Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Heroes (OR Why I Am Amazing)

I’m usually not the kind to gloat, but after the untimely demise of Simone this episode, I must say...

I am the infallible genius of Heroes. I’ve been calling the death of Simone for a few weeks now and, much to the dismay of my girlfriend when the love interest of Peter and Isaac took two to the gut, I declared myself ultimate overlord of the future.

When she started talking to me again, I explained that this is what will make the show one thousand better. We needed a good death to bring the show down to the nitty-gritty of comic book storylines. After last episode (the “Claire’s dad” scandal and the absence of Peter), it was necessary to kill off someone that was lending to love-triangle drama. Therefore, Simone had to leave... in a bad, bloody way.

So, hoorah! She’s dead. At least I hope so. There’s always the possibility that she saves herself at the last minute like Peter and Hiro now have. (Prediction 1) Not only did I win five bucks off of Tim Guy, but I’m still the man at predicting this show. I have several bold predictions, but I’ll leave those for the end...

Peter’s back and he's better than ever. If you missed it, allow me to clue you in on the coolest thing to happen in at least five episodes:

Claude has been training Peter to control his powers, and it’s finally paying off. After throwing him off a roof two episodes ago, Peter is slowly throwing out some new powers that he’s picked up, most unusually Sylar’s ability to break stuff and toss people around.

But the crazy part is that, as Peter’s powers grow, he is becoming more and more dark. This led to a crazy-cool revelation by online bloggers concerning Peter's intense 30-story fall two episodes ago, where he lands on a cab car with a picture of a samurai on the ad display and is impaled on a piece of metal.

It’s pretty clear that images like this on Heroes always allude to some future event. In this case, I’m saying that Hiro will eventually become the “samurai”, and Peter will become a sort super-villain. Here’s why:

1. Future-Hiro said that Peter had a scar on his face in the future, and never said that they were on the same side. It’s possible that Hiro gives Peter this scar in the future.
2. The piece of metal that Peter is impaled on looks a lot like the sword Hiro is searching for. If the first prediction is right, then Peter may eventually be taken out by Hiro. (Much to my dismay; if Peter turns evil, I’m rooting for the destruction of the world.)(Predictions 2 and 3)
And one more: Ando will be saying farewell for good very soon. Some members of the show have alluded to a major character death on March 5. How will Hiro learn to be a part of the future team? Well, Ando will have to die as a result of Hiro’s shot at independence. (Prediction 4)

All in all, this episode not only delivered after the crappy one last week, but it’s set us up for all kinds of cool storylines in future episodes.

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