We're four episodes into "Torchwood: Miracle Day" and while the mystery continues to unfold, it's time for some answers.
We get it, people aren't dying and that's bad, but at some point we need to move past the what and get to the why.
Russell T. Davies has always been the kind of storyteller that backloads plot revelations. However, at a certain point the mystery becomes redundant. It's as if Davied really only had enough story for six or seven episodes but needed an even number so he stretched to 10.
As repetitive as it felt, episode four did have a few fresh moments. Esther showed some character development when she went to visit her unstable sister and had to call child protective services for her niece and nephew.
Unfortunately, the trained CIA analyst didn't remember that shady people were chasing them and led the bad guys right to Torchwood.
Over in the world of Oswald Danes, he found himself competing for soundbites with Sarah Palin clone, Ellis Hartley Monroe. She argued that "dead is dead" and the sick or dead should be segregated from the healthy population.
This became a horrifying reality at a formerly abandoned hospital when it overflowed with the ill. One character called it a modern day plague ship.
Danes got himself back on top by invading the hospital and making a rousing speech about not forgetting the sick, because he's one of them. It's obvious Davies is trying to make a statement about the nature of fame, but it's hard to believe that everyone would just magically forget that this guy is an admitted child murderer because he looks good on a talk show.
Meanwhile, Torchwood keeps going on these elaborate missions to find out more about PhiCor, but somehow seems to know less every week. Every time Esther is sitting at the computer hacking into something, it's hard not to think "Tosh would have figured this out by now."
This week they broke into PhiCor headquarters and were inevitably captured by C. Thomas Howell who got to be creepy for a few minutes before he was shot without serving any purpose.
And about Rex, enough already.
Enough with the pouting about being dead, enough with yelling at Esther for every little thing and enough with the ridiculous gay jokes. You know, when Owen died and came back, he got over it in two episodes and got back to work. You're dead, deal with it.
In the end, the only revelation was that Davies must really not like Sarah Palin, since he had Ellis Hartley Monroe crushed in a car and alive to feel the whole thing.
Davies has promised that episode five will be a game changer that jumpstarts the story. It pretty much has to be, because there's really nothing left to set up. It's time for some answers.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Marvel going back to the start (kind of)
Marvel Comics is going back to the beginning of some of its super heroes come February.
Daredevil (the amazingly awesome cover above), the X-Men, Spider-Man and Fantastic Four will each get a new graphic novel series titled "Season One."
“With Marvel Season One we’ve assembled a group of great creators who’re delivering exciting, iconic, in-continuity stories of our most popular heroes,” said Tom Brevoort, Marvel SVP/Executive Editor, in a press release. “If you’re a new fan, you can start your journey into comics with Season One and if you’re a seasoned fan you’ll find some thrilling new insight into your favorite characters.”
So, not full reboots, just a new look at the first adventures. I'm fine with that.
Just to show how old school this is going to be, take a look at the cover to the "X-Men" one:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Yay! Comic-Con is over... wait, D23?
Comic-Con 2011 is over.
Stephanie is still curled up in a fetal position weeping uncontrollably.
She doesn't have much time to recover as the Disney convention D23 is right around the corner.
Scaled back from the first one two years ago, this one is fewer days.
The entire schedule isn't out yet, but we do know a few things of interest.
Especially to us. Marvel is going to have a big presence at D23. Helps make up for the limited participation at Comic-Con.
Saturday, Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege will be on hand to talk about feature films. Mainly "The Avengers." Will we get more footage? Perhaps a repeat of Comic-Con with the entire cast showing up?
The next day, Marvel's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada will host an entire panel about Marvel Comics in the Arena. That is the Anaheim Convention Center's answer to Hall H.
Here is how that panel is being described:
An exclusive and unprecedented experience that will take you through the evolution of Marvel from its first comic book in 1939 to its current position as one of the most important creative forces in the world. During this presentation, which will include interactive Q&A segments, you will not only get an inside glimpse of the history of Marvel and its iconic Super Heroes but also discover why Marvel truly is the House of Ideas.
I just have a feeling that die-hard Disney fans are not going to be interested in this panel. They truly only care about old school Disney and not Marvel at all.
Which is fine, because that is more room for Stephanie and I.
Stephanie is still curled up in a fetal position weeping uncontrollably.
She doesn't have much time to recover as the Disney convention D23 is right around the corner.
Scaled back from the first one two years ago, this one is fewer days.
The entire schedule isn't out yet, but we do know a few things of interest.
Especially to us. Marvel is going to have a big presence at D23. Helps make up for the limited participation at Comic-Con.
Saturday, Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege will be on hand to talk about feature films. Mainly "The Avengers." Will we get more footage? Perhaps a repeat of Comic-Con with the entire cast showing up?
The next day, Marvel's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada will host an entire panel about Marvel Comics in the Arena. That is the Anaheim Convention Center's answer to Hall H.
Here is how that panel is being described:
An exclusive and unprecedented experience that will take you through the evolution of Marvel from its first comic book in 1939 to its current position as one of the most important creative forces in the world. During this presentation, which will include interactive Q&A segments, you will not only get an inside glimpse of the history of Marvel and its iconic Super Heroes but also discover why Marvel truly is the House of Ideas.
I just have a feeling that die-hard Disney fans are not going to be interested in this panel. They truly only care about old school Disney and not Marvel at all.
Which is fine, because that is more room for Stephanie and I.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
'The Hunger Games' updates

Over the last couple of months there has been a major debate among the fans of the books about the decision of casting these two men. Personally, I was very happy with the choices, and with this picture, it proves that they made great decisions. I am extremely glad that they chose actors older and more mature than what the fans wanted because this story is very dark and adult.
I can't wait for this movie next summer.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Comic Con: The Adventures of a Gerard Way Fan
f you didn't know already, I'm a huge fan of the band My Chemical Romance. And when frontman Gerard Way broke into comics with The Umbrella Academy, I followed suit. Although he has always been just as of a nerd as the rest of us, now he had a legitimate reason to attend Comic Con every year. And ever since, I have been trying to win the raffle for his signing, and every year, I have lost. Until this year.
I spent the entire day in the Exhibit Hall massing as many raffle tickets as I could. This year, I wasn't going to accept defeat. Finally, I won. I lined up at 1pm at the Dark Horse booth for the signing, and once again, got to meet my hero. But instead of having him sign one of my issues of Umbrella Academy or a My Chemical Romance poster, I asked him to sign my arm so I could get it tattooed.
Being the awesome person that he is, Gerard proceeded to ask me where, how big, how exactly I wanted him to sign it. All that I asked was that he write "keep it ugly" then sign. Other than that, I wanted him to do his thing. He's the artist, not me. Once he was done, he sat back, critisizing his work. I knew by his face that he really wanted to erase it and start again. "You might want them to clean that up."
I looked at it and shook my head. "It's perfect. Thank you." I honestly don't remember what he or I said as I walked away. I was just ecstatic that I was finally going to get a tattoo that I have been wanting for a long time. But little did I know, once I turned the corner away from where Gerard was signing, would his little brother Mikey, be waiting for us. Although I had met Gerard before, this was the first time I got to meet his brother. I had him sign my arm right below where Gerard signed. Although it wasn't the plan, apparently it was my lucky day. One half of My Chemical Romance down, one half to go. And just behind Mikey, was yet another idol of mine, Lindsey Way. Artist and member of the rock band Mindless Self Indulgence. This was yet again, the first time I got to meet her.
However, the story does not end there. I'm not going to lie, I decided to walk the Exhibit Hall for a while on Saturday with a specific goal of maybe running into Gerard and Mikey again so I could show them my tattoo. But, I never did. I did however get calls and messages from numerous friends about the people that they randomly ran into. Misha Collins from Supernatural. Ray Toro, another member of My Chemical Romance. And yes, at dinner that night, I had to listen to the story of how someone ran into Gerard and Mikey in the Hall. So basically, I hated the world for a little while. Despite all the people that I have met, I have never ran into any of my heroes or idols randomly. That is, until 2:30 sunday morning.
Before deciding to try and get some sleep in line for Hall H, me and one of my new line buddies walked across the street to the Hilton to find a bathroom. In the lobby, I found a girl I had met and kept meeting in line throughout the weekend. We stopped to talk for a minute. The lobby was pretty empty, considering it was 2:30 in the morning. There was only one other group of people lounging on the couches on the other side of the room. After a few minutes, I glanced over to them. It took me a good ten seconds to react before I literally started freaking out.
