Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to fix NBC part 2

With the end of "ER," "Heroes" and "The Office" are undoubtedly NBC's franchise shows. They are the glue that is holding the network together.

They are extremely popular shows that inspire catchphrases, merchandise and lots of next day watercooler talk. They can be at once brilliant and ground-breaking.

Unfortunately, they are not at the top of their game right now, so I've come up with a few ways to fix each show and get them back on track.

  • Get rid of Tim Kring. While he may be the man that created this world, he is not a sci-fi writer and the show suffers from his lack of expertise in the genre. Make Bryan Fuller the official show runner and let Kring cash his giant paycheck.
  • Kill Sylar. As spectacular as Zachary Quinto is, it's time for a new villain to shake things up. Since it's "Heroes" I'm sure they could find a way to bring back David Anders or perhaps bring on someone completely new to shake things up. Besides, once "Star Trek" comes out Quinto will be headed for bigger and better things anyway, so why not send him off with a bang.
  • Kill a few people and keep them dead. The show has no suspense value at all, because no one ever stays dead.
  • More HRG and Angela, less Claire, Nathan and Peter. I know they want to appeal to a younger demographic but HRG and Angela could be the catalyst to tell the compelling story of the beginning of the company.
  • While I'm fans of the actors, Matt and Mohinder have become useless so they should get rid of them.
  • Finally, keep the light-hearted fun of Hiro and Ando, because they provide a glimmer of light in an otherwise dark show.

"The Office"
  • Drop the Michael Scott Paper Company storyline and bring everyone back to Dunder-Mifflin where they belong. There's no shame in admitting that a story didn't work and then correcting the mistake.
  • Idris Elba is a fantastic dramatic actor but his character doesn't fit well within the confines of this goofy group. Even worse he makes Jim look bad and Jim is the regular world's connection to this wacky office.
  • More Jim and Pam romance. Their sweet courtship provides a nice balance to the rest of the office's craziness.
  • Finally, turn the focus away from corporate politics and back to office shenanigans, it's what made us start watching to begin with and why we love the show.

Next time: Why Jay Leno will be NBC's downfall?

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