. No words are needed. His face tells it all.
4. Timothy Olyphant
Yet another man that has FINALLY gotten the recognition that he deserves this year. I was beyond stoked when he got cast as the lead for FX's new series "Justified". They couldn't have picked anyone better. He was born for this role. He was even born for the hat. I always knew this lovely man was a fine actor, and now he had the opportunity to really show that. However, I am amazingly miffed that he didn't get nominated for a Golden Globe. If you didn't watch "Justified" when it premiered on FX this year, make sure you don't miss Season 2, which begins in February 2011. Don't you just love that accent?
3. Jeremy Renner
Yet another underdog actor that once again, has finally got his due. The star of last year's Oscar winning "The Hurt Locker", this has been another great year for Jeremy Renner. First, it was announced that officially at Comic Con that he would be playing Hawkeye in Joss Whedon's "The Avengers", then he starred opposite Ben Affleck in "The Town", which much to my happiness, he has gotten nominated for as Best Supporting Actor. (which I said he should get nominated when I posted my review of "The Town" a few months ago) It has taken a few years to hit the big stage, but once you slide into the nerd world, it's hard to get out. His role as Hawkeye will definitely keep him busy for at least five years, and I hope for much longer.

2. Men of LOST
How can you single out just one of them? How? It's impossible. So, every single man of the series "LOST" is #2 on my list. After watching the entire series in only two months this summer, I feel like I have been watching it for six years. Not only one of the greatest series of all time, but one of the greatest ensemble casts ever put together. It has never been so impossible for me to chose between characters or actors before. Josh Holloway or Matthew Fox? Jorge Garcia or Terry O'Quinn? Mark Pellegrino or Titus Welliver? Every performance was stand out, masterful, and some of the most memorable moments I have ever watched on television.
1. Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles
Of course, the absolute fangirl in me wins out, but for good reason. There is a reason that "Supernatural" is one of the most cult followed shows on television right now. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. This is the one series on television that I really wish got more attention. Maybe if it was on a different network, like FX or even HBO, it would. But the life of this show keeps rolling simply because of these two fantastic actors and what they are able to accomplish on screen. You can say whatever you like about this series. But try watching "Lucifer Rising", "Dark Side of the Moon", "No Rest For the Wicked" or "Swan Song" before you pass any criticism its way. My favorite drama and fantasy show on television, and I can't see that changing any time soon. I have a feeling this is going to be one of the those shows that will get more popular only after it ends. But either way, Jared and Jensen deserve every once of attention that they get, and I only wish it was more acclaimed attention. But then again, we nerdy fangirls are pretty protective over our boys. So maybe it is better this way.
Merry Christmas from The Doctor

For the first time ever, American "Doctor Who" fans got to experience the traditional "Doctor Who Christmas Special" on Christmas Day instead of two weeks later.
Anyone who's watched the 100th episode of "Inscaped" knows that "Doctor Who" was my No. 1 show of 2010, and the Christmas special had all the elements that makes the show great.
It was showrunner and lead writer Steven Moffat's take on the classic story "A Christmas Carol," except this time the Doctor was the ghost of Christmas past and future, with his companion Amy as the ghost of Christmas present.
The story revolved around Karzan Sardick (Michael Gambon), an angry old man who controlled the skies of a distant planet. Unfortunately, newlyweds Amy and Rory were honeymooning on a crashing ship that Sardick refused to help. So, it was up to the Doctor to change his mind by changing his history.
While it was no secret that the Doctor would save the day, what made this episode so great was the heart and spirit that it displayed. Fans got to literally see the Doctor at work as we watched Sardick watching an old home movie that featured the Doctor changing history.
"A Christmas Carol" showed how Matt Smith is really coming into his own as the eleventh Doctor. He showcased all the Doctor's wit, controlled anger and comedic timing to perfection in the special. Smith especially shined in a funny scene involving Marilyn Monroe and a party at Frank Sinatra's house.
There were also plenty of fun Easter eggs for longtime fans, such as Rory and Amy's honeymoon costumes and the Doctor's choice of Christmas scarves. When you have the longest running sci-fi show in history, you have a constant wealth of inside jokes to draw on and "Doctor Who" does that brilliantly.
The "Doctor Who Christmas Special" is one of the best Christmas traditions to look forward to and this year's version didn't disappoint.
Teena Marie 1956-2010
Legendary R&B singer/songwriter Teena Marie passed away Dec. 26 at the age of 54. She was a protege of funk superstar Rick James and was known for hits like "Square Biz," "I Need Your Lovin" and "Fire and Desire."
Marie first appeared on the scene in the late '70s and became hugely popular in the 80s. Her 1979 debut album "Wild and Peaceful" featured her first big hit "I'm Just a Sucker for Your Love."
Her soulful, powerful voice made fans think she was black, so Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr. chose not to feature her photo on the album's cover. In fact it wasn't until her appearance on "Soul Train" that the majority of her fans discovered she was white.
As the decade progressed her soulful ballads of lost love and upbeat dance anthems made Marie a bonafide R&B star. Unfortunately, her self-described "fiery" relationship with James would lead to her downfall as she battled addiction and a changing music landscape.
However, her music has stayed popular on classic R&B stations and has been sampled by hip-hop artists like The Fugees and Foxy Brown.
She made a comeback in 1994 with "I'm Still in Love" and reunited with James at the 2004 BET Awards for a performance of the classic duet "Fire and Desire." Unfortunately, this would be their last appearance together since James died later that year.
Marie's voice was like no other and her influence on soul music can never be calculated as she was one of the first and only white artists to become hugely successful as a soul singer. Though she will be missed her music serves as a legacy of her talent and accomplishments.
R.I.P. the Ivory Queen of Soul, the Vanilla Child, Lady T.
Marie first appeared on the scene in the late '70s and became hugely popular in the 80s. Her 1979 debut album "Wild and Peaceful" featured her first big hit "I'm Just a Sucker for Your Love."
Her soulful, powerful voice made fans think she was black, so Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr. chose not to feature her photo on the album's cover. In fact it wasn't until her appearance on "Soul Train" that the majority of her fans discovered she was white.
As the decade progressed her soulful ballads of lost love and upbeat dance anthems made Marie a bonafide R&B star. Unfortunately, her self-described "fiery" relationship with James would lead to her downfall as she battled addiction and a changing music landscape.
However, her music has stayed popular on classic R&B stations and has been sampled by hip-hop artists like The Fugees and Foxy Brown.
She made a comeback in 1994 with "I'm Still in Love" and reunited with James at the 2004 BET Awards for a performance of the classic duet "Fire and Desire." Unfortunately, this would be their last appearance together since James died later that year.
Marie's voice was like no other and her influence on soul music can never be calculated as she was one of the first and only white artists to become hugely successful as a soul singer. Though she will be missed her music serves as a legacy of her talent and accomplishments.
R.I.P. the Ivory Queen of Soul, the Vanilla Child, Lady T.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Inscaped is now on Tumblr!
Yes, yes, yes.
We have finally descended into the crazy fandom world that is Tumblr.
Well I have been a member of it for a while, and now I'm sucking Tim and Stephanie into it with me.
Things may never be the same.
Check out our Tumblr blog:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Jack Black's five good movies
In the 100th episode I discussed how Jack Black has only made one good movie, "School of Rock."
After a little research and a few hours watching one of my favorite movies, I must say that I was wrong and Black actually has five good movies.
After a little research and a few hours watching one of my favorite movies, I must say that I was wrong and Black actually has five good movies.
- "School of Rock" where he combines his musical abilities with his comedic timing in perfect fashion.
- "The Holiday" where he is uncharacteristically charming. I credit Kate Winslet with making Black good in this underappreciated romantic comedy.
- "Tropic Thunder" where Black gets to be as over the top as he wants.
- "High Fidelity" which I did say was a John Cusack film, but without Black's ridiculousness Cusack wouldn't get to be his usual charming self.
- "Saving Silverman" is an utterly stupid comedy that is somehow funny and features a tons of great Neil Diamond music.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
'Supernatural': Welcome to Winter Helltus
Welcome to Hell my fellow Dean and Sam girls.
And what a nail biting hell it will be until the 28th of next month. I'm positive I'm not the only one falling out of my chair in frustration at the prospect of having to live with Sam's horrible and painful screams for the next month.