Who was it sitting in one of those couches? None other than Gerard Way. Despite the fact that I was face to face with him a little over 24 hours before, it didn't matter. I flipped. Here it was, my chance to show off the lovely work on my arm, and I could barely move. It took someone pulling me over to the other side of the room for me to move. Before I knew it, I was once again standing in front of my hero in every way possible with an adorable bemused smile on his face. He knew I was having a hard time with this, and his smile wasn't making it any easier on me.
The guy that pulled me over told him, "she has something to show you." And before Gerard could look at my face again, I pulled up my sleeve and revealed the tattoo that just started to scab over. I'm not sure if he didn't believe me the day before when I told him I was going to do it, or if it was all part of his genuine humility, but the surprise on his face was priceless. He leaned forward to examine it closer and made several comments on how great it looked and how much he loved that it still looked like the texture of a marker, and not a tattoo. He laughed at Mikey's scribble beneath his artsy, loopy handwriting, then proceeded to thank me over and over again. I shook my head and told him that it was all because of the band that I was okay to begin with. This was my thank you to them.
And before I could start tearing up over how grateful he looked that a fan would appreciate what they have done so much to get their autographs tattooed on her arm forever, one of my friends walked over and asked if Gerard could take a picture with me. He was more than willing. Yeah, so much for sleeping that night.
I would totally show you guys the picture, but I'm waiting for it to be emailed to me since it wasn't taken on my camera. I'm pretty sure I can die happily now.
Wait, wrestling is cool again?
I'm sorry... "sports entertainment."
I haven't religiously watched World Wrestling Entertainment since the late '90s.
We here at Inscaped make it a point to cover things in entertainment that are interesting and awesome.
So it was a bit of surprise a few weeks ago when something quite interesting and awesome happened:
Obviously all part of the plan, but this is a great use of the term "the truth hurts."
Many of the things CM Punk said in that promo were things fans were thinking. Heck I stopped watching WWE because of some of those things.
WWE played off of this by using the Internet to its advantage. This video was all over YouTube and Twitter blew up. They got mainstream coverage from places like GQ magazine and the Jim Rome show.
As a point of reference, that NEVER happens.
The reality was Punk's real contract was up and he was leaving, so everyone thought all of this was a bit of truth mixed up with a clever storyline to mark his exit.
They even made a stipulation that if John Cena couldn't beat Punk at the pay per view he would be fired. Many fans, including myself, thought "OK, well they aren't going to fire Cena, storyline or not."
The WWE surprised everyone again by giving Punk the win and the title. Which then he promptly took and "quit."
*clap clap clap* Good job WWE, way to keep us on our toes.
So the next night head honcho Vince McMahon was going to fire Cena. But, before he could his son-in-law and former World Champion Triple H came out, took control of the company and told McMahon his "services were no longer required."
Another excellent swerve.
All the while, Punk is posting Twitter updates showing him with the championship title around Chicago.
Cut to Comic-Con and the WWE had a panel with Mattel toys. And guess who showed up...
Wow WWE, way to really sell this.
So, again YouTube and Twitter blow up and everyone is talking about this.
Cut to Monday's "Raw." Cena wins the World Title and someone makes a grand, excellent (re)entrance:
Surprise, surprise. WWE can still surprise us afterall.
And leaving no doubt about what is going to happen:
Want more proof how popular this storyline is? Take a look at how much these rare Punk shirts are going for on Ebay.
Bottom line: Good television is good television. If "Survivor" and "The Vampire Diaries" can shock and amaze people, then WWE can too. Especially a product that has been around for decades and to this day can still make an already rabid fan base hungry for more.
And even bring back past viewers such as myself.
I haven't religiously watched World Wrestling Entertainment since the late '90s.
We here at Inscaped make it a point to cover things in entertainment that are interesting and awesome.
So it was a bit of surprise a few weeks ago when something quite interesting and awesome happened:
Obviously all part of the plan, but this is a great use of the term "the truth hurts."
Many of the things CM Punk said in that promo were things fans were thinking. Heck I stopped watching WWE because of some of those things.
WWE played off of this by using the Internet to its advantage. This video was all over YouTube and Twitter blew up. They got mainstream coverage from places like GQ magazine and the Jim Rome show.
As a point of reference, that NEVER happens.
The reality was Punk's real contract was up and he was leaving, so everyone thought all of this was a bit of truth mixed up with a clever storyline to mark his exit.
They even made a stipulation that if John Cena couldn't beat Punk at the pay per view he would be fired. Many fans, including myself, thought "OK, well they aren't going to fire Cena, storyline or not."
The WWE surprised everyone again by giving Punk the win and the title. Which then he promptly took and "quit."
*clap clap clap* Good job WWE, way to keep us on our toes.
So the next night head honcho Vince McMahon was going to fire Cena. But, before he could his son-in-law and former World Champion Triple H came out, took control of the company and told McMahon his "services were no longer required."
Another excellent swerve.
All the while, Punk is posting Twitter updates showing him with the championship title around Chicago.
Cut to Comic-Con and the WWE had a panel with Mattel toys. And guess who showed up...
Wow WWE, way to really sell this.
So, again YouTube and Twitter blow up and everyone is talking about this.
Cut to Monday's "Raw." Cena wins the World Title and someone makes a grand, excellent (re)entrance:
Surprise, surprise. WWE can still surprise us afterall.
And leaving no doubt about what is going to happen:
Want more proof how popular this storyline is? Take a look at how much these rare Punk shirts are going for on Ebay.
Bottom line: Good television is good television. If "Survivor" and "The Vampire Diaries" can shock and amaze people, then WWE can too. Especially a product that has been around for decades and to this day can still make an already rabid fan base hungry for more.
And even bring back past viewers such as myself.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Comic-Con: 'The Avengers' assembled
Something cool happened at Comic-Con.
Originally it was thought that we wouldn't see anything "Avengers" related at the show.
Then Marvel decided to release some kick-ass hand drawn movie posters.
While the Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Captain America ones are pretty nifty we've basically seen the characters already.
Oh, but Marvel had a few tricks up its sleeves.
Here is the first, full look at Hawkeye played by Academy Award nominee Jeremy Renner:
We also got a first look at Agent Maria Hill played by "How I Met Your Mother" star Colby Smulders.
Looks absolutely perfect in my opinion. Nice casting there.
And finally, we've all seen what the Hulk has looked like in the previous films. I was hoping for something different and more in line with the comics.
Someone answered my prayers:
During and right after seeing "The Avengers" footage at the end of "Captain America" I was literally shaking. I was having a nerd-attack.
I cannot wait to see this movie.
This is a midnight screening for sure!
Originally it was thought that we wouldn't see anything "Avengers" related at the show.
Then Marvel decided to release some kick-ass hand drawn movie posters.
While the Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Captain America ones are pretty nifty we've basically seen the characters already.
Oh, but Marvel had a few tricks up its sleeves.
Here is the first, full look at Hawkeye played by Academy Award nominee Jeremy Renner:
We also got a first look at Agent Maria Hill played by "How I Met Your Mother" star Colby Smulders.
Looks absolutely perfect in my opinion. Nice casting there.
And finally, we've all seen what the Hulk has looked like in the previous films. I was hoping for something different and more in line with the comics.
Someone answered my prayers:
During and right after seeing "The Avengers" footage at the end of "Captain America" I was literally shaking. I was having a nerd-attack.
I cannot wait to see this movie.
This is a midnight screening for sure!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Comic-Con: 'Ghost Rider' panel
I didn't mind the first "Ghost Rider" film.
It was what it was: silly fun. Especially for a non-rated R film.
But, then I heard they're making a rated R sequel. With the directors of "Crank."
OK, that's got my attention.
It was what it was: silly fun. Especially for a non-rated R film.
But, then I heard they're making a rated R sequel. With the directors of "Crank."
OK, that's got my attention.
Comic-Con: I may see 'Spider-Man' afterall
After seeing the trailer for "The Amazing Spider-Man" in front of "Captain America," by first reaction was "meh."
No offense to anyone, it just didn't do anything for me.
But, then I across this little gem.
And I think I might be there opening day now.
I think Andrew Garfield gets it. And the passion in his voice and the emotion on his face look real.
One of the best moments of Comic-Con this year for sure.
No offense to anyone, it just didn't do anything for me.
But, then I across this little gem.
And I think I might be there opening day now.
