The big event right now at DC Comics is the Green Lantern crossover series "Blackest Night" which is its own eight issue series along with numerous themed issues of other comics such as "Superman," "Teen Titans" and "Batman."
The event follows the creation of the Black Lantern Corps, which are dead heroes and villains brought back to "life" to wreak havoc on the DC Universe.
I was already digging this whole concept, but Comic-Con (and meeting Geoff Johns) has only magnified this.
Yesterday was a milestone event for me. I actually went to a comic book store on the day new books came out. I haven't done that in maybe five years.
I just needed to read the new issues that bad.
First up was "Blackest Night: Batman" which shead some light on what exactly the Black Lanterns are through the character of Deadman. Deadman is a man who was murdered and now walks around as a spirit who can possess people's bodies. In this issue we see Deadman's corpse become a Black Lantern while his spirit looks on. So, technically, there are two Deadmen running around.
The other big development is that the Black Lanterns have chosen both Tim Drake (the former Robin) and Dick Grayson's (Old Robin, new Batman) dead parents to be Black Lanterns. That can only mean big trouble for both characters.
The giant news out of "Green Lantern Corps" No. 39 is that every single dead Green Lantern has now become a Black Lantern. There is no exact number, but a big two page spread shows a ton of them... all wanting "flesh."
And in the parent comic "Blackest Night" No. 2, more big things are in store. I am not a spoil sport, but more Black Lanterns are chosen, including a popular hero who was alive prior to this issue. Other big moments include Mera (Aquaman's former wife) kicking butt and taking names against a group of Black Lanterns, a Black Lantern ring unable to get to a dead hero because he is "at peace" and an awesome Hal Jordan and Barry Allen team up that made me smile.
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