There is one thing, as fans of this series, that we all know well: Kripke certainly knows how to make us sweat with this horridly anxious cliffhangers.
Considering how worried most of the fans were that a sixth season may hurt the fandom instead of continue to progress it because of how good the end of "Swan Song" wrapped up the story, I think we are far beyond those concerns now. The story of this season took a few episodes to wind up, but by the end of "The Third Man", I at least had a good idea about what this season would be about.
I think it's safe to say that last season was mostly all Dean. His choices and decisions were the center of the storyline. This year, we are back to Sammy. Well, actually, not Sammy. Not yet. Sam's shell. This series has put such an importance on the idea of our human souls, that the idea that the "real" Sam is still stuck in the cage with Michael and Lucifer, and his shell is the one walking around on top is terrifying.
In a great climax to finish off the first half of the season, we see the return of fan favorites Death and the reaper Tessa. Not to mention that fantastic little cameo of horror icon, Robert Englund. As soulless Sam makes his last desperate attempts to not get his soul back, Dean takes a 24 hour shift as Death, slipping on the ring and touching those whose time has come. No surprise, that's not too easy for him, especially being faced with the death of children. But once again, it's a hard lesson that Dean has to learn.
I find it VERY interesting that the only Horseman that tends to like humanity is Death. He doesn't look at his job like a game, as the others do. It seems like he even likes Dean a little bit. Death does him the favor, even after failing the challenge, and gives Sam his soul back. But not without a price. Part of Sam's soul is severely damaged from being fondled by Michael and Lucifer for over a year. He can't fix it, but can build a wall around it so Sam can't penetrate it, at least for a while. Of course, which is exactly what will happen because this series wouldn't be as intense, intimate or emotional if they didn't go there.
Then we are left with that white knuckled cliffhanger of Sam's horrible screams. THAT is how you do a cliffhanger. I think a few shows and learn a thing or two with those ridiculous cliffhangers that Gamble and Kripke come up with.
Now...theory time.
There is really only a few things that I think will become huge in the story later. The boys still have all the Horseman rings, except for Death's now of course. I have never thought of what would happen if they slipped them on. But now, we know. So, my question is, will there be a reason that they have to use the other three rings? I can't imagine Pestilence or Hunger being very useful, but what about War? It's an interesting bit of storyline that I would like to see.
The other thing I'm wondering about is of course, about Sam. So Death built this wall around the damaged part of this soul, and we all know that it will of course break open at one point. And it according to one of the new promos, it seems that Sam doesn't remember anything. So here's my question. Soulless Sam was terrified of getting his soul back, which is interesting considering without a soul, you are not supposed to have any REAL feelings. So why was he so terrified?
I'm wondering if he actually did have a part of a soul in him, but not Sam's. Sam and Lucifer shared a body for a short amount of time. Let's think about this. He is Lucifer's chosen vessel. THE vessel. It's destiny. So, is it really that easy to completely extract Lucifer from his body? The shell may have had no feelings, but he was still terrified of getting his real soul back. And if you ask me, he was making some very Lucifer-ish decisions.
So, it's not the damaged part of Sam's soul that I'm worried about. It's that little bit of Lucifer's that I think has been left behind. Being occupied by Lucifer had to have left some mark on the body, and I think we are going to find out.
I'm sure your question is what the hell are we supposed to do until January 28th?
Personally, I find Tumblr quite amusing. And if you are an as obsessed Supernatural fan as the rest of us, some of these blogs of my fellow SPN Tumblies may be amusing enough: aka @DudeUFuglySPN on Twitter aka @spn_site01 on Twitter aka @SammWinchester on Twitter
and my fantastic SPN and TVD blog:
Visit and join the forum of this fantastic fansite of my friends @WinchesterDaily on Twitter:
What else? Well, I think one of my good SPN Twitter pals said it best. Check out her blog on LiveJournal for PLENTY of amusing and time consuming ideas.
Personally, I'm a Tumblr picspammer, and a regular fanfiction reader. So, that's what I'll be doing. But I do love her activity ideas at the end of Part 2.
Well, I guess that's it for my Sam Girl self until January 28th.
Until then fellow fangirls.
Friday, December 17, 2010
'Merlin' Season 3 Finale: "The Coming of Arthur"

In my opinion, "Merlin" is one of the best BBC series that I have ever watched. Though, that may be a biased comment because I have been an Arthurian Legend fanatic since I was a kid. However, I do have to add that "Merlin" is the best written version of the Arthur Legend on TV or film that I have ever seen.
To keep the possibility of fangirling while I am writing this down to a minimum, I am going to try and write as professionally as possible.
Arthur and Merlin are off on a secret mission to retrieve a cup that can heal any wound and has the possibility of making an immortal army. In the hands of their enemy, Camelot could be in danger. Gwaine joins the hunt and they set off for enemy territory before Morgause can find the cup first. Although the Druids give the cup to Arthur, they are ambushed by Morgause's men and lose it.
With Arthur injured, Merlin and Gwaine have no time to make it back to Camelot to stop the siege, and Morgana is crowned queen. However, there are those that still remain loyal to Arthur, who is presumed dead. All the knights of Camelot refuse to follow Morgana's lead. Gwen helps Sir Leon escape, but not before Morgause puts a tracking device on her, so she can lead them right to Arthur.
Merlin calls the dragon for help, who tells him that Excalibur is the only weapon that can kill immortals. But he gave Merlin his help if he swore to put the sword where no one can use it afterward. Merlin agreed. He goes to the lake where he threw into the water two years before, and the sword rises from the water to give it to him.
In the middle of the ambushed, an old friend shows up. Lancelot, along with another friend, Perceval, are able to stop the attack, so the few loyal can escape. Arthur leads them the fortress of the old kings, and they prepare for their deaths.
The next scene, is definitely the best of the series so far. When Arthur finds an old round table, he sits them down and asks who will follow him back to Camelot. Of course, every person around the table stands, and swears their loyalty to him. It's safe to say that I was squealing like a fangirl. But the next scene sent me into tears. In the face of impending death, Arthur knights Lancelot, Gwaine, Perceval and Gwen's brother, Elyan.
Of course, the knight that sticks to the side of Merlin as they try and retrieve the cup is Lancelot, the only one other than Gaius that knows his secret. They battle Morgause as Arthur and the other rescue his father from the dungeons. Gaius surprises us all as we burst into the throne room, throwing a spell at Morgause that blast her into a stone column, apparently killing her. Of course, Morgana grieves, and her screams threaten to collapse the structure until they both disappear.
Afterwards, Arthur and Merlin are sitting on the entry steps of Camelot. Merlin tells him he may have to be crowned king as long as Uther is still emotionally wrecked. Gwen enters the courtyard on a white horse, followed by Sirs Leon, Gwaine, Elyan, Lancelot and Perceval. Arthur greets her with enthusiasm as I clapped and squealed with joy. Foreshadowing much?
And of course, the season ends with Merlin fulfilling his promise to the dragon. He takes the sword deep into the woods and magically drives it into a large stone.
Can you see why this season finale has every Merlin fan freaking out with joy? The series continues to surprise and impress me with both their changes to the legend, and the iconic moments. I can't wait to see what happens with season 4.
Seeing as SyFy Channel aired Season 2 last summer, I'm hoping that they will also air this season so I can watch it all over again, and hopefully, the American audience will grow. The series is already aired in over 100 countries. I really want to see this series get the acclaim that it truly deserves. There is a reason I think it's the most underestimated series on television and every fantasy fan should watch it.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A funny thing happened the day before our big show.
I was attacked by a big dog; a doberman to be precise.
That (and sitting in the ER for hours) screwed our schedule big time and threw us for a loop.
Pictures? Are you serious?
Maybe later.
I was attacked by a big dog; a doberman to be precise.
That (and sitting in the ER for hours) screwed our schedule big time and threw us for a loop.
Pictures? Are you serious?
Maybe later.
Where is the future of science fiction television heading?
SyFy Channels has cancelled "Stargate Universe". Which is not only the end of a series, but the end of a franchise.
When it comes to television, this simple fact depresses me more than remembering the end of "Battlestar Galactica" a few years ago.
When we look at science fiction television as a whole for the last generation, "Stargate" has always been present, defining what it means to create a successful science fiction series that can be both a great drama and a great comedy.