I think Andrew Garfield gets it. And the passion in his voice and the emotion on his face look real.
One of the best moments of Comic-Con this year for sure.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Day One of Comic Con from the Exhibit Hall floor
My original plan was to check on when they were handing out the tickets for Gerard Way's signing at the Dark Horse booth tomorrow, then get in line for Ballroom 20, because I was really looking forward to the Game of Thrones panel. However, with my long history of NEVER winning the Gerard Way raffle, I decided that I needed to spend the entire day gathering as many tickets as I could for him so I would absolutely be one of those 100 people. After losing for the last four years in a row, I'm going to take it if I lost again.
And so my adventurous circles around the Exhibit Hall began, as long as I passed by the Dark Horse booth every 30 minutes or so to see if I could get another raffle ticket... Along the way, I of course met some great people, saw a few celebrities and collected some free stuff.
As far as seeing celebrities goes, I did catch a glimpse of Chris Evans at the Marvel booth for a signing, but was nowhere near tall enough to get a picture. I also got to watch the Game of Thrones cast for a minute as they were doing their signing at the WB booth, but failed to get any good pictures of them... but that may be due to Kit Harrington being so damn distracting.
By the way, make sure you guys stayed tuned from my results of my interview with Jason Momoa tomorrow, who played Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones and is the star of the new Conan the Barbarian.
There are always a number of great costumes at Comic Con every year, and although saturday is the day nearly half of the crowd comes dressed, I did see a handful of very worthy ones today. My favorite is between the best John Crichton and the EPIC registration computer. I'll tell you, I was quite disappointed that one of the official convention shirts was not something with EPIC's logo on the front. But I did start laughing hysterically when I saw this girl appear out of the crowd...
Stephanie and I also got the chance to see an early screening of Captain America, which is out tomorrow... well, today. Chris Evans is a fantastic Captain and Tommy Lee Jones stole every single shot he was in. But the real excitement came after the credits with the first REAL Avengers teaser. I won't spoil you on any details, because that trailer has definitely been worth the wait.
Now, I would take about the ridiculous quest that we found ourselves on at midnight tonight trying to get back to our hotel in Mission Valley, but I think the shuttle service deserves its own story this year.
It was a great first day to every nerd's favorite week of the year, and I'm just sitting in my bed hoping and praying that I get into the Gerard Way signing tomorrow, which would make missing the Game of Thrones panel today worth it in the end.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sad day to go to Borders
We all know by now that Borders is closing. I went earlier in the week to say my goodbyes. I went today, the day before liquidation starts.
I got one last coffee, mostly because the baristas there are the best ever.
Was very sad to see this when ordering:

I got one last coffee, mostly because the baristas there are the best ever.
Was very sad to see this when ordering:
Dark Horse announces three new projects!

The first of three new projects they announced was supposed to include a surprise appearance by legendary director Guillermo Del Toro. However, he was injured during filming and couldn't appear tonight... but he should be at the panel tomorrow. He will be writing "The Strain". A comic of REAL "scary vampires", said Dark Horse founder Mike Richardson. This of course, got a rather large career from the gathered crowd.
The second new series will be based on the popular young adult series, Dark Horse will be releasing the "House of Night" graphic novel starting this fall, written by P.C. Cast, the mother of the writing duo. During his introduction of Cast, Richardson mentioned that they wanted to reach out to the people that generally wouldn't read comics, and the number of fans of this vampire series is immense. I think they definitely picked the right young adult series to welcome into the Dark Horse family.
The third and final announcement I hoped has something to do with Gerard Way, frontman of the rock band My Chemical Romance and writer of the popular Dark Horse series "The Umbrella Academy" I was hoping they would either finally announce the movie, or the new "True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys" comics. Although it still had something to do with a rockstar, I was thinking of the wrong one. Tom Morello, member of rock band Rage Against the Machine, has joined the Dark Horse list of employees and will be writing "Orchid", the story of a 16 year old prostitute in a near future where the oceans have risen to a dangerous level and not all is what it seems.
Personally, although this was not exactly what I expected to hear tonight, I am very excited for all three of these projects. All horror fans should be. There will be a panel tomorrow at noon which will feature all three special guests and I'm assuming, sneak peeks at the stories and artwork from all three of these new projects.
Dark Horse continues to prove why it remains to be the publisher of all my favorite comic books.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Comic-Con: Most popular panels so far
One cool feature on the Comic-Con website is the ability to create your own interactive, online schedule.
It really comes in handy in planning and organization.
An awesome side effect of this tool is that allows Comic-Con to put a value to the most popular panels.
Granted, this is just a small percentage of those attending, but it still gives a glimpse into what could be the most talked about panels of the week.
Here are the top 10 panels according to the tool (as of Tuesday evening):
1. "The Walking Dead."
2. "The Big Bang Theory"
3. "Game of Thrones"
4. Sony Pictures presentation ("The Amazing Spider-Man")
5. "True Blood"
6. 20th Century Fox panel (What is being shown is a secret)
7. "Mythbusters"
8. "Community"
9. World premiere of "Batman: Year One"
10. "Futurama"
And just for clarity sake, "Twilight" is No. 43.
It really comes in handy in planning and organization.
An awesome side effect of this tool is that allows Comic-Con to put a value to the most popular panels.
Granted, this is just a small percentage of those attending, but it still gives a glimpse into what could be the most talked about panels of the week.
Here are the top 10 panels according to the tool (as of Tuesday evening):
1. "The Walking Dead."
2. "The Big Bang Theory"
3. "Game of Thrones"
4. Sony Pictures presentation ("The Amazing Spider-Man")
5. "True Blood"
6. 20th Century Fox panel (What is being shown is a secret)
7. "Mythbusters"
8. "Community"
9. World premiere of "Batman: Year One"
10. "Futurama"
And just for clarity sake, "Twilight" is No. 43.
Comic-Con: My ONE convention prediction
Stephanie and I have talked about this on the show already, but I wanted to have this written down.
I am going out on a lim to say that at the "Psych" panel they are going to announce that this next season will be the show's last.
From talking to the cast two years ago and sitting through the "Psych" panel last year, I think it's almost common knowlegde that the cast even says the show can't go on forever. Dule Hill even said last year that he couldn't see the show going much longer.
It also doesn't help that the USA Network pushed back the season of the show until the fall.
Now, let me say this: I love "Psych." It's one of my favorite shows. I don't want it to end. I would love, love to be wrong on this.
Stephanie has been put on Geek Defcon level four and will call me if this news is made correct.
I just really hope it isn't, but I have a feeling it might.
I am going out on a lim to say that at the "Psych" panel they are going to announce that this next season will be the show's last.
From talking to the cast two years ago and sitting through the "Psych" panel last year, I think it's almost common knowlegde that the cast even says the show can't go on forever. Dule Hill even said last year that he couldn't see the show going much longer.
It also doesn't help that the USA Network pushed back the season of the show until the fall.
Now, let me say this: I love "Psych." It's one of my favorite shows. I don't want it to end. I would love, love to be wrong on this.
Stephanie has been put on Geek Defcon level four and will call me if this news is made correct.
I just really hope it isn't, but I have a feeling it might.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Comic-Con: How one might survive NOT going
Alas, it was not meant to be this year.
I will not be attending the San Diego Comic-Con this year. But, keep checking back as Candace and Stephanie will be covering the show for Inscaped. And I'll hold the fort down and do some grunt work for them from home base.
Missing the show is going to free up a lot of time this week for me. Whatever shall a nerd do without an in-person Comic-Con fix?
Funny you should ask.
Here are my plans on dealing with staying in Riverside this week and maybe, just maybe give me the feeling of being in San Diego:
1. I'll rent "Green Lantern: Emerald Knights." Then I'll realize it stars Nathan Fillion and remember I'll be missing the "Castle" panel and cry myself to sleep.
2. Band together with a lost group of non-going Comic-Con survivors. I'll promptly tell them "If we can't live together, we'll die alone."
3. Wear extremely nerdy T-shirts under my work clothes.
4. Start planning my Tim-Con 2012. It will be a lot like Pacey-Con, but 78 percent less meta.
5. Find another lonely geek to see "Captain America" with. I just don't want to be alone...
6. Get to work five hours early and sit outside bored out of my mind.
7. Wear a costume to the "Captain America" screening, but totally forget to put on deodorant.
8. Walk around with my Warner Bros. bag from last year. When people ask me where I got it from I'll just say "This? They gave one to everyone!"
