Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Best of the Decade: Movies 11-20

Later in the week we'll post our special best of the decade edition of "Inscaped." To get ready for that, I thought I'd let you in on the first part of my list for the best movies of the decade.

11. "Hot Fuzz"

12. "The Queen"

13. "Monster's Ball"

14. "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"

15. "Finding Nemo"

16. "The Bourne Identity"

17. "The Incredibles"

18. "Catch Me If You Can"

19. "Kingdom of Heaven"

20. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

I tried to show a broad range on this list, but you'll notice there are a few British films and two Pixar movies mixed in with a couple of huge blockbusters. However, you can't make everyone happy and I'm sure Tim will let me know what I've missed.

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