When I speak to other fans about the last few years of the franchise, there is more disappointment than happiness with the ending of "Stargate: Atlantis" and the beginning of "Universe." Even some of the actors have expressed their concerns for the future of the franchise. When all of us were promised a third movie for "SG-1" and a first for "Atlantis" nothing but scripts have been written, and all other plans to move forward have been halted. At least for now.
Now, with "Universe" at an end, what will happen to these promises? Will they finally be rewarded, or thrown into the abyss of the unknown future of the genre?
As a science fiction fan overall, I must comment on the many disappointments that have overtaken the new series that have been introduced in the absence of great series like "Stargate" and "Battlestar Galactica". After the final ten episodes of "Universe" air next spring, what will become of science fiction television? What is left to marvel over with the ending of "Smallville" after this season, and an talked about impending end for "Supernatural" that may come sooner than any fans like?
The sad fact is, the genre has a lot to make up for when it comes to what will be on television from now on. "LOST" has ended. "Heroes" dug itself into a hole. "Caprica" and "Universe" failed to marvel its audience. What remains other than a few vampires?
Not that I'm saying "The Vampire Diaries" doesn't live up to the great writing has is held in other science fiction and fantasy series, it's just that the genre as a whole can't be taken seriously if that is all that will remain as quality entertainment.
So, I repeat myself: What will be left for science fiction fans to marvel over? It's true that BBC has a few worthy series, including the very underestimated "Merlin", which I am a huge fan of. However, that's not everyone's cup of tea. HBO's "Game of Thrones", based on one of the best adult fantasy series that I have ever read, is a very anticipated series and begins next spring. The CW also has a couple new series in the works, one of them based on another L.J. Smith series and the other a companion series to "The Vampire Diaries".
But is this really all we will have left?
The simple fact is, is that science fiction television is lacking in the quality we had in the last decade. fans, what exactly are we supposed to do about it?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Golden Globe nominations: Instant reaction
Tim and I will have a complete review of the Golden Globe nominations on the next show, however, a few names require instant discussion.

First of all, having just seen "The Tourist" I have to wonder who thought this was a comedy. I suppose technically it's a comedy, but trust me when I tell you it's not at all funny.
I'm also wondering how "Burlesque" and "The Tourist" get nominated for Best Picture Musical/Comedy and "Toy Story 3" is snubbed. Does the Hollywood Foreign Press Association have no heart?

I'm also surprised to see that both "The Town" and "True Grit" were shut out, considering the Hollywood Foreign Press loves having big names show up to the ceremony.
On the TV side, I was really disappointed that "Justified" wasn't nominated, since the Golden Globes are known for honoring new shows and thinking outside the box.
Also, Piper Perabo for "Covert Affairs," seriously. How about Lauren Graham or Calista Flockhart or even Sharon Gless and Gabrielle Anwar.
And don't even get me started on Scott Caan being nominated for "Hawaii Five-O." That's right I said Scott Caan was nominated.
Well now that my brain hurts,I'll leave the rest of the analyzing for the big 100th episode of "Inscaped."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Award show season in high gear
Sunday brought the announcement of two additional award groups: the Los Angeles Film Critics and the American Film Institute.
First up is the AFI list of the top ten films of the year:
"The Fighter"
"The Kids Are All Right"
"Black Swan"
"The Town"
"Toy Story 3"
"True Grit"
"Winter’s Bone"
"The Social Network"
"127 Hours"
Hmmm, look familiar?
My ten had all but "127 Hours" on it. "The Kings Speech," which was on my list, was given a special "award."
The LA Film Critics released their awards Sunday as well, in parts. The first part took care of some of the seconday categories (just the ones we are tracking):
Supporting Actress: Jackie Warner "Animal Kingdom"
Supporting Actor: Niels Arestrup "A Prophet"
Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin "The Social Network"
And the second list about an hour and a half later.
Those awards are then added to last week's National Board of Review honors to give us a starting list:
Supporting Actress: Warner (NBR, LAFC)
Supporting Actor: Bale (NBR), Arestrup (LAFC)
Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin "The Social Network" (NBR, LAFC)
Original Screenplay: Chris Sparling "Buried" (NBR)
Director: David Fincher (NBR, LAFC), Olivier Assayas "Carlos" (LAFC - tie)
Best Animated Film: "Toy Story 3" (NBR, LAFC)
Best Actor: Eisenberg (NBR, LAFC), Colin Firth (LAFC)
Best Actress: Lesley Manville (NBR), Kim Hye-ja "Mother" (LAFC)
Best Film: "The Social Network" (NBR, LAFC)
Two sets of individual awards in and a pattern seems to be developing with supporting actress, director, screenplay, animated film (no surprise there) and picture.
First up is the AFI list of the top ten films of the year:
"The Fighter"
"The Kids Are All Right"
"Black Swan"
"The Town"
"Toy Story 3"
"True Grit"
"Winter’s Bone"
"The Social Network"
"127 Hours"
Hmmm, look familiar?
My ten had all but "127 Hours" on it. "The Kings Speech," which was on my list, was given a special "award."
The LA Film Critics released their awards Sunday as well, in parts. The first part took care of some of the seconday categories (just the ones we are tracking):
Supporting Actress: Jackie Warner "Animal Kingdom"
Supporting Actor: Niels Arestrup "A Prophet"
Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin "The Social Network"
And the second list about an hour and a half later.
Those awards are then added to last week's National Board of Review honors to give us a starting list:
Supporting Actress: Warner (NBR, LAFC)
Supporting Actor: Bale (NBR), Arestrup (LAFC)
Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin "The Social Network" (NBR, LAFC)
Original Screenplay: Chris Sparling "Buried" (NBR)
Director: David Fincher (NBR, LAFC), Olivier Assayas "Carlos" (LAFC - tie)
Best Animated Film: "Toy Story 3" (NBR, LAFC)
Best Actor: Eisenberg (NBR, LAFC), Colin Firth (LAFC)
Best Actress: Lesley Manville (NBR), Kim Hye-ja "Mother" (LAFC)
Best Film: "The Social Network" (NBR, LAFC)
Two sets of individual awards in and a pattern seems to be developing with supporting actress, director, screenplay, animated film (no surprise there) and picture.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Don't miss 'Hawaii Five-0' next week!
James Marsters returns in next week's "Hawaii Five-0" as Victor Hess, who we haven't seen since the pilot when Steve shot him and he fell in to the water.
Now, as a fan of any well written series, that's when you know that they didn't want to kill him to begin with. I think we all knew that Victor was going to make his grand re-entrance, and it's no surprise that it's right before the winter hiatus. Also, let's be honest, you don't cast someone like James Marsters to play Victor Hess unless he is going to stick around for a while.
Also, I have no idea if it has been made official, but having met Norman Reedus a couple months ago at a horror convention, he said there is a possibility that his character, Victor's younger brother, will also be making a return to the series.
In last week's episode, with the help of Chin, Steve found out that his mother's accident when he was a teenager, in fact wasn't an accident at all. He was in the middle investigating is own wife's murder when Victor killed him. The question is whether the Hess brothers have anything to do with Steve's mother's murder or not.
Whether Victor makes it out of this alive or not, this is going to be an episode no one wants to miss.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Is there a secret 'Tron' release coming?
Last week Tim discovered a strange trend brewing on the internet. Disney has removed all versions of the original "Tron" from Netflix, Hulu, iTunes and retail stores.
Different versions can still be found on sites like You Tube and Daily Motion, however, the quality of the videos can never be assured.
The only reason why Disney would go through all the trouble of virtually deleting "Tron" is that they are planning a mystery re-release in anticipation of "Tron: Legacy."
While there has been no mention of this anywhere, it seems to me that it's the only logical explanation for why "Tron" would disappear after 28 years.
With the sequel coming out in two weeks, it would seem that Disney would want the original out there as much as possible, unless they had plans of their own.
I think that Disney has plans for a surprise DVD or theatrical re-release of "Tron."
Imagine going to a theater for a showing of "Tron" right before a midnight showing of "Tron: Legacy."
Of course this is all speculation on my part, because Disney could have some other super plan that I haven't even considered.
Different versions can still be found on sites like You Tube and Daily Motion, however, the quality of the videos can never be assured.
The only reason why Disney would go through all the trouble of virtually deleting "Tron" is that they are planning a mystery re-release in anticipation of "Tron: Legacy."