9. Go to a restaurant across the street and ask them to charge me double.
10. First thing tomorrow, check the Graphitti Designs website, but say it's way too busy and I'll come back later. Then keep checking back throughout the week. Finally Sunday, I'll buy a "Green Lantern" shirt.
I will not be attending the San Diego Comic-Con this year. But, keep checking back as Candace and Stephanie will be covering the show for Inscaped. And I'll hold the fort down and do some grunt work for them from home base.
Missing the show is going to free up a lot of time this week for me. Whatever shall a nerd do without an in-person Comic-Con fix?
Funny you should ask.
Here are my plans on dealing with staying in Riverside this week and maybe, just maybe give me the feeling of being in San Diego:
1. I'll rent "Green Lantern: Emerald Knights." Then I'll realize it stars Nathan Fillion and remember I'll be missing the "Castle" panel and cry myself to sleep.
2. Band together with a lost group of non-going Comic-Con survivors. I'll promptly tell them "If we can't live together, we'll die alone."
3. Wear extremely nerdy T-shirts under my work clothes.
4. Start planning my Tim-Con 2012. It will be a lot like Pacey-Con, but 78 percent less meta.
5. Find another lonely geek to see "Captain America" with. I just don't want to be alone...
6. Get to work five hours early and sit outside bored out of my mind.
7. Wear a costume to the "Captain America" screening, but totally forget to put on deodorant.
8. Walk around with my Warner Bros. bag from last year. When people ask me where I got it from I'll just say "This? They gave one to everyone!"
9. Go to a restaurant across the street and ask them to charge me double.
10. First thing tomorrow, check the Graphitti Designs website, but say it's way too busy and I'll come back later. Then keep checking back throughout the week. Finally Sunday, I'll buy a "Green Lantern" shirt.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Advice for first time Comic Con attendees!
Still in the middle of packing for Comic Con 2011, I realized how much of a packing advantage I have being a veteran attendee of one of the world's biggest nerd gatherings. So, I thought I would take a little time out of shuffling through my collection of geeky t-shirts and issues of The Umbrella Academy to give to give all first timer's a little last minute advice.
1. Prepare to stand in line.
This is probably the best advice I could ever give you. There is an inside joke among those of us that have spent endless hours of our lives waiting in line: You don't go to Comic Con to meet or see your idols... you go to stand in line. I can't stress this enough. When you are organizing your schedule, give yourself plenty of time between panels, because you are not the only person that wants to be in the room when Dark Horse announces new projects, or when they preview footage from the new season of Fringe. Get there EARLY. At least 2 panels before, just in case, because they do not empty out the rooms after every panel. Over the years I have learned that there are just some panels that won't be popular and I don't have to worry about not getting in. However, if you are planning to see the panels for True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Kevin Smith, Breaking Dawn, or anything else in Hall H or Ballroom 20, you better prepare for spending most of the day in those rooms. Two years ago, I camped out in Hall H for 6 hours to see the Avatar panel. Five hours to see Joss Whedon in Ballroom 20. PLAN AND PREPARE ACCORDINGLY.
2. Plan, plan, plan your schedule.
STUDY THE %&!@ OUT OF THE SCHEDULE. Figure out before hand what panels you want to make. Then... cut them in half. The sad but realistic truth about this event is that you will NEVER get to see everything you want to. Trust me guys. It's just not possible. Pick one panel a day that you refuse to miss and schedule everything else around that. You have to accept the fact that you will miss something, but thanks to YouTube and hand held cameras, it's likely going to be on YouTube in the matter of hours anyway. However, always remember that anything can happen. You never know what surprises are in store for the panels that you do attend. Think of this... a few years ago, Hugh Jackman made an appearance in Hall H out of nowhere right before the Twilight panel to reveal the first trailer of Wolverine. And last year, Johnny Depp arrived at the very end of the very first Tim Burton panel just to say hello...
3. Bags and backpacks
Whatever kind of bag you prefer to carry, make sure it is something comfortable and that you can wear it on your shoulders all day, because most likely, that's exactly what you will be doing. And one of the most popular giveaways at Comic Con every year are the swag bags. If you don't carry one in, you are bound to carry one out. Or two. Or three. Don't shy away from taking every free bag that is thrown at you. Although you may not end up using them all, I have found plenty of uses for my Comic Con bags over the years. And not only that, they are all limited editions. The only people that receive them are the people at Comic Con... unless of course you buy them on ebay afterwards...
Just consider yourselves lucky that now EVERYONE gets a WB bag. I still remember the days when you had to fight over them during Preview Night.
4. Be Flexible
One of my favorite things about Comic Con is that you never know what's going to happen or who you are going to run into. Sometimes literally. I have not only nearly ran into Zachary Quinto between panels, but I have also met Adam West, Peter Beagle, Sean Patrick Flanery, and a number of other unexpectedly. Don't be too dead set on your schedule that you can't allow for last minute changes. There are always a number of events and secret parties that never appear on any schedule. Like the Tron party 2 years ago that guests got to see the first glimpse of the new lightcycle.
5. Take food and drinks with you.
I am famous for not eating much during a convention weekend. My mind is too busy with other things to worry about eating. However, that doesn't stop me from always taking in both a bottle of caffeine and a bottle of water. Sometimes snacks, it just depends on the day. Although the Gaslamp is full of plenty of fast food places, the lines can be ridiculous. And I would never resort to buying food inside the convention center unless at last resort. Not only are there long lines, but the prices are insane.
6. Don't forget about the Exhibit Hall
If you are like me, the most important thing to you are the panels. I'm a tv series and movie fanatic. I want to be among the first people to see the trailers and special footage, which gives me little time to explore the Exhibit Hall. Don't forget to spend some time wondering the booths. Once again, you never know who you will run into or what you will find. Not to mention all the free giveaways. I usually come back each year with a week's worth of shirts to add to my closet. Think of the Exhibit Hall as the treasure chest of geeky fandom. And in most cases, this is the place to find those rare collectibles and comic books at the best prices. And trust me, do some shopping on Sunday, when everyone is begging you to buy something. A couple years ago, I bought at least $50 worth of comic books, a t-shirt, buttons, and stickers at the Dark Horse booth for only $20.
7. Walk if you can
Since they now require previously purchased parking passes, it makes this advice pretty obvious. You don't want to drive to the convention center if you don't have to. Walk if at all possible, especially if you are within a mile of the convention center. Trolleys can break down. Traffic jams ensue. And trains can be late. Always give yourself extra time to get there, especially if you need to be there by a certain time.
8. Plan for different kinds of weather
I have been to a very hot and sunny, and a very cold and dreary Comic Con. Bring summer clothes. It can get hot in San Diego at the end of July. But prepare for rain, because you might need an umbrella waiting in line for Hall H. But ALWAYS pack some kind of light jacket to take with you inside. Some of those panel rooms can be FREEZING, especially if you are sitting through more than one panel.
Comic Con is the most interesting "people watching" event in the world. People travel from all over the world to attend. Don't forget to turn around in line and chat to the people around you. Make new friends. Trust me when I say that this is the only place you will ever go that people can have conversations by using only famous lines of dialogue. Open your mouth and meet the people around you. It's the only place where fans, writers, artists, actors, directors and everyone else are all on the same level. For most of us, this is more than just a convention, it's a family reunion. So come and party with us.
10. A convention folder and poster roll.
Having been a convention goer for many years now, I learned after my first con that you need a safe and easy way for carrying your signed items. Bring some kind of binder or folder that will leave pictures and other items dry and straight, packed with extra clear covers and slips. I will say it again, you never quite know who you will run into on the convention floor, or who you may have the opportunity to take a picture with.
Here is a picture of my folder... organized by tv show.
Finally, a list of recommended items in your backpack:
- Extra camera batteries and memory cards. (especially if you are like me and take over 100 pictures at every panel.)
- Bottle of water
- Bottle of some type of caffeine (every coffee and soda addicted attendee will need sustenance)
- sunscreen
- sunglasses or a hat
- cash
- Phone #'s of everyone in your group. You will get separated.
- snacks
- iPod or something else to entertain you while you are in line.
- convention folder
- cameras (I carry four cameras each year. All perfect depending on the situation)
I hope this helps some of you along. If not, well then, you will learn. Just like me. I attended my very first Comic Con by myself, not knowing of anyone else that was going, and I survived. So will you. It's not as scary as it seems... most of the time.
