After sitting through the atrocity that was the Emmys, one thing became abundantly clear. America should steal Ricky Gervais from Britain.
Gervais was the only funny thing in an extremely unfunny show. Now there are rumors floating around that producers want Gervais to host the Oscars.
Having watched his hilarious job hosting the BAFTA's (Britain's Oscars,) all I can say is someone offer him any amount of money he wants to make this happen.
Right now Hollywood is saturated with remakes and updates of old properties and Gervais is one of the few actors doing original material. From "The Office" to "Extras" everything he does is funny, so why not have him put his unique slant on a ridiculously long and boring show. You know the Academy does not want the kind of reviews and bad press that the Emmys had to deal with.
By the way if you haven't seen the British version of "The Office" you should immediately head to Netflix and put it at the top of your list.
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