While there has been no mention of this anywhere, it seems to me that it's the only logical explanation for why "Tron" would disappear after 28 years.
With the sequel coming out in two weeks, it would seem that Disney would want the original out there as much as possible, unless they had plans of their own.
I think that Disney has plans for a surprise DVD or theatrical re-release of "Tron."
Imagine going to a theater for a showing of "Tron" right before a midnight showing of "Tron: Legacy."
Of course this is all speculation on my part, because Disney could have some other super plan that I haven't even considered.
Monday, December 6, 2010
"Supernatural" wins first TV Guide Fan Favorite Poll!
After TV Guide's editor, Debra Birnbaum, made her first trip to Comic Con this passed summer, she decided after thousands of letters, tweets and e-mails from fans to put their favorite show on the cover, that that's exactly what the magazine would do.
But not before fans had to prove themselves.
A poll of six cult shows was put on the TV Guide's website including: Supernatural, Chuck, Bones, Castle, How I Met Your Mother and Smallville.
After two weeks of voting and five million votes, it came down to the wire. For the last three days of voting, Supernatural and Chuck fans were battling across Tumblr and Twitter to see their favorite boys on the cover.
But the Sam and Dean girls won out! Don't miss this week's issue that hits newsstands on Thursday with the Winchester brothers on the cover!
Check out this video below to watch editor Debra Birnbaum unveil the gorgeous cover.
And check out this short video from Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins and Jim Beaver to thank the fans for their votes.
Friday, December 3, 2010
"Sons of Anarchy" Season 3 Finale
I have no idea why it's taken me three seasons to become a fan of this fantastic FX drama. My mom has been watching it since the beginning, and I've always put on my headphones or what not when it came time for her to watch it. But only this season, did I not mind when it was on, and only half paid attention to the first few episodes.
After seeing Titus Welliver's (who of course played the Man in Black in LOST) face for the first time, I was hooked.
I had plenty of questions: Why did they take Jax's son? Why is Gemma in the hospital? Why is ATF always after them? Who is John? Tara is a doctor? And so on, and so on. Thank goodness mother didn't mind pausing it and answering them.
Anyway, now an official fan of this series, I can't wait to talk about the amazing season finale.
This season, we have worried up and down every episode for Jax and what would happen if the club found out he was working with Stahl. Now, they have to work together to not only get Tara back, but also catch Jimmy before he leaves the country who is staying with the Russians. The only way to get him back is with cash, that they don't have enough of. But of course, the box that (what's his name?) has been trying to get people to look at for the last three episodes is full of counterfeit money. (Sorry, I haven't learned everyone's name yet)
Making a deal with Stahl, who killed her lover to cover her ass in case Gemma wants t0 tell the truth, Jax and the club are going to steal Jimmy from the Russians, then hand him over to ATF. Except, Jax didn't keep the bargain. Before running into ATF, they switched Jimmy into Tara and the prospects' car.
Of course, Stahl was pissed, and doesn't like being outsmarted. When she goes to meet Jax to sign the papers of his statement against the Irish and Stahl's promise to let the club only receive 14 months in jail, this time, she goes back on the deal. When they go pick up Jimmy from the club, Stahl does exactly what we all knew she would do. She rats on Jax, and shows Clay and the rest of the club his signed statement. Then we have to watching horror as Jax tries to defend himself against his own club and Gemma tries to jump in for him as they are all carted off in chains.
Assuming that the next season would be about Jax trying to survive after ratting out the club, none of us expected what would happen next.
The Sheriff waves down Stahl, who has Jimmy in the car, and tells her that the Russians are waiting for them. The other agents leave Stahl and Jimmy as they go check the road ahead. Then, Opie and Chibs drive up in a school bus. Chibs kills Jimmy, as Opie kills Stahl. Even though I have only watched this season before, it was Opie killing her that surprised me. Especially after he just got engaged. Maybe but surprise is misplaced, but he just didn't seem the type to me for some reason.
But I do have to say, I don't think I've ever been so happy to see someone die in a television series before.
Then, the two prospects traveling the truck with the rest of the cuffed Sons receive a text message. That's when I figured it out. This was the plan all along. The Sons on their way off to jail start laughing, even Clay and Jax. At some point, Jax must have told the club about his secret meetings with Stahl, and all of them have been in this all along. It was voted upon.
Then just when we thought there have been enough surprises, Tara finds the letters in the bag Jax brought back from Ireland. The letter John wrote. In them, Tara reads that it may have in fact been Gemma and Clay that killed him.
I'm assuming this is exactly what Season 4 is going to be about: John's letters and what Jax is going to do when he finds out. I can't imagine he'd be understanding. After everything the club has been through, this may be in fact the thing that tears them apart.
My questions are: How many people actually know the truth about John's death, as in, does anyone else from the club know, and what exactly is Tara going to do with those letters?
My mother and I agree that she is going to hide them from Jax, but of course, he is going to find them eventually.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
National Board of Review - Or Tim is AWESOME
The National Board of Review is known for being first out of the gate when it comes to award season picks.
And the group is known for picking a list of the top 10 of the year, well before the Oscars started doing it again.
The list was announced as we were filming the newest episode.
And I rocked it, hard.
Here's the list:
"Another Year"
"The Fighter"
"The King’s Speech"
"Shutter Island"
"The Town"
"Toy Story 3"
"True Grit"
"Winter’s Bone"
And their pick for the best film of the year: "The Social Network"
Out of all of those films I correctly guessed eight. Eight out of 11 is pretty good (especially considering I only picked 10 films total).
I had "Black Swan" and "The Kids are All Right," which I firmly believe will both be on the Oscars list.
So, congrats to "The Social Network" for taking the first Best Picture prize home.
It won't win the Oscar though.
And the group is known for picking a list of the top 10 of the year, well before the Oscars started doing it again.
The list was announced as we were filming the newest episode.
And I rocked it, hard.
Here's the list:
"Another Year"
"The Fighter"
"The King’s Speech"
"Shutter Island"
"The Town"
"Toy Story 3"
"True Grit"
"Winter’s Bone"
And their pick for the best film of the year: "The Social Network"
Out of all of those films I correctly guessed eight. Eight out of 11 is pretty good (especially considering I only picked 10 films total).
I had "Black Swan" and "The Kids are All Right," which I firmly believe will both be on the Oscars list.
So, congrats to "The Social Network" for taking the first Best Picture prize home.
It won't win the Oscar though.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Awards 2011: Independent Spirit Award Nominations
That's right, it's awards season already. This year, things are kicked off with the Independent Spirit Award Nominations.
There are quite a few Oscar contenders on the list, which should make for an interesting show, since the Spirit Awards are the night before the Oscars.
Here are a few of the top categories:
Best Feature Film:
Speaking of the supporting categories, there are a lot of big names nominated for films that I have honestly never heard of so I guess I've got some research to do before awards season gets in full swing.
As more critics associations announce their choices and some of the smaller releases are expanded into more theaters, look for us to go into full awards mode with predictions, spreadsheets and diagrams.
There are quite a few Oscar contenders on the list, which should make for an interesting show, since the Spirit Awards are the night before the Oscars.
Here are a few of the top categories:
Best Feature Film:
- "127 Hours"
- "Black Swan"
- "Greenberg"
- "The Kids Are All Right"
- "Winter's Bone"
- Annette Bening-"The Kids Are All Right"
- Greta Gerwig-"Greenberg"
- Nicole Kidman-"Rabbit Hole"
- Jennifer Lawrence-"Winter's Bone"
- Natalie Portman-"Black Swan"
- Michelle Williams-"Blue Valentine"
- Ronald Bronstein-"Daddy Longlegs"
- Aaron Eckhart-"Rabbit Hole"
- James Franco-"127 Hours"
- John C. Reilly-"Cyrus"
- Ben Stiller-"Greenberg"
- Darren Aronofsky-"Black Swan"
- Danny Boyle-"127 Hours"
- Lisa Cholodenko-"The Kids Are All Right"
- Debra Granik-"Winter's Bone"
- John Cameron Mitchell-"Rabbit Hole"
Speaking of the supporting categories, there are a lot of big names nominated for films that I have honestly never heard of so I guess I've got some research to do before awards season gets in full swing.
As more critics associations announce their choices and some of the smaller releases are expanded into more theaters, look for us to go into full awards mode with predictions, spreadsheets and diagrams.