Comic-Con: An experience fit for a coffee table
The best kind of purchase is the one where you have no idea the item exists.
That is what happened to me last week at Borders. I had a 40 percent off coupon and $5 in Borders Bucks burning a whole in my pocket. After spending a good 20 minutes looking for something to buy, I settled on the trade paperback for "Flash: Rebirth."
As I turned to head to the register something caught my eye. The words "Comic-Con" in bright yellow type.
Like a moth to the flame I went straight for it.
That's when I realized this was no ordinary Comic-Con book. It was a book about Morgan Spurlock and Joss Whedon's Comic-Con film.
I dropped that "Flash" book faster... well, really fast.
Originally priced at $24.99, with the coupon and Borders Bucks I walked out of there with it for only $9.69.
And you wonder why this is happening.
OK, first off with this book: Much like with Comic-Con itself, this book is not for the normal everyday person. Filled with photos of people dressed up like their favorite characters and stories about favorite Comic-Con moments, this book is directed at a single audience. People that love Comic-Con.
But, it's not cheaply done. Spurlock, known for making "Super Size Me," goes after quotes from industry heavyweights like Grant Morrison, Nathan Fillion, Stan Lee and Guillermo Del Toro.
And that is only naming a few. There are a ton of recognizable faces in here.
That is also true of some of the cosplayers. Many people I saw walking around the show floor last year made it into the book including Christopher Schauman and his awesome "Saw" related costume and Jeffrey C. Roberts and his creepy Darkseid outfit.
Seeing the awesome photography of the costumes is great, but the stories are what drive this book.
For the introduction of the Day One chapter, Spurlock writes: "The first day of Comic-Con is the closest thing to Christmas morning that you'll ever experience as an adult. The excitement, the wonder, the anticipation... you have no idea what's inside, but you can't wait to rip it open to find out."
Some of the stories are hilarious, like this gem from G4 host Morgan Webb: "The craziest things you see here are women dressed up in very strange and revealing outfits. And you know it's from a comic book or an anime or a video game, but you can't quite place it, and all you know is that girl forgot her pants."
Obviously this book is just a warmup to the documentary, which at this second does not have a release date.
So, maybe releasing the book so close to Comic-Con wasn't the best idea. I would have split the book's release and the film's release so that they don't overlap Comic-Con. Many people attending this year might not drop the money, because they are about to see the real thing and need to save the money to buy a "Green Lantern" shirt or meet John Barrowman.
Not that Stephanie and I try to do those things every year...
That is what happened to me last week at Borders. I had a 40 percent off coupon and $5 in Borders Bucks burning a whole in my pocket. After spending a good 20 minutes looking for something to buy, I settled on the trade paperback for "Flash: Rebirth."
As I turned to head to the register something caught my eye. The words "Comic-Con" in bright yellow type.
Like a moth to the flame I went straight for it.
That's when I realized this was no ordinary Comic-Con book. It was a book about Morgan Spurlock and Joss Whedon's Comic-Con film.
I dropped that "Flash" book faster... well, really fast.
Originally priced at $24.99, with the coupon and Borders Bucks I walked out of there with it for only $9.69.
And you wonder why this is happening.
OK, first off with this book: Much like with Comic-Con itself, this book is not for the normal everyday person. Filled with photos of people dressed up like their favorite characters and stories about favorite Comic-Con moments, this book is directed at a single audience. People that love Comic-Con.
But, it's not cheaply done. Spurlock, known for making "Super Size Me," goes after quotes from industry heavyweights like Grant Morrison, Nathan Fillion, Stan Lee and Guillermo Del Toro.
And that is only naming a few. There are a ton of recognizable faces in here.
That is also true of some of the cosplayers. Many people I saw walking around the show floor last year made it into the book including Christopher Schauman and his awesome "Saw" related costume and Jeffrey C. Roberts and his creepy Darkseid outfit.
Seeing the awesome photography of the costumes is great, but the stories are what drive this book.
For the introduction of the Day One chapter, Spurlock writes: "The first day of Comic-Con is the closest thing to Christmas morning that you'll ever experience as an adult. The excitement, the wonder, the anticipation... you have no idea what's inside, but you can't wait to rip it open to find out."
Some of the stories are hilarious, like this gem from G4 host Morgan Webb: "The craziest things you see here are women dressed up in very strange and revealing outfits. And you know it's from a comic book or an anime or a video game, but you can't quite place it, and all you know is that girl forgot her pants."
Obviously this book is just a warmup to the documentary, which at this second does not have a release date.
So, maybe releasing the book so close to Comic-Con wasn't the best idea. I would have split the book's release and the film's release so that they don't overlap Comic-Con. Many people attending this year might not drop the money, because they are about to see the real thing and need to save the money to buy a "Green Lantern" shirt or meet John Barrowman.
Not that Stephanie and I try to do those things every year...
ABC Family's original movie 'Cyberbully'
The new movie Cyberbully premiered on ABC Family tonight, and I just thought it deserved a little review because of the important subject matter.
Although they may not be the best movies made in the world, I have always enjoyed ABC Family's original movies because of the subjects that they approach. Cyberbully centers around one teenage girl and how dangerous and harmful bullying over the internet can become.
As a member of a number of social networks on the internet, I have been on the end of a number of bullying situations. Whether it was because of something I said, how I look, or fandoms that I am part of. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten centered out for being a fan of the rock band My Chemical Romance, whom many call a suicide band. Let's just say that being called a "death obsessed cutter" never goes down well in the MCRmy... So yeah, I've been there, and it's not fun. And this is a very important matter to confront, especially since both my and the younger generations practically live on the internet.
Emily Osment did a fabulous job portraying the emotionally damaged teenager that learns how to stand up against bullying after quite a roller coaster getting caught trying to commit suicide. Yes, I even cried.
If you didn't catch the premiere tonight, I'm sure ABC Family will be airing it again soon, and it will be released on DVD. Don't miss it. I personally think it's a film that everyone who is a member of Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and every other social networking website should watch. Whether the bullied or bully, this is a subject matter that needs to be confronted. Right now, there are only 34 states in this country that have laws against bullying minors online, and a film like this can change that.
I can do nothing but give ABC Family a huge high five for this one. Cyberbully is one of the best TV movies that I have seen in a long time.
Friday, July 15, 2011
'Harry Potter' shatters the midnight record
How much money Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 would make from midnight showings was at the top of the conversation list during my 13 hours in line yesterday.
I was completely positive that it would break the record Eclipse made with $30 million, but even I didn't expect it to be not only shattered, but completely obliterated. $43.5 million is more money than most movies make in one weekend. There is no doubt it will break the opening day record held my New Moon with $72 million, but how much will it make in one weekend?
The current weekend box office record is held by The Dark Knight with $158.4 million. As many records as this franchise has already broken, I can see this final installment setting unbelievable highs that may take a long time to break. Harry Potter has been a worldwide phenomena for the last decade, not to be replaced so easily. If it can shatter weekend records, will it have a chance in catching the top 3 on the all time box office? Being released not only in 2D, but also 3D format gives it a advantage over The Dark Knight and Titanic. Avatar's $760 million is still miles and miles away. However, don't count out Harry Potter's deathly loyal fans just yet. I know I won't settle seeing this movie in theaters just once, and neither will others.
More videos from Japan
I've still got a ton of videos left to upload from my recent trip to Japan.
Here are a few more, with some of my favorite moments:
Here are a few more, with some of my favorite moments:
Thursday, July 14, 2011
2011 Emmy nominations: First impressions
The Emmys are seen as the award show that changes the least from year to year. Generally the same shows are nominated until they go off the air. However, a surge in quality and some scheduling changes have led to a new crop of shows being nominated this year.
Among those new shows is "Game of Thrones," which was nominated for 13 awards, including Peter Dinklage for supporting actor in a drama. "Thrones" was also nominated for outstanding writing for the episode "Baelor," costuming, casting, makeup, prosthetic makeup, hairstyling, main titles, stunts, sound editing, stunt coordinating, visual effects and directing.
It's nice to see the Emmys recognizing a high concept fantasy drama, as it's the kind of show they usually ignore.
Another great drama finally getting nominated is "Justified." Timothy Olyphant, Walton Goggins, Jeremy Davies and Margo Martindale are all contenders in the acting categories. Though it wasn't nominated in the oustanding drama series category, this is still a big step for "Justified."
