ABC: The network is trying to bring back their comedy lineup by featuring shows starring TV comedy vets. The night starts off with "Hank" starring Kelsey Grammer, which leads into "The Middle" with Patricia Heaton, "Modern Family" with Ed O'Neil and finishes the night with "Cougar Town" starring Courtney Cox.
I actually got to see a preview of "Modern Family" and it had quite a few laughs. Unfortunately the rest of the night is not so entertaining, which means ABC better have those midseason replacements ready.
At 10 p.m. is "Eastwick" which is about three women who discover they have magical powers and are actually powerful witches. Since I enjoyed this show the first time when it was called "Charmed" I think I'll skip it this time around and stick with "CSI NY."
CBS: The only network keeping the night identical to last season once again gives audiences "The New Adventures of Old Christine," "Gary Unmarried," "Criminal Minds" and "CSI NY." Being a big fan of the "CSI" franchise, I know where I'll be at 10 p.m.
NBC: New hospital drama "Mercy" starts off the night at 8 p.m. and is followed by "Law & Order: SVU" at 9 p.m. "Mercy" feels like an attempt to replace "ER" and that's a pretty irreplaceable show, but the pilot does look interesting so I may give it one chance to hold my attention.
CW: Models, models, models! The CW's nightly lineup seems to get progressively worse as the week goes on.
FOX: For my money this is the place to be on Wed. At 8 p.m. it's the "So You Think You Can Dance" results show followed by my new favorite show "Glee" at 9 p.m. Seriously, if you're not watching "Glee" you're missing out. It's the most creative and funny new show of the season. I hope FOX gives it a fair chance and doesn't jerk fans around.
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