Black Friday purchases
So, I waited to post this because Amazon had a great deal for the first season of "Dollhouse" for $9.99 on Blu-ray. Too bad I woke up early this morning to find a bunch on nonsense regarding buying the set. There were two things I wanted, each released hours after each other.
But, these Amazon deals needed to be purchased within 15 minutes of clicking on it. Meaning I would need to buy them both separately and pay shipping for both.
No thanks.
I did, however, get some good movie deals on Black Friday.
And kept a tradition alive.
For the past few years I have gotten a great deal on a season set of "Psych."
This year I thought Borders had a great deal for season four for $14.99, but my store was sold out.
Enter Target's amazing TWO day sale.
They had the unadvertised "Psych" season four for only $12.99! In fact, they had all the seasons for that price.
I also picked up "The Best of The Greatest American Hero" (four episodes) for only $1.99!
Big fan of that show and especially cool because I had just shown my niece the opening of the show on YouTube the day before.
And lastly I got "Elf" for $3.99. What makes this deal great is that the DVD is not a bare bones release. This is the full on special, two-disc edition with loads of extras.
My family loves that film and now we don't have to wait for the USA Network to air it.
And no commericals!
But, these Amazon deals needed to be purchased within 15 minutes of clicking on it. Meaning I would need to buy them both separately and pay shipping for both.
No thanks.
I did, however, get some good movie deals on Black Friday.
And kept a tradition alive.
For the past few years I have gotten a great deal on a season set of "Psych."
This year I thought Borders had a great deal for season four for $14.99, but my store was sold out.
Enter Target's amazing TWO day sale.
They had the unadvertised "Psych" season four for only $12.99! In fact, they had all the seasons for that price.
I also picked up "The Best of The Greatest American Hero" (four episodes) for only $1.99!
Big fan of that show and especially cool because I had just shown my niece the opening of the show on YouTube the day before.
And lastly I got "Elf" for $3.99. What makes this deal great is that the DVD is not a bare bones release. This is the full on special, two-disc edition with loads of extras.
My family loves that film and now we don't have to wait for the USA Network to air it.
And no commericals!
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Oscars throw a curveball
Of all the names being thrown around to host the 2011 Oscars, no one expected that Anne Hathaway and James Franco would end up as hosts.
Based on her recent performance on "Saturday Night Live," Hathaway I can understand. I'm a little more fuzzy on Franco. His turn on "SNL" wasn't quite as entertaining as Hathaway and I don't think his stoner comedy will play well with traditional academy members.
I'm also wondering why the academy chose to go with these two together. It just doesn't sound like it will work. However, The Oscars do need to find a way to make the show less stuffy and draw a younger demographic.
I appreciate them for trying something different, but I was hoping for Ricky Gervais or Neil Patrick Harris.
Based on her recent performance on "Saturday Night Live," Hathaway I can understand. I'm a little more fuzzy on Franco. His turn on "SNL" wasn't quite as entertaining as Hathaway and I don't think his stoner comedy will play well with traditional academy members.
I'm also wondering why the academy chose to go with these two together. It just doesn't sound like it will work. However, The Oscars do need to find a way to make the show less stuffy and draw a younger demographic.
I appreciate them for trying something different, but I was hoping for Ricky Gervais or Neil Patrick Harris.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
My Chemical Romance 'Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys'

I know I wasn't the only one that was completely all over herself when she picked up MCR's new album in stores last week and blasted it when their windows down, even though it was freaking cold outside.
Like the rest of the fan base, I have been waiting for their next album for the last four years and was greeted with what I believe to be the best work they have ever done.
As a long time fan ever since their break out hit "Helena", which helped me through the grieving process of a very good friend of mine, I am still overjoyed at the concept and message of this new story.
For many years, especially after the dark road that the listener makes through "The Black Parade", My Chemical Romance has been accused time and time again by outsiders that their music not only drives out the darkness of their fans, but makes them driven by it. I myself have been singled out by being a big fan, apparently not seeming the type to enjoy their music. But any outsider wouldn't understand that "The Black Parade" wasn't only a journey through a dark road, but it was a journey through suffering into the light...which only continues to get brighter in "Danger Days."
After two years of "The Black Parade" Tour, and two more years of rest and creating this new album, the band has been among many break up rumors and that this might in fact be their last album. Since it's release, many of the members have made it clear that is NOT at all true and that they will keep creating as long as it keeps coming.
Back at Comic Con 2009 when I attended Gerard's panel for "The Umbrella Academy" (a fantastic graphic novel), he explained that this new album would be like a love letter to rock 'n' roll. I have to definitely agree with that statement.
Not only does "Danger Days" remind us what is great about rock, and at times, take us back to the greats like Zepplin, AC/DC, and the Stones, the story of this album is more about the listeners than the artists. A story that takes place in the near future of 2019, and is a rebellion against conformity and criticism. About having your own voice and fighting for it. It is definitely as Gerard has said in many interviews, "This is definitely the loudest and brightest album" they have ever released.
It's the only CD that I have been listening to in the last week and am already singing along with each song. Here are a few of my favorites:
Na Na Na
Bulletproof Heart
Sing (will inspire a whole new wave of MCR tattoos)
Plantery GO! (especially can't wait to see this one performed live)
The Only Hope for Me is You
The Kids From Yesterday
It may not be until May, but I already bought my pre-sale tickets for their next show in Los Angeles, and am already planning my Killjoys uniform.
And make sure you check out their new and fantastically rebellious music video for the new hit "Sing":
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The best Thanksgiving episodes ever
A lot is made about great Christmas episodes and we'll undoubtedly have a list of those in the coming weeks, however, there are also plenty of great Thanksgiving episodes, so here is my list of some the best.
1. "WKRP in Cincinnati"-"Turkeys Away"
I know this isn't a show you hear us talk about very much, but it is a hilariously underrated sitcom and this is one of the best episodes of the entire series. Mr. Carlson (Gordon Jump) decides to do a Thanksgiving promotion and hilarity ensues.
I won't spoil the ending, but you have to watch until the very end, it's worth it.
2. "The Cosby Show"-"Cliff's Wet Adventure"
"The Cosby Show" is of course one of the greatest shows of all time, so it's no surprise to find it on this list. In this episode, everyone has come to the Huxtables for Thanksgiving and Cliff has to keep going out to the only open store for eggs, nutmeg, tomatoes, etc.
The catch is, it's terrible outside. It's pouring rain and crazy windy, so everytime he opens the door to head out Bill Cosby gets this look on his face that is just hilarious. The whole thing culminates with everyone sitting down to dinner and him opening the door to blue skies and chirping birds. It's Cosby at his subtle best.
3. "Mad About You"-"Giblets for Murray"
"Mad About You" is one of my all time favorite shows. While Helen Hunt won several Emmys for Lead Actress in a Comedy, I always felt this show was underrated compared to "Seinfeld" and "Friends."
In this episode, Paul and Jamie host Thanksgiving for their friends and family and hilarity ensues. There are several trips to the store for multiple turkeys and crazy shenanigans.
4. "Friends"-"The One With the Rumor"
Two words: Brad Pitt. This classic season eight episode features Pitt as an old friend of Ross and Monica who hates Rachel. This was a clever twist by the writers since Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were married at the time. There were also plenty of jokes about Pitt's looks because his character used to be Monica's fat friend.
"Friends" was famous for its Thanksgiving episodes, so honestly the choices for this list were endless, but this one had Brad Pitt in it, so really there were no other choices.
5. "King of the Hill"-"Happy Hank's Giving"
I know this may seem like an odd choice but this episode perfectly depicts the insanity of traveling during the holidays. Everyone ends up trapped by a snowstorm at the airport and it becomes an all out war to get a possible flight or hotel room.
Anyone who's been stuck at the airport during the holidays will laugh at the situations the characters end up in.
1. "WKRP in Cincinnati"-"Turkeys Away"
I know this isn't a show you hear us talk about very much, but it is a hilariously underrated sitcom and this is one of the best episodes of the entire series. Mr. Carlson (Gordon Jump) decides to do a Thanksgiving promotion and hilarity ensues.
I won't spoil the ending, but you have to watch until the very end, it's worth it.