Olyphant will be competing for lead actor in a drama against Kyle Chandler from "Friday Night Lights." His co-star Connie Britton is also nominated, as is the show, which has been exceptional in its final season. Perhaps if the Emmys had recognized the show sooner, it would have gotten higher ratings and stayed on the air.

Outstanding miniseries/movie is always a competitive category and this year is no different. HBO has three nominees with "Cinema Verite," "Mildred Pierce," and "Too Big to Fail," up against "The Pillars of the Earth" and PBS' "Downton Abbey." Dame Maggie Smith and Elizabeth McGovern are also nominated for supporting and lead actress in a miniseries/movie respectively. Viewers who haven't yet seen this gorgeously produced British drama about the goings on among a wealthy family and its staff should Netflix it right now.
Though the comedy categories didn't see much change from last year, "Parks and Recreation" and its star Amy Poheler were both recognized.
It was also a nice surprise to see "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" get nominated for variety, music or comedy series. This show has consistently gotten better since it premiered, so it's great that it was recognized. Late night hashtags, thank you notes, pros & cons and Jimmy's unique interviews are some of the funniest bits on TV.

It's nice to see the Emmys recognizing a high concept fantasy drama, as it's the kind of show they usually ignore.
Another great drama finally getting nominated is "Justified." Timothy Olyphant, Walton Goggins, Jeremy Davies and Margo Martindale are all contenders in the acting categories. Though it wasn't nominated in the oustanding drama series category, this is still a big step for "Justified."

In the reality/competiton program categories "So You Think You Can Dance" was finally nominated against "American Idol," "Dancing With the Stars," "Top Chef," "Project Runway" and perennial winner "The Amazing Race." The dance competiton's charming host Cat Deeley was also finally nominated for reality/competition host alongside Tom Bergeron, Jeff Probst, Phil Keoghan and Ryan Seacrest.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows' trailer
Robert Downey Jr. has really reinvented his career. From "Iron Man" to "Tropic Thunder" to "Sherlock Holmes." his variety of projects is astounding. Now he returns as Holmes in the sequel to the 2009 hit.
Also back are Jude Law as Watson, Eddie Marsan as Inspector Lestrade and Kelly Reilly as Mary Morstan. While the first film was fun, the sequel was made infinitely better with the announcement that Stephen Fry would play Sherlock's brother Mycroft Holmes.
This time around Sherlock gets pulled into a battle of wits with his arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty. He and Watson are aided or hampered (it's not quite clear) by a mysterious fortune teller, portrayed by Noomi Rapace.
Also back are Jude Law as Watson, Eddie Marsan as Inspector Lestrade and Kelly Reilly as Mary Morstan. While the first film was fun, the sequel was made infinitely better with the announcement that Stephen Fry would play Sherlock's brother Mycroft Holmes.
This time around Sherlock gets pulled into a battle of wits with his arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty. He and Watson are aided or hampered (it's not quite clear) by a mysterious fortune teller, portrayed by Noomi Rapace.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The return of 'Eureka' and 'Warehouse 13,' plus the debut of 'Alphas'

"Eureka" picked up where it left off, with Jack and Allison now officially a couple and still stuck in the new timeline with Henry, Fargo and Jo. The episode opened with the almost marriage of Deputy Andy, hilariously played by Kavan Smith, and S.A.R.A.H. Only in Eureka would the wedding of two artificial lifeforms be a big event.
In "Liftoff," Fargo and Zane are stuck in a old rocket when it accidentally takes off. This of course leads to a town endangering adventure, that can't be solved until the last minute.
For a town populated with the smartest people in the world, they seem to put the world in jeopardy an awful lot. As great as the show is, it can become predictable that every week there's a huge scientific catastrophe that is fixed by Jack's simple common sense.
After some of the usual "Eureka" improvising, the day is saved. However, Zane may have found out the secret about the altered timeline.
There was a subplot about Jack and Allison balancing their work relationship with their personal one, but it was resolved by the end of the hour. It's not that it wasn't a good storyline, it's that they've been close for years and this has never been a problem before. It felt forced and not up to "Eureka's" smart standards.
All in all, it was a fun start to season 4.5, plus it was nice to see everyone again. It felt like reuniting with old friends. Next week Jack taking care of Allison's kids should be hilarious.
Steve can't lie, so he doesn't buy any of the usual excuses for the odd goings on. This leads to a mysterious surprise visit from Mrs. Frederic and an invitation to join the warehouse. While the assignment involved an ordinary lost Shakespeare folio, it was enough to get Myka involved and led to her eventual return to the team.
The side story featured Artie, Claudia and Leena trying to keep statues of Zeus and Hera from blowing everything up. It was a bit of a disappointment to see Leena back, as she's the most pointless character on the show.
On the plus side there was more Claudia, which is awesome since Alison Scagliotti is the best and she has cool hair. She and Pete would have made really fun partners.
The standout moments of this episode came from the instant chemistry between Pete and Steve. Pete kept calling him Jinksy and complained when he didn't laugh at his jokes. Though it was an opposites-attract situation, the partnership worked great and it'll be interesting to see how they use Steve now that Myka is back.
The show follows a group of people with special powers who use them to track down bad guys. If it sounds familiar, it's because it is. See "X-Men," "Heroes," "Mutant X," "The 4400" and every other story about a group of super-powered humans.
However, all those shows had something to make them stand out, whereas "Alphas" is very ordinary.
The characters are predictable and a little uninteresting. The one stand out is Callum Keith Rennie as a mysterious police liaison. Whenever he showed up things got momentarily interesting, but then went back to boring when he left.
There was a meh story about an assassin with superhuman aim, who turns out to be mind-controlled. The team finds him, kills the bad guy and the assassin joins the them. All this happens in a very predictable manner. This could be fixed if it weren't for the lack of chemistry amongst the main characters.
With all the money Syfy spent on marketing, you think they could have spent some on making the show better.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tim's look at 2011 movies (so far)
Instead of doing a "Best of 2011: So far" edition, I thought I would just give a look at my rankings of all of the films I have seen this year.
I have seen 14 movies (although, I did see "Green Lantern" twice) and here is how I have them ranked from first to last:
1. "Super 8"
2. "Thor"
3. "Green Lantern"
4. "Take Me Home Tonight"
5. "The Adjustment Bureau"
6. "Larry Crowne"
7. "The Hangover Part II"
8. "Paul"
9. "Bridesmaids"
10. "The Lincoln Lawyer"
11. "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"
12. "Horrible Bosses"
13. "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"
14. "X-Men: First Class"
There is still a lot more to come and I'm sure this list will change dramatically. Although it's going to be hard to dethrone both "Super 8" and "X-Men: First Class" as the year's best and worst films.
But, that's all part of the fun now isn't it?
I have seen 14 movies (although, I did see "Green Lantern" twice) and here is how I have them ranked from first to last:
1. "Super 8"
2. "Thor"
3. "Green Lantern"
4. "Take Me Home Tonight"
5. "The Adjustment Bureau"
6. "Larry Crowne"
7. "The Hangover Part II"
8. "Paul"
9. "Bridesmaids"
10. "The Lincoln Lawyer"
11. "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"
12. "Horrible Bosses"
13. "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"
14. "X-Men: First Class"
There is still a lot more to come and I'm sure this list will change dramatically. Although it's going to be hard to dethrone both "Super 8" and "X-Men: First Class" as the year's best and worst films.
But, that's all part of the fun now isn't it?
Friday, July 8, 2011
'Torchwood: Miracle Day:' First impressions
"Torchwood: Miracle Day" begins in gruesome fashion, depicting the execution of Oswald Danes (Bill Pullman) and Rex Matheson's (Mekhi Phifer) shocking car crash.
Fortunately for them, people on Earth have stopped dying, so they catch a break. It doesn't take long for CIA agent Matheson and his assistant Esther Drummond (Alexa Havins) to figure out that this so called miracle is connected to Torchwood.
Remaining Torchwood team member Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) is living in hiding in a small coastal village in Wales. It's clear she's bored out of her mind, but she's still alert, as evidenced in a funny scene where some tourists ask for directions and she and Rhys are armed to the teeth.
Rhys (Kai Owen) is fed up with all things Torchwood and loving the quiet life. However, they are quickly called back into action when they find out about miracle day.
Meanwhile, Esther continues investigating and eventually runs into the man himself, Capt. Jack Harkness. Jack is just as gorgeous and heroic as always. Unfortunately, the reset of life on Earth has changed him as well, so he is no longer immortal.
