Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sad day to be a nerd

Jan. 14, 2009 will go down in history as the day nerds and geeks everywhere had a reason to be sad.

Early in the morning the news was reported that Patrick McGoohan, who most nerds would know from the 60s sci-fi television show "The Prisoner," died the day before. He also starred in "Braveheart." Most newer nerds might remember that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer started his rumor Web site and was sent to a weird island. Yeah, that's "The Prisoner." McGoohan even reprised his role for that episode.

He now will not see the upcoming remake of "The Prisoner" being put together by AMC starring Jim "Hey, I played Jesus" Caviezel and Ian "Magneto" McKellen. Well, that might not be a bad thing...

Another classic geek icon died today, Ricardo Montalban, who played KHAAAAAAAAAAN! in both the classic "Star Trek" series and the movie sequel "The Wrath of Khan." Every geek who loves "Star Trek" loves "The Wrath of Khan." It is such a great film in the franchise and Montalban is a big part of that. He played a great villain and foe for Kirk. Other nerds might love him from "Fantasy Island." The original, not the crappy remake.

And then we had the biggest, Earth shattering, bring out the Kleenex, sad news of the day...


Spoiler alert!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Today, Batman died. Bruce Wayne, the dark knight himself, died heroically stopping uber Superman foe Darksied. This all went down in "Final Crisis" No. 6. Darksied had enslaved the Earth and most of mankind.

Darksied was almost unstoppable.

But, as every "Batman vs. whoever" debate goes, Batman always wins. Just as Darksied unleashed his "Omega Sanction" (super powerful eye beam blasts), Batman fires a gun carrying a God killing bullet. Darksied falls first, Batman has the last laugh then gets fried by the "Omega Sanction."

Superman finds the body and, boy, is he pissed.

As with most comic deaths, Wayne will be back eventually. But, for now the world will need a new Batman. Of course DC Comics is ready with its storyline "Battle for the Cowl" with many Batman supporting characters aiming to be the next Batman.

Time for a nerdy moment of silence.

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