2. "The Cosby Show"-"Cliff's Wet Adventure"
"The Cosby Show" is of course one of the greatest shows of all time, so it's no surprise to find it on this list. In this episode, everyone has come to the Huxtables for Thanksgiving and Cliff has to keep going out to the only open store for eggs, nutmeg, tomatoes, etc.
The catch is, it's terrible outside. It's pouring rain and crazy windy, so everytime he opens the door to head out Bill Cosby gets this look on his face that is just hilarious. The whole thing culminates with everyone sitting down to dinner and him opening the door to blue skies and chirping birds. It's Cosby at his subtle best.
3. "Mad About You"-"Giblets for Murray"
"Mad About You" is one of my all time favorite shows. While Helen Hunt won several Emmys for Lead Actress in a Comedy, I always felt this show was underrated compared to "Seinfeld" and "Friends."
In this episode, Paul and Jamie host Thanksgiving for their friends and family and hilarity ensues. There are several trips to the store for multiple turkeys and crazy shenanigans.
4. "Friends"-"The One With the Rumor"
Two words: Brad Pitt. This classic season eight episode features Pitt as an old friend of Ross and Monica who hates Rachel. This was a clever twist by the writers since Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were married at the time. There were also plenty of jokes about Pitt's looks because his character used to be Monica's fat friend.
"Friends" was famous for its Thanksgiving episodes, so honestly the choices for this list were endless, but this one had Brad Pitt in it, so really there were no other choices.
5. "King of the Hill"-"Happy Hank's Giving"
I know this may seem like an odd choice but this episode perfectly depicts the insanity of traveling during the holidays. Everyone ends up trapped by a snowstorm at the airport and it becomes an all out war to get a possible flight or hotel room.
Anyone who's been stuck at the airport during the holidays will laugh at the situations the characters end up in.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
'Real World' meets World Champion
A couple of weeks ago Stephanie wrote a blog about the most successful "Real World" cast members.
Mike "The Miz" was ranked No. 1 on her list. Not far behind was Sean Duffy, who just became a US Congressman.
Well, last night The Miz solidified his ranking by winning the WWE World Championship.
Yes, wrestling is fake. But they just don't hand someone the belt unless they have total faith in that person. The champion has to be able to sell shirts, get viewers to watch and buy the pay-per-views.
So this is a big deal for him because that means Vince McMahon thinks he's going to be successful.
And this is a moment where Stephanie is probably happy she was right, but also not happy she was right.
Mike "The Miz" was ranked No. 1 on her list. Not far behind was Sean Duffy, who just became a US Congressman.
Well, last night The Miz solidified his ranking by winning the WWE World Championship.
Yes, wrestling is fake. But they just don't hand someone the belt unless they have total faith in that person. The champion has to be able to sell shirts, get viewers to watch and buy the pay-per-views.
So this is a big deal for him because that means Vince McMahon thinks he's going to be successful.
And this is a moment where Stephanie is probably happy she was right, but also not happy she was right.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thoughts on 'Green Lantern' movie
Stephanie and I both talked a bit in this week's show regarding the new trailer for the "Green Lantern" movie.
Taking Blake Lively's "acting" out of the equation there was one single problem we both had: iffy special effects.
That is where Tony Rizo comes in.
Tony is a good friend of the show, who also designed our nifty logo. He also has extensive experience in the world of visual effects.
He also gave some unique insight during our Oscar special last year.
So, the logical thing to do was seek his guidance on this issue we are having with the trailer.
Here is what Tony had to say regarding the issue:
"Well just saw the GL trailer, nothing phenomenal about it at all.
The interior cockpit jets look so clean!
The suit is hyper-realistic and makes Reynolds physique look abnormal and odd for a man. Even skinny male models don’t look like that, they really gave him a v-shape that is uncharacteristic of a real man, which is why it is so off putting.
Will they change the suit?
Not if they are approaching their hard dead line, like with most movies, it is some executive producer that wanted the suit to be that way probably not the VFX supervisor or any of the other artists that wanted to remain true to the original GL design.
How much would it cost for them to change the suit and replace it? A butt load of dough and they probably wouldn’t be able to finish it in time if they wanted to, the whole thing looks very clichéd as well. They should have taken some notes from the last Batman movie, or from Watchman. The costumes in both of those movies were very good, more natural to what we perceive."
Can't argue with that.
Taking Blake Lively's "acting" out of the equation there was one single problem we both had: iffy special effects.
That is where Tony Rizo comes in.
Tony is a good friend of the show, who also designed our nifty logo. He also has extensive experience in the world of visual effects.
He also gave some unique insight during our Oscar special last year.
So, the logical thing to do was seek his guidance on this issue we are having with the trailer.
Here is what Tony had to say regarding the issue:
"Well just saw the GL trailer, nothing phenomenal about it at all.
The interior cockpit jets look so clean!
The suit is hyper-realistic and makes Reynolds physique look abnormal and odd for a man. Even skinny male models don’t look like that, they really gave him a v-shape that is uncharacteristic of a real man, which is why it is so off putting.
Will they change the suit?
Not if they are approaching their hard dead line, like with most movies, it is some executive producer that wanted the suit to be that way probably not the VFX supervisor or any of the other artists that wanted to remain true to the original GL design.
How much would it cost for them to change the suit and replace it? A butt load of dough and they probably wouldn’t be able to finish it in time if they wanted to, the whole thing looks very clichéd as well. They should have taken some notes from the last Batman movie, or from Watchman. The costumes in both of those movies were very good, more natural to what we perceive."
Can't argue with that.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Welcome back 'Human Target'
One of the most underrated shows on TV, "Human Target" returned to FOX's schedule last night.
The show follows bodyguard Christopher Chance (Mark Valley) as he protects desperate clients with the help of his partners Winston (Chi McBride) and Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley).
The second season began with Chance and Guerrero rescuing a kidnapped Winston, then the team was brought back together to protect billionaire widow Ilsa Pucci (Indira Varma).
This is a fun old school action show, that has a cast with great chemistry and exciting stories. Some of the best scenes involve Guerrero coming up with interesting ways of interrogating people or Winston's constant exasperation at Chance's seeming spontaneity.
For season two, Varma has joined the team as its new benefactor and Janet Montgomery is Ames, a young thief who will occasionally help out. These additions are meant to help out with female viewers, however, Valley pretty much has that under control.
The season premiere garnered 6.5 million viewers, putting it behind "Survivor," "Dateline" and ABC's comedy block. FOX should promote this show more and give it a better timeslot. It's fun show that can find som success with a little push.
The show follows bodyguard Christopher Chance (Mark Valley) as he protects desperate clients with the help of his partners Winston (Chi McBride) and Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley).
The second season began with Chance and Guerrero rescuing a kidnapped Winston, then the team was brought back together to protect billionaire widow Ilsa Pucci (Indira Varma).

For season two, Varma has joined the team as its new benefactor and Janet Montgomery is Ames, a young thief who will occasionally help out. These additions are meant to help out with female viewers, however, Valley pretty much has that under control.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How to fix the WWE
It's no secret that I'm a huge wrestling fan. I've been watching my whole life and really enjoy the athleticism of the wrestlers along with the entertainment of the storylines.
Unfortunately, the WWE has been in a creative slump lately and it's become more of a chore to continue watching.
I understand that Vince McMahon was busy with his wife Linda's senate campaign. However, now that the election is over and she was "taken out to the woodshed" as Jim Ross would say, he can triumphantly return and fix things.
Step one, get rid of The Nexus. They can't wrestle, have no personality and drag the show to a screeching halt everytime they show up. I've also never appreciated it when the company tries to force a particular wrestler or group down my throat.
I always think about the scene in "Mean Girls" when Rachel McAdams tells her minion to quit trying to make fetch happen. Hey Vince quit trying to make The Nexus happen, cause it's not working.
I mean really, who the heck is Wade Barrett that he all of a sudden gets a title shot. Also everytime you make a good wrestler lose to one of these guys through some extraordinary circumstance, it ruins the company's credibility. Wrestling fans are already stretching reality far enough, am I really supposed to believe that Edge wouldn't beat David Otunga in like five seconds.
Step two, get rid of the ridiculous anonymous general manager on "Raw." We all know it's Michael Cole, no one is buying it. And while we're on the subject can Cole go back to calling matches and stop playing this stupid character, it's seriously annoying.