One of the great things about Russell T. Davies writing is that he doesn't waste a lot of time getting into the story. It becomes clear very quickly that this situation is dire.
For newcomers, the plot makes it relatively easy to jump in, as some Torchwood backstory is explained. However, long time fans will appreciate the inside references that play up the show's history.
What makes "Torchwood" work is the ambiguous morality it deals with. It's never black and white, everything takes place in shades of gray.
While the first episode is fast paced, it does take too long for Jack to show up on screen, and even longer for him to reunite with Gwen. When they finally do meet up, it leads to a classic "Torchwood" action chase that culminates in Gwen using a rocket launcher.
The show is at its best when the original characters are on screen together, It will definitely take a few episodes for the new cast to feel like real team members. Long time fans can't help but wonder how Toshiko, Owen and Ianto would have handled the situation.
It is unclear what role Danes will play in the overall story, since the controversial character only appears in three scenes. Davies has stated that the character becomes more important going forward, so fans will have to reserve judgment on that one.
While not as attention grabbing as "Day One" of "Children of Earth," the opening of "Miracle Day" has enough familiar "Torchwood" goings on, to keep die-hards and newbies interested.
Fortunately for them, people on Earth have stopped dying, so they catch a break. It doesn't take long for CIA agent Matheson and his assistant Esther Drummond (Alexa Havins) to figure out that this so called miracle is connected to Torchwood.
Remaining Torchwood team member Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) is living in hiding in a small coastal village in Wales. It's clear she's bored out of her mind, but she's still alert, as evidenced in a funny scene where some tourists ask for directions and she and Rhys are armed to the teeth.
Rhys (Kai Owen) is fed up with all things Torchwood and loving the quiet life. However, they are quickly called back into action when they find out about miracle day.
Meanwhile, Esther continues investigating and eventually runs into the man himself, Capt. Jack Harkness. Jack is just as gorgeous and heroic as always. Unfortunately, the reset of life on Earth has changed him as well, so he is no longer immortal.
One of the great things about Russell T. Davies writing is that he doesn't waste a lot of time getting into the story. It becomes clear very quickly that this situation is dire.
For newcomers, the plot makes it relatively easy to jump in, as some Torchwood backstory is explained. However, long time fans will appreciate the inside references that play up the show's history.
What makes "Torchwood" work is the ambiguous morality it deals with. It's never black and white, everything takes place in shades of gray.
While the first episode is fast paced, it does take too long for Jack to show up on screen, and even longer for him to reunite with Gwen. When they finally do meet up, it leads to a classic "Torchwood" action chase that culminates in Gwen using a rocket launcher.
The show is at its best when the original characters are on screen together, It will definitely take a few episodes for the new cast to feel like real team members. Long time fans can't help but wonder how Toshiko, Owen and Ianto would have handled the situation.
It is unclear what role Danes will play in the overall story, since the controversial character only appears in three scenes. Davies has stated that the character becomes more important going forward, so fans will have to reserve judgment on that one.
While not as attention grabbing as "Day One" of "Children of Earth," the opening of "Miracle Day" has enough familiar "Torchwood" goings on, to keep die-hards and newbies interested.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2' livestream from London
I know I wasn't the only one that tuned into the livestream of the ABSOLUTE FINAL EVER Harry Potter movie premiere.
In fact, considering all the distress that Twitter and Tumblr seemed to be going through all morning, I'm betting only about 10% of the world didn't tune in.
It's been a few hours since the trio, the producers, director, and J.K. Rowling gave their final speeches, and I still have no ability to come up with the right words to put in this post.
All I know is that these books and movies have helped define a generation of kids, a generation of fantasy fans, and a generation of film like no franchise has ever done before. Although I am looking forward to this film, at the same time, the closer it comes to July 15th, the more depressed I become.
I always hate when my favorite franchises come to an end. I did it with Buffy and Angel. I did it with Lord of the Rings. With Stargate. And now with Harry Potter. Although, there is something so epically different saying goodbye to this franchise more than any other. Whether it's because it's lasted for 13 years, or because it's been a part of me for the last 11, there is something extremely painful in watching it all finally come to an end.
However, I will only echo the words that J.K. Rowling said today in Trafalgar Square. Although there may be no more books and no more movies to this story, it never really will end. "No story lives unless someone wants to listen... The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
No, I didn't cry...it was just raining on my face.
Here are the videos for the finale speeches from Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe and J.K. Rowling.
'Torchwood' week: Everything you ever wanted to know about Captain Jack Harkness
Captain Jack Harkness is a former time agent who becomes a con man after the agency erases two years of his life.
He meets up with The Doctor in the "Doctor Who" episode "The Empty Child" and continues to travel with The Doctor through "The Parting of the Ways." During the Dalek battle of "The Parting of the Ways" Jack is killed, then brought back to life with the power of the time vortex.
While looking for The Doctor, he becomes trapped in the late 19th century and gets involved with Torchwood, working for them until he takes over.
He later shows up in the 21st century as the leader of Torchwood, a secret government team that fights aliens and monitors a rift in time and space. With Torchwood he is able to use his knowledge and experience to help people, something he wouldn't have done in the old days.
He reveals to new team member Gwen Cooper that he can't die. Apparently, Rose couldn't control the time vortex and brought him back forever. Coming back to life isn't easy, in fact it is sometimes very painful.
Jack grew up in the 51st century on the Boeshane Peninsula with his parents and younger brother Gray. Sadly, Gray was lost during an alien attack and Jack has blamed himself for years. It is the cause of most of his self destructive behavior.
When Gray returns for revenge, Jack accepts his punishment of being buried alive, dying over and over as penance for losing Gray when they were young. This is the vulnerable side that Jack doesn't show very many people.
Jack continues to travel with The Doctor, accompanying him to save the world, fight The Master and a Dalek invasion. As great as he is as the leader of Torchwood, Jack is always at his best when he's with The Doctor.
Captain Jack Harkness is a swashbuckling hero who's not afraid to make tough decisions. He's an omni-sexual flirt who loves life, therefore he'll stop at nothing to protect it. His sacrifices have been many, but he never complains.
He is the reason why The Doctor feels he can leave the Earth. He knows it's in good hands.
He meets up with The Doctor in the "Doctor Who" episode "The Empty Child" and continues to travel with The Doctor through "The Parting of the Ways." During the Dalek battle of "The Parting of the Ways" Jack is killed, then brought back to life with the power of the time vortex.
While looking for The Doctor, he becomes trapped in the late 19th century and gets involved with Torchwood, working for them until he takes over.
He later shows up in the 21st century as the leader of Torchwood, a secret government team that fights aliens and monitors a rift in time and space. With Torchwood he is able to use his knowledge and experience to help people, something he wouldn't have done in the old days.
He reveals to new team member Gwen Cooper that he can't die. Apparently, Rose couldn't control the time vortex and brought him back forever. Coming back to life isn't easy, in fact it is sometimes very painful.
Jack grew up in the 51st century on the Boeshane Peninsula with his parents and younger brother Gray. Sadly, Gray was lost during an alien attack and Jack has blamed himself for years. It is the cause of most of his self destructive behavior.
When Gray returns for revenge, Jack accepts his punishment of being buried alive, dying over and over as penance for losing Gray when they were young. This is the vulnerable side that Jack doesn't show very many people.
Jack continues to travel with The Doctor, accompanying him to save the world, fight The Master and a Dalek invasion. As great as he is as the leader of Torchwood, Jack is always at his best when he's with The Doctor.
Captain Jack Harkness is a swashbuckling hero who's not afraid to make tough decisions. He's an omni-sexual flirt who loves life, therefore he'll stop at nothing to protect it. His sacrifices have been many, but he never complains.
He is the reason why The Doctor feels he can leave the Earth. He knows it's in good hands.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
'Torchwood' week: The team's most pivotal moments
In preparation of the premiere of "Torchwood: Miracle Day," we continue "Torchwood" week with a discussion of the team's most pivotal moments.
These are the scenes that have defined the characters or the team as a whole. These will help newcomers discover important backstory and remind fans why they love the show so much.
"Everything Changes"
The death of Suzie
Suzie Costello is a member of the team who becomes too immersed in the alien world. Her death prompted Jack to invite Gwen to join the team. Her presence continued to loom large over Torchwood, as she returned in the episode "They Keep Killing Suzie." She represented the first major loss of the new Torchwood and reminded them of the internal dangers of their job.
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"
The appearance of Captain John Hart
As a time traveler, Jack is always the smartest person in the room. When his former partner, Captain John Hart, shows up, it presents Jack with a nemesis who can finally challenge him. John's appearance also reveals a little more about Jack's past. Plus it doesn't hurt that John is played by James Marsters.
The team shares its darkest secrets
When an alien changes the team's memories, they must each share a defining moment from their lives to fix things. This scene reveals that even though they work together and spend nearly all their time together, there's still things they don't know about one another.
Martha Jones joins Torchwood
Martha reappears to help out on a case and she and Jack reconnect about the events of "Doctor Who's" season three finale. It's a great reminder of the show's roots and how the universes are always connected.
"Exit Wounds"
Tosh and Owen die
It's arguably the most heartbreaking scene in "Torchwood" history. After a battle with Jack's unstable brother, Tosh and Owen sacrifice themselves saving the city. They were the couple that belonged together, but kept just missing each other. The moment is made even more devastating by the fact that Naoko Mori and John Barrowman have been friends for years. Just watch the look that Jack and Tosh share.
"Children of Earth"
Ianto dies
This is the most controversial scene in "Torchwood" history. While most fans were completely gutted over Ianto's death, it's worth noting that it does serve a purpose. It raises the stakes of how heartbreaking Jack's life is. He's so good at being the swashbuckling hero, it's easy to forget how painful it must be to constantly lose loved ones.
Jack sacrifices his grandson
Following Ianto's death, it becomes clear the only way to defeat the 456, is to use their own methods against them. Unfortunately, that means using a child to send a message and this will likely kill the child. The only child around is Jack's grandson, so he must sacrifice him to save the world.
There wasn't enough space to discuss every great "Torchwood" moment, but this small sampling of the emotional ups and downs of the show will help new viewers understand why Jack and Gwen are so broken.
Next time: Everything you ever wanted to know about Captain Jack Harkness.
These are the scenes that have defined the characters or the team as a whole. These will help newcomers discover important backstory and remind fans why they love the show so much.
"Everything Changes"
The death of Suzie
Suzie Costello is a member of the team who becomes too immersed in the alien world. Her death prompted Jack to invite Gwen to join the team. Her presence continued to loom large over Torchwood, as she returned in the episode "They Keep Killing Suzie." She represented the first major loss of the new Torchwood and reminded them of the internal dangers of their job.
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"
The appearance of Captain John Hart
As a time traveler, Jack is always the smartest person in the room. When his former partner, Captain John Hart, shows up, it presents Jack with a nemesis who can finally challenge him. John's appearance also reveals a little more about Jack's past. Plus it doesn't hurt that John is played by James Marsters.
The team shares its darkest secrets
When an alien changes the team's memories, they must each share a defining moment from their lives to fix things. This scene reveals that even though they work together and spend nearly all their time together, there's still things they don't know about one another.
Martha Jones joins Torchwood
Martha reappears to help out on a case and she and Jack reconnect about the events of "Doctor Who's" season three finale. It's a great reminder of the show's roots and how the universes are always connected.
"Exit Wounds"
Tosh and Owen die
It's arguably the most heartbreaking scene in "Torchwood" history. After a battle with Jack's unstable brother, Tosh and Owen sacrifice themselves saving the city. They were the couple that belonged together, but kept just missing each other. The moment is made even more devastating by the fact that Naoko Mori and John Barrowman have been friends for years. Just watch the look that Jack and Tosh share.
"Children of Earth"
Ianto dies
This is the most controversial scene in "Torchwood" history. While most fans were completely gutted over Ianto's death, it's worth noting that it does serve a purpose. It raises the stakes of how heartbreaking Jack's life is. He's so good at being the swashbuckling hero, it's easy to forget how painful it must be to constantly lose loved ones.
Jack sacrifices his grandson
Following Ianto's death, it becomes clear the only way to defeat the 456, is to use their own methods against them. Unfortunately, that means using a child to send a message and this will likely kill the child. The only child around is Jack's grandson, so he must sacrifice him to save the world.
There wasn't enough space to discuss every great "Torchwood" moment, but this small sampling of the emotional ups and downs of the show will help new viewers understand why Jack and Gwen are so broken.
Next time: Everything you ever wanted to know about Captain Jack Harkness.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Dark Horse at Comic Con 2011 Teasers: Cast

The email that has everyone puzzled at the moment is this one that I and hundreds of other got from Dark Horse this afternoon. And all that was in the message, was this picture.
I have no idea what it is, and it seems no one else does either. But they have my interested peaked high enough to definitely check out their booth on preview night at 7:30 pm.
'Torchwood' week: Important questions answered
With this week's return of the fantastic British sci-fi series "Torchwood," it's time to help newcomers jump in on the fourth season by answering some crucial "Torchwood" questions.
What is "Torchwood?"
The Torchwood Institute is a top secret government organization that investigates all things alien. It was based in Cardiff, Wales sittting on top of a rift in time and space.
Over the years its makeup has changed, however, recently it consisted of a small group of specialists, headed by former time agent Captain Jack Harkness.
Who is Captain Jack?
Captain Jack Harkness is a former 51st century time agent turned con man, whose life was changed when he began travelling with The Doctor. During a battle with the Daleks, Jack became immortal. When he tried to find The Doctor, his vortex manipulator burned out and he was stuck on Earth 100 years early. He began working for Torchwood, eventually taking over new year's eve 1999.
Despite the fact that much of Jack's past has been revealed, he is still a mystery, with an ever evolving history.
It is also worth noting that Jack is an omni-sexual flirt. He is attracted to men, women, aliens, basically any available species. He has fallen in love several times over the years, but his immortality makes it difficult for him to ever truly commit and often results in broken hearts for he and his lovers.
Who is Gwen Cooper?
Former Wales police officer Gwen Cooper stumbles onto Torchwood during a routine murder investigation. She ends up joining the team, challenging them to care about how the alien problems they fight effect humanity.
Gwen started out naive and uninformed, but has developed into a kickass action heroine. With the deaths of Owen, Toshiko and Ianto, she and Jack are the last of Torchwood.
Though she and Jack care deeply for one another, she is devoted to her husband Rhys. Her work with Torchwood has challenged their marriage, but recently he has become a real team member. At the start of "Miracle Day" she and Rhys have a baby girl.
Where is Torchwood now?
Following the devastating events of "Children of Earth," Jack fled Earth and Gwen went into hiding. Torchwood is now a myth, a mysterious legend that exists as an internet rumor.
That covers the basics that will get any newcomer started. Next up: pivotal moments in "Torchwood" history.
What is "Torchwood?"
The Torchwood Institute is a top secret government organization that investigates all things alien. It was based in Cardiff, Wales sittting on top of a rift in time and space.
Over the years its makeup has changed, however, recently it consisted of a small group of specialists, headed by former time agent Captain Jack Harkness.
Who is Captain Jack?
Captain Jack Harkness is a former 51st century time agent turned con man, whose life was changed when he began travelling with The Doctor. During a battle with the Daleks, Jack became immortal. When he tried to find The Doctor, his vortex manipulator burned out and he was stuck on Earth 100 years early. He began working for Torchwood, eventually taking over new year's eve 1999.
Despite the fact that much of Jack's past has been revealed, he is still a mystery, with an ever evolving history.
It is also worth noting that Jack is an omni-sexual flirt. He is attracted to men, women, aliens, basically any available species. He has fallen in love several times over the years, but his immortality makes it difficult for him to ever truly commit and often results in broken hearts for he and his lovers.
Who is Gwen Cooper?
Former Wales police officer Gwen Cooper stumbles onto Torchwood during a routine murder investigation. She ends up joining the team, challenging them to care about how the alien problems they fight effect humanity.
Gwen started out naive and uninformed, but has developed into a kickass action heroine. With the deaths of Owen, Toshiko and Ianto, she and Jack are the last of Torchwood.
Though she and Jack care deeply for one another, she is devoted to her husband Rhys. Her work with Torchwood has challenged their marriage, but recently he has become a real team member. At the start of "Miracle Day" she and Rhys have a baby girl.
Where is Torchwood now?
Following the devastating events of "Children of Earth," Jack fled Earth and Gwen went into hiding. Torchwood is now a myth, a mysterious legend that exists as an internet rumor.
That covers the basics that will get any newcomer started. Next up: pivotal moments in "Torchwood" history.
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