Finally, and most importantly, bring back the fun. The Nov. 15 edition of "Monday Night Raw" was billed as "Old School Night," and while there were a few ridiculous moments, it was the most fun "Raw" had been in months.
And really that's what wrestling is supposed to be about. The Rock, Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, Triple H were all really fun to watch, even when they were beating the crap out of someone, it was still fun.
John Cena used to be fun before he was saddled to The Nexus and Randy Orton was at his best as the guy you loved to hate.
"Survivor Series" is this Sunday and while it's been one of my favorite pay-per-views in the past, I have absolutely no interest in seeing Wade Barrett crowned WWE Champion only to lose two minutes later when The Miz cashes in Money in the Bank.
That's the problem in a nutshell, things are too predictable.
It's a sad day for the WWE when Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov having a traditional English tea party with Sheamus is the highlight of the week.
Unfortunately, the WWE has been in a creative slump lately and it's become more of a chore to continue watching.
I understand that Vince McMahon was busy with his wife Linda's senate campaign. However, now that the election is over and she was "taken out to the woodshed" as Jim Ross would say, he can triumphantly return and fix things.
Step one, get rid of The Nexus. They can't wrestle, have no personality and drag the show to a screeching halt everytime they show up. I've also never appreciated it when the company tries to force a particular wrestler or group down my throat.
I always think about the scene in "Mean Girls" when Rachel McAdams tells her minion to quit trying to make fetch happen. Hey Vince quit trying to make The Nexus happen, cause it's not working.
I mean really, who the heck is Wade Barrett that he all of a sudden gets a title shot. Also everytime you make a good wrestler lose to one of these guys through some extraordinary circumstance, it ruins the company's credibility. Wrestling fans are already stretching reality far enough, am I really supposed to believe that Edge wouldn't beat David Otunga in like five seconds.
Step two, get rid of the ridiculous anonymous general manager on "Raw." We all know it's Michael Cole, no one is buying it. And while we're on the subject can Cole go back to calling matches and stop playing this stupid character, it's seriously annoying.
Finally, and most importantly, bring back the fun. The Nov. 15 edition of "Monday Night Raw" was billed as "Old School Night," and while there were a few ridiculous moments, it was the most fun "Raw" had been in months.
And really that's what wrestling is supposed to be about. The Rock, Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, Triple H were all really fun to watch, even when they were beating the crap out of someone, it was still fun.
John Cena used to be fun before he was saddled to The Nexus and Randy Orton was at his best as the guy you loved to hate.
"Survivor Series" is this Sunday and while it's been one of my favorite pay-per-views in the past, I have absolutely no interest in seeing Wade Barrett crowned WWE Champion only to lose two minutes later when The Miz cashes in Money in the Bank.
That's the problem in a nutshell, things are too predictable.
It's a sad day for the WWE when Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov having a traditional English tea party with Sheamus is the highlight of the week.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
'Rock Band' Tuesday
It's time to open the shirt, let the chest hair flow and sing in your highest voice possible.
Oh, yeah that can only be one thing.
Bee Gees.
The brotherly trio has six of their greatest hits released today as downloadable content:
"Jive Talkin'"
"Night Fever"
"Stayin' Alive"
"Nights on Broadway"
"You Should Be Dancing"
I normally would skip a week like this, but I've had "Tragedy" stuck in my head all day long.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Jeff Goldblum is awesome
So in all the hoopla over Conan, Jay and Dave; Jimmy Fallon has gotten lost in the conversation. He has slowly been building a very funny show over at "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon."
His regular bits like "Slow Jamming the News," "Thank You Notes" and "Cell Phone Shootout" are hilarious. He also has a knack for getting guests to do the most outrageous bits.
Well last night he took it to another level when Jeff Goldblum with Biz Markie and The Roots did the most fantastic version of "Just a Friend."
I dare you to watch this clip and not fall out laughing.
His regular bits like "Slow Jamming the News," "Thank You Notes" and "Cell Phone Shootout" are hilarious. He also has a knack for getting guests to do the most outrageous bits.
Well last night he took it to another level when Jeff Goldblum with Biz Markie and The Roots did the most fantastic version of "Just a Friend."
I dare you to watch this clip and not fall out laughing.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Christopher Nolan: You can stop looking
Deadline is reporting that Nolan is meeting with actresses for two roles in "The Dark Knight Rises;" a love interest and a villain.
This news leads one to believe that Catwoman is the villain.
But, as we have talked about here at Inscaped numerous times (at the 21:20 mark), I don't think so.
Wrapping up the Nolan trilogy, I truly believe that Talia al Ghul is going to be in this next movie.
So let's look at Deadline's reported actresses, wait... let's not.
Because there's only one choice.
And she wants the part.
Stana Katic from "Castle."
At Comic-Con this year (see above) she talked about wanting the role. She's already perfect for the role after doing the voice for Talia in the next "Batman" game.
As Stephanie has pointed out, Katic can pull off the action perfectly.
And if you want to see some amazing acting, check out the "Castle" episode "Sucker Punch."
Forget Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley.
Katic is the only real choice.
This news leads one to believe that Catwoman is the villain.
But, as we have talked about here at Inscaped numerous times (at the 21:20 mark), I don't think so.
Wrapping up the Nolan trilogy, I truly believe that Talia al Ghul is going to be in this next movie.
So let's look at Deadline's reported actresses, wait... let's not.
Because there's only one choice.
And she wants the part.
Stana Katic from "Castle."
At Comic-Con this year (see above) she talked about wanting the role. She's already perfect for the role after doing the voice for Talia in the next "Batman" game.
As Stephanie has pointed out, Katic can pull off the action perfectly.
And if you want to see some amazing acting, check out the "Castle" episode "Sucker Punch."
Forget Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley.
Katic is the only real choice.
Vampire Diaries: Moonstone and the Originals predictions
Now, there has been plenty of theories on what exactly the moonstone is for, or being used for. In last week's episode, "Rose", some exciting and surprising information was revealed, and gives us obsessed viewers, a chance to reform our theories.
For those of us that read the books, I'm sure I wasn't the only one that was jumping up and down when Klaus' name was mentioned. I honestly was not expecting him to come into the story until at least the end of this season. But now that Elena and the Salvatores know what they are up against, it changes everything.
For those of us up to speed, this episode filled in a few holes that we didn't know before, or at least were not sure of:
1. Katherine is about 500 years old.
2. The moonstone binds the sun and the moon curse.
3. Trevor was commanded by the Originals to watch over Katherine Petrova, but he messed up.
4. The Originals wanted Katherine Pierce, now want Elena.
5. Elena is not the first Petrova doppleganger.
6. The sacrifice of the doppleganger will break the curse.
7. The Originals want to sacrifice Elena FOR Klaus.
8. The Originals can not be killed by a simple stake.
With this new information, I have been trying to fill in the holes of my own theory. So far, this is what I've got:
The Originals are the first vampires. Klaus, the oldest vampire in history, the first, had a companion. A Petrova, who is the first one he turned. As the years went by, the vampire race grew, something happened. Some of us have been speculating whether Klaus and this Petrova Original were together, and she did something to betray him. Or perhaps, the other Originals did something to betray her. I haven't decided which one I think it right quite yet, but it has to be one or the other. However, I am leaning towards the theory that the Petrova Original did something to betray the other Originals with the help of a Lockwood and Bennett.
If that is what happened, then Klaus and the rest of the Originals bound the sun and the moon curse to the moonstone as a punishment. So where does the dopplegangers and the powers of the Bennett witches fit in? I'm not quite sure yet, but I do believe that they are both connected to the curse of the moonstone. Perhaps they were side effects of the curse somehow? Or a little magic that the first Bennett witch worked up? And if the fact that the Originals can only be killed by a certain type of wood, like in the books, remains the same in the series, that too could be part of the magic the Bennett cooked up.
The only aspect that I really don't understand, is why the Originals want to sacrifice Elena and break the curse? It really makes me think that the only thing that can kill them, was a side effect of the moonstone's magic, so they really can be invincible. When they realized their mistake, they waited for the first doppleganger to be born, which was Katherine. Trevor was commanded to watch over her, but she was turned, and no longer able to use at the sacrifice. And we know from Elijah, that the other Originals that Katherine was the last of her family line, which obviously is not true.
Also, as a side note, I still stand by the theory that the moonstone needs werewolf blood too, or else Katherine wouldn't have gone through the trouble of turning Tyler.
There is one other little tidbit that I want to mention because of the suggestive way Elijah talks about Mystic Falls...
Myself and TVD pal Tasha (@IHeartTVD) have discussed the possibility of Mystic Falls not being the first town in this area. In the books, there is the idea of ley lines and how their energy draws supernatural creatures. Mystic Falls happens to be exactly where several ley lines cross. It acts as a beacon to other creatures, and could explain all the vampire, witch, and werewolf activity in the area. Well, what if before Mystic Falls, there was a community of vampires, and other creatures? What if it was the home of the Originals, and something major happened, the Founding Families showed up, push the vampires out, and creating their own town of Mystic Falls?
If that is true, I imagine they would be pretty pissed. I guess we have to wait and see what happens.
For those of us that read the books, I'm sure I wasn't the only one that was jumping up and down when Klaus' name was mentioned. I honestly was not expecting him to come into the story until at least the end of this season. But now that Elena and the Salvatores know what they are up against, it changes everything.
For those of us up to speed, this episode filled in a few holes that we didn't know before, or at least were not sure of:
1. Katherine is about 500 years old.
2. The moonstone binds the sun and the moon curse.
3. Trevor was commanded by the Originals to watch over Katherine Petrova, but he messed up.
4. The Originals wanted Katherine Pierce, now want Elena.
5. Elena is not the first Petrova doppleganger.
6. The sacrifice of the doppleganger will break the curse.
7. The Originals want to sacrifice Elena FOR Klaus.
8. The Originals can not be killed by a simple stake.
With this new information, I have been trying to fill in the holes of my own theory. So far, this is what I've got:
The Originals are the first vampires. Klaus, the oldest vampire in history, the first, had a companion. A Petrova, who is the first one he turned. As the years went by, the vampire race grew, something happened. Some of us have been speculating whether Klaus and this Petrova Original were together, and she did something to betray him. Or perhaps, the other Originals did something to betray her. I haven't decided which one I think it right quite yet, but it has to be one or the other. However, I am leaning towards the theory that the Petrova Original did something to betray the other Originals with the help of a Lockwood and Bennett.
If that is what happened, then Klaus and the rest of the Originals bound the sun and the moon curse to the moonstone as a punishment. So where does the dopplegangers and the powers of the Bennett witches fit in? I'm not quite sure yet, but I do believe that they are both connected to the curse of the moonstone. Perhaps they were side effects of the curse somehow? Or a little magic that the first Bennett witch worked up? And if the fact that the Originals can only be killed by a certain type of wood, like in the books, remains the same in the series, that too could be part of the magic the Bennett cooked up.
The only aspect that I really don't understand, is why the Originals want to sacrifice Elena and break the curse? It really makes me think that the only thing that can kill them, was a side effect of the moonstone's magic, so they really can be invincible. When they realized their mistake, they waited for the first doppleganger to be born, which was Katherine. Trevor was commanded to watch over her, but she was turned, and no longer able to use at the sacrifice. And we know from Elijah, that the other Originals that Katherine was the last of her family line, which obviously is not true.
Also, as a side note, I still stand by the theory that the moonstone needs werewolf blood too, or else Katherine wouldn't have gone through the trouble of turning Tyler.
There is one other little tidbit that I want to mention because of the suggestive way Elijah talks about Mystic Falls...
Myself and TVD pal Tasha (@IHeartTVD) have discussed the possibility of Mystic Falls not being the first town in this area. In the books, there is the idea of ley lines and how their energy draws supernatural creatures. Mystic Falls happens to be exactly where several ley lines cross. It acts as a beacon to other creatures, and could explain all the vampire, witch, and werewolf activity in the area. Well, what if before Mystic Falls, there was a community of vampires, and other creatures? What if it was the home of the Originals, and something major happened, the Founding Families showed up, push the vampires out, and creating their own town of Mystic Falls?
If that is true, I imagine they would be pretty pissed. I guess we have to wait and see what happens.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Oh my...

To take a line from the M&M's commerical "It does it exist."
In the hilarious "Due Date" Zach Galifianakis' character runs a "Two and a Half Men" fansite.
"Haha" I thought.
Until this:
Yes, we here at Inscaped loathe the show, but come on this is comedy gold.
Especially the title alone.
In the hilarious "Due Date" Zach Galifianakis' character runs a "Two and a Half Men" fansite.
"Haha" I thought.
Until this:
Yes, we here at Inscaped loathe the show, but come on this is comedy gold.
Especially the title alone.
Great 'Rock Band' song week
Each week new songs are put out to be downloaded into the "Rock Band" games.
Usually I'm not so gung-ho about downloading a ton of songs.
At last count I have 27 downloaded songs. Three of those were free and a handful more were only $1.
Say in the past couple of months I have "purchased" two songs ("Poker Face" and "It's the End of the World As We Know It" by R.E.M. *had a free coupon*).
This week might just change that.
Not only are the pre-sale songs being released ("Blue Monday" by New Order, "Burning Down the House" by Talking Heads and "My Own Summer" by The Deftones) but also a collection of Bon Jovi's "Greatest Hits."
"Bad Medicine"
"Blaze of Glory"
"Have a Nice Day"
"I'll Be There For You"
"Lay Your Hands on Me"
"It's My Life"
"Livin' on a Prayer"
"Wanted Dead or Alive"
"We Weren't Born to Follow"
"Who Says You Can't Go Home"
"You Give Love a Bad Name"
Yes, some of those songs are already in previous games. They are actually re-releasing them with vocal harmonies and keyboard parts. You want to play the keys in "Livin' on a Prayer?" An extra $2.
Not that I'm complaining.
I am looking to pick up "Blue Monday," "It's My Life," "Livin' on a Prayer," "Runaway" and "We Weren't to Follow."
"It's My Life" is a great song, even though there is no Talk Box attachment for "Rock Band..." yet.
The entire Bon Jovi pack is 12 songs going for $19.99, which is almost $4 in savings. I just don't love the rest of the songs enough to spend the money.
Besides, dropping $10 in one sitting is enough.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
'Conan:' First impressions

Say what you want about all the controversy, but let's face it, Conan never really felt comfortable on "The Tonight Show."
This show signaled a return to his old "Late Night" laid back comedy, which made it a much funnier show.
Everything is pretty much the same, minus Max Weinberg. He came out and did the string dance, had a pre-taped bit that featured the masturbating bear and repeatedly made fun of his hair and pale complexion.
It was vintage Conan.

Lea Michele from "Glee" was charming and the only man paler than Conan, Jack White, was the musical guest, playing a rockabilly number with Conan and the band.
According to, the early ratings are good with 4.1 million viewers total and 2.4 million in the coveted 18-34 demographic.
Of course, those numbers are bloated because it's the first show. It will be interesting to see how things turn out once the new talk show smell wears off.
Monday, November 8, 2010
What happens after 'The Real World'
In the aftermath of last week's midterm elections, an interesting story came out that "The Real World: Boston" cast member Sean Duffy had been elected to Congress.
This sparked a conversation between Tim and myself about who was the most successful "Real World" cast member.
So, in response here are the top five "Real World" success stories.
In my research I noticed that after season 10, the show shifted from a diverse group of young people, to casting types. This clearly hurt the show as it became a caricature of itself that is no longer watchable.
This sparked a conversation between Tim and myself about who was the most successful "Real World" cast member.
So, in response here are the top five "Real World" success stories.
- Mike "The Miz" Mizanin-season 10 (Back to New York)-is now a very successful professional wrestler with WWE. He has held titles including the Tag Team Championship and the United States Championship.
- Judd Winick-season 3 (San Francisco)-is an award winning comic book writer/artist for DC who has written for Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Batman and Teen Titans.
- Sean Duffy-season 6 (Boston)-the recently elected representative from Wisconsin's seventh congressional district.
- Jamie Chung-season 14 (San Diego)-is a successful actress who has appeared in "Dragonball: Evolution," "Grown Ups" and the upcoming "Sucker Punch" and "The Hangover 2."
- Jacinda Barrett-season 4 (London)-is also a successful actress whose resume includes "Ladder 49," "The Last Kiss" and "Poseidon."
In my research I noticed that after season 10, the show shifted from a diverse group of young people, to casting types. This clearly hurt the show as it became a caricature of itself that is no longer